Zanny's Persistent Memory Manager

by zannyonear1h1

local-only server

The server can only run on the client’s local machine because it depends on local resources.


  • Used for version control of the MCP server code, required for deploying to by connecting a Git repository

  • Runtime environment required for the MCP server, used for executing the JavaScript code compiled from TypeScript

  • Package manager used for installing dependencies and running scripts for the MCP server

Zanny's Persistent Memory Manager

A custom MCP (Model Capabilities Provider) server that functions as a persistent memory bank. This TypeScript-based server allows you to store, retrieve, and manage memories with flexible keyword detection and commands.


  • Store Memories: Save any text-based information for later retrieval
  • Retrieve Memories: Search and retrieve stored memories by content or ID
  • Delete Memories: Remove memories when they're no longer needed
  • Smart Keyword Detection: Automatically detect relevant commands in natural language
  • Unlimited Storage: No artificial limits on memory storage size
  • Comprehensive Logging: Detailed logging for troubleshooting and monitoring
  • MCP Compatibility: Full JSON-RPC implementation for deployment


  1. Ensure you have Node.js and npm installed on your system
  2. Install project dependencies:
    npm install
  3. Build the TypeScript project:
    npm run build


Starting the Server

Start the server with:

npm start

The server will begin listening on port 3000 by default.

API Endpoints

REST API (Legacy)

  • GET /health - Check server health
  • POST /api/memories - Store a new memory
  • GET /api/memories - List or search memories
  • GET /api/memories/:id - Retrieve a specific memory
  • DELETE /api/memories/:id - Delete a memory
  • POST /api/detect - Detect trigger keywords in text

JSON-RPC Endpoints (MCP Compatible)

  • POST /tools/list - List available tools
  • POST /tools/call - Call a specific tool

Memory Commands

The MCP server understands natural language commands related to memory management. Examples:

Storing Memories

remember: This is important information I want to store store: The meeting is scheduled for March 15th at 2pm

Retrieving Memories

recall information about meetings remember anything related to schedules

Deleting Memories

delete memory with id 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99 forget id 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99

Listing All Memories

list all memories show all memories

Project Structure

├── dist/ # Compiled JavaScript output ├── logs/ # Log files ├── src/ # TypeScript source code │ ├── config.ts # Server configuration │ ├── index.ts # Entry point │ ├── logger.ts # Logging configuration │ ├── mcpServer.ts # Main MCP server implementation │ └── memoryManager.ts # Memory storage and retrieval ├── package.json # Project dependencies ├── smithery.json # configuration ├── tsconfig.json # TypeScript configuration └── # This file


Configuration is managed in src/config.ts. The main settings include:

  • Server name
  • Server port
  • Memories directory
  • Logger configuration
  • Trigger keywords

Deploying to

This MCP server is compatible with deployments. To deploy:

  1. Make sure your code is in a Git repository
  2. Create a account if you don't have one
  3. Connect your repository to
  4. The included smithery.json file will guide the deployment process


Logs are stored in the logs/ directory. All logs are formatted as JSON to ensure compatibility with the MCP specification.



security - not tested
license - not found
quality - not tested

A custom MCP server that allows storage, retrieval, and management of text-based information with natural language commands and keyword detection.

  1. Features
    1. Installation
      1. Usage
        1. Starting the Server
        2. API Endpoints
        3. Memory Commands
      2. Project Structure
        1. Configuration
          1. Deploying to
            1. Logging
              1. License