ArangoDB MCP Server
# ArangoDB MCP Server
This is an implementation of the Model Context Protocol for ArangoDB.
## Overview
To be filled.
## Components
### Resources
### Tools
#### Query Tools
- `readQuery`
- Execute read-only query on the database
- Input:
- `databaseName` (string): The database to query
- `aql` (string): The read-only AQL query to execute
- Returns: Query results as array of objects
- `readWriteQuery`
- Execute query on the database
- Input:
- `databaseName` (string): The database to query
- `aql` (string): The AQL query to execute
- Returns: Query results as array of objects
- `listDatabases`
- List all the databases on the ArangoDB server
- Returns: Array of the databases names
- `listCollections`
- List all the collections in an ArangoDB database
- Input:
- `databaseName` (string): The name of the database
- Returns: Array of objects `{ "name": "<collectionName>" }`
## Usage
To connect to an arangodb instance running on localhost:2434, to the database "account", add the following to your `claude_desktop_config.json`, assuming the path to this project is `/home/yourcoolname/arango-mcp-server`:
"mcpServers": {
"arangodb-account": {
"command": "npx",
"args": [
## Development
Clone the repository.
Install everything.
Setup the dev environment.
Run the watcher.
Edit index.ts.
$ npm install
$ npm run dev:setup
$ npm run dev
Go to http://localhost:5173/ to see the inspector.
## Todo
- [ ] Properly study the spec to see if the current implementation of resources actually make sense (I don't think it does)
- [x] The resource templates make sense
- [ ] Change all the "arango" to "arangodb" (repo name included...)
- [ ] Add back the arangodb password
- [ ] Proper README
- [ ] Tools/resource/etc following the format of the official anthropic stuff
- [ ] Figure out notifications
- [ ] Health checks
- [ ] More tools?
- [ ] Access all the databases running on an arangodb instance
- [ ] Release on npm somehow so it can be used with `npx`
- [ ] `resources/subscribe` and `notifications/resources/list_changed` and `resources/unsubscribe`
- [x] Properly document tools in the readme
- [x] Like on the SQLite MCP client
- [x] `write_query` tool separated from `read_query` -> actually is `readWriteQuery`
- [x] `list_collections` (see `list_tables`)
- [x] Client pool ie one client per database
- [x] Dev environment
- [x] `resources/read` with a template to read any document by database name, collection, id.
- [x] Add username and passwords as parameters of the command