Fetch MCP Server

remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.


  • Allows converting web content to Markdown format using the fetch_markdown tool, using TurndownService for HTML to Markdown conversion

Fetch MCP Server

This MCP server provides functionality to fetch web content in various formats, including HTML, JSON, plain text, and Markdown.



  • fetch_html
    • Fetch a website and return the content as HTML
    • Input:
      • url (string, required): URL of the website to fetch
      • headers (object, optional): Custom headers to include in the request
    • Returns the raw HTML content of the webpage
  • fetch_json
    • Fetch a JSON file from a URL
    • Input:
      • url (string, required): URL of the JSON to fetch
      • headers (object, optional): Custom headers to include in the request
    • Returns the parsed JSON content
  • fetch_txt
    • Fetch a website and return the content as plain text (no HTML)
    • Input:
      • url (string, required): URL of the website to fetch
      • headers (object, optional): Custom headers to include in the request
    • Returns the text content of the webpage with HTML tags, scripts, and styles removed
  • fetch_markdown
    • Fetch a website and return the content as Markdown
    • Input:
      • url (string, required): URL of the website to fetch
      • headers (object, optional): Custom headers to include in the request
    • Returns the content of the webpage converted to Markdown format


This server does not provide any persistent resources. It's designed to fetch and transform web content on demand.

Getting started

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Install dependencies: npm install
  3. Build the server: npm run build


To use the server, you can run it directly:

npm start

This will start the Fetch MCP Server running on stdio.

Usage with Desktop App

To integrate this server with a desktop app, add the following to your app's server configuration:

{ "mcpServers": { "fetch": { "command": "node", "args": [ "{ABSOLUTE PATH TO FILE HERE}/dist/index.js" ] } } }


  • Fetches web content using modern fetch API
  • Supports custom headers for requests
  • Provides content in multiple formats: HTML, JSON, plain text, and Markdown
  • Uses JSDOM for HTML parsing and text extraction
  • Uses TurndownService for HTML to Markdown conversion


  • Run npm run dev to start the TypeScript compiler in watch mode
  • Use npm test to run the test suite


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

You must be authenticated.

security – no known vulnerabilities
license - not found
quality - confirmed to work

Provides functionality to fetch web content in various formats, including HTML, JSON, plain text, and Markdown.

  1. Components
    1. Tools
    2. Resources
  2. Getting started
    1. Usage
    2. Usage with Desktop App
  3. Features
    1. Development
      1. License