ArangoDB MCP Server

remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.

ArangoDB MCP Server

This is an implementation of the Model Context Protocol for ArangoDB.


To be filled.




Query Tools

  • readQuery
    • Execute read-only query on the database
    • Input:
      • databaseName (string): The database to query
      • aql (string): The read-only AQL query to execute
    • Returns: Query results as array of objects
  • readWriteQuery
    • Execute query on the database
    • Input:
      • databaseName (string): The database to query
      • aql (string): The AQL query to execute
    • Returns: Query results as array of objects
  • listDatabases
    • List all the databases on the ArangoDB server
    • Returns: Array of the databases names
  • listCollections
    • List all the collections in an ArangoDB database
    • Input:
      • databaseName (string): The name of the database
    • Returns: Array of objects { "name": "<collectionName>" }


To connect to an arangodb instance running on localhost:2434, to the database "account", add the following to your claude_desktop_config.json, assuming the path to this project is /home/yourcoolname/arango-mcp-server:

{ "mcpServers": { "arangodb-account": { "command": "npx", "args": [ "-y", "arango-mcp-server", "http://localhost:8529", "root", "root" ] } } }


Clone the repository. Install everything. Setup the dev environment. Run the watcher. Edit index.ts.

$ npm install $ npm run dev:setup $ npm run dev

Go to http://localhost:5173/ to see the inspector.


  • Properly study the spec to see if the current implementation of resources actually make sense (I don't think it does)
    • The resource templates make sense
  • Change all the "arango" to "arangodb" (repo name included...)
  • Add back the arangodb password
  • Proper README
    • Tools/resource/etc following the format of the official anthropic stuff
  • Figure out notifications
  • Health checks
  • More tools?
  • Access all the databases running on an arangodb instance
  • Release on npm somehow so it can be used with npx
  • resources/subscribe and notifications/resources/list_changed and resources/unsubscribe
  • Properly document tools in the readme
  • Like on the SQLite MCP client
    • write_query tool separated from read_query -> actually is readWriteQuery
    • list_collections (see list_tables)
  • Client pool ie one client per database
  • Dev environment
  • resources/read with a template to read any document by database name, collection, id.
  • Add username and passwords as parameters of the command
security - not tested
license - not found
quality - not tested

An implementation of the Model Context Protocol that enables interaction with ArangoDB databases, allowing users to perform queries, list databases and collections through natural language.

  1. Overview
    1. Components
      1. Resources
        1. Tools
          1. Query Tools
        2. Usage
          1. Development
            1. Todo