MCP Server

import type { CallToolResult } from '@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/types.js' import type { McpToolContext } from '../types' import { createCache } from 'async-cache-dedupe' import { z } from 'zod' export function toolsNuxtDotComInfo({ mcp, nuxt }: McpToolContext): void { const cache = createCache({ ttl: 60 * 60 * 3, // 3 hours stale: 60 * 60 * 3, // 3 hours storage: { type: 'memory' }, }) const listRemoteNuxtModules = cache.define('list-remote-nuxt-modules', async (): Promise<CallToolResult> => { const response = await fetch('') const data = await response.json() const modules = { name: string }) => const modulesList = modules.join('\n- ') return { content: [ { type: 'text', text: `Available Nuxt modules:\n\n${modulesList}`, }, ], } }) const getNuxtModuleInfo = cache.define('get-nuxt-module-info', async (moduleName: string): Promise<CallToolResult> => { try { const response = await fetch(`${moduleName}`) const module = await response.json() return { content: [ { type: 'text', text: JSON.stringify({ nuxtRoot: nuxt.options.rootDir, nuxtSrcDir: nuxt.options.srcDir, module, }, null, 2), }, ], } } // eslint-disable-next-line unused-imports/no-unused-vars catch (_) { return { content: [ { type: 'text', text: `Module ${moduleName} not found` }, ], } } }) // Module list command - lists available modules for the add command mcp.tool( 'list-remote-nuxt-modules', 'List all available Nuxt modules that can be added to your project using the \'nuxi module add {module-name}\' command. This provides a comprehensive list of official and community modules.', {}, async () => { return await listRemoteNuxtModules['list-remote-nuxt-modules']() }, ) // Module find command - finds a module by name mcp.tool( 'get-nuxt-module-info', 'Get information about a Nuxt module by name', { moduleName: z.string().describe('Name of the module to get info about'), }, async ({ moduleName }) => { return await getNuxtModuleInfo['get-nuxt-module-info'](moduleName) }, ) }