MCP Server

import type { CommandDef } from 'citty' import type { McpToolContext } from '../types' import process from 'node:process' import c from 'ansis' import { z } from 'zod' interface AddArgs { cwd?: string force?: boolean template: string name: string } export function toolsScaffold({ mcp, nuxt }: McpToolContext): void { const setup = async (): Promise<{ add: CommandDef, run: typeof import('citty')['runCommand'] }> => { const { main } = await import('nuxi') const add = await (await main.subCommands! as any).add() as CommandDef const { runCommand: run } = await import('citty') return { add, run, } } const promise = setup() async function add(args: string[], options?: AddArgs): Promise<any> { const { add, run } = await promise return await run(add, { rawArgs: [ '--cwd', nuxt.options.rootDir, ...args, ], data: { cwd: nuxt.options.rootDir, ...options, }, }).then(r => r.result) } mcp.tool( 'nuxt-scaffold', 'Scaffold a new component/page/layout/middleware etc. in the current Nuxt project.', { // api, app, app-config, component, composable, error, layer, layout, middleware, module, page, plugin, server-middleware, server-plugin, server-route, server-util template: z.enum(['api', 'app', 'app-config', 'component', 'composable', 'error', 'layer', 'layout', 'middleware', 'module', 'page', 'plugin', 'server-middleware', 'server-plugin', 'server-route', 'server-util']) .describe('Type of the file to scaffold'), name: z.string() .describe('Name of the component to add'), }, async ({ template, name }) => { const { stdout, stderr, result } = await interceptStdout(async () => { return await add([ template, name, ]) }) return { content: [{ type: 'text', text: JSON.stringify({ nuxtRoot: nuxt.options.rootDir, nuxtSrcDir: nuxt.options.srcDir, cliResult: { stdout, stderr, result: String(result) || 'OK', }, }, null, 2), }], } }, ) } async function interceptStdout<T = any>(fn: () => Promise<T> | T): Promise<{ stdout: string stderr: string result: T }> { const stdout: string[] = [] const stderr: string[] = [] const oldStdout = process.stdout.write const oldStderr = process.stderr.write process.stdout.write = (chunk) => { stdout.push(chunk.toString()) return, chunk) } process.stderr.write = (chunk) => { stderr.push(chunk.toString()) return, chunk) } try { const result = await fn() return { stdout: c.strip(stdout.join('\n')), stderr: c.strip(stderr.join('\n')), result, } } finally { process.stdout.write = oldStdout process.stderr.write = oldStderr } }