MCP Project Orchestrator

# Containerfile for mcp-project-orchestrator # Use a specific version for better reproducibility FROM python:3.12-slim # Create a non-root user for better security RUN useradd -m mcp-user # Set working directory WORKDIR /app # Copy only requirements first to leverage Docker caching COPY pyproject.toml ./ # Install dependencies in a single layer RUN pip install --no-cache-dir --upgrade pip && \ pip install --no-cache-dir . # Copy the rest of the application COPY . . # Change ownership to non-root user RUN chown -R mcp-user:mcp-user /app # Switch to non-root user USER mcp-user # Expose the MCP server port EXPOSE 8080 # Set environment variable for Python to run in unbuffered mode ENV PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 # Run command with proper signal handling CMD ["python", "-m", "mcp_project_orchestrator.fastmcp"]