Gmail MCP

local-only server

The server can only run on the client’s local machine because it depends on local resources.


  • Allows searching and retrieving emails from a Gmail account, with capabilities to search for specific emails, retrieve full email content, and list recent messages from the inbox.

  • Uses Google Cloud Console for API credentials and OAuth authentication to enable Gmail access.

Gmail MCP

Allow Claude to search and retrieve emails from your Gmail account.


1. Get Google API Credentials

  1. Visit the Google Cloud Console
  2. Create a new project or select an existing one
  3. Enable the Gmail API for your project
    • Navigate to "APIs & Services" > "Library"
    • Search for "Gmail API" and enable it
  4. Create OAuth credentials:
    • Go to "APIs & Services" > "Credentials"
    • Click "Create Credentials" > "OAuth client ID"
    • Select "Desktop application" as the application type
    • Name your client and click "Create"
  5. Download the credentials JSON file
  6. Save it as credentials.json in your project directory

2. Authorize the Application

Run the authorization command to generate your token:

uv run gmail-mcp auth --creds-path credentials.json --token-path token.json

This will open a browser window where you'll need to log in to your Google account and grant the necessary permissions. After authorization, a token.json file will be created in your project directory.

Configuring with Claude

Add the Gmail MCP server to your Claude configuration file:

{ "mcpServers": { "gmail": { "args": [ "--from", "git+", "gmail-mcp" ], "command": "/Users/username/.local/bin/uvx", "env": { "GMAIL_CREDS_PATH": "/Users/username/path/to/gmail-mcp/credentials.json", "GMAIL_TOKEN_PATH": "/Users/username/path/to/gmail-mcp/token.json" } } } }

Make sure to:

  • Replace /Users/username/path/to/gmail-mcp with your actual project path
  • Adjust the command path to your installed uvx executable
  • Provide correct paths to your credentials.json and token.json files

Claude will now have access to the following tools:

1. Search Emails

Search for emails in your Gmail account.

Example prompt: "Search for all emails from"

2. Get Email Content

Retrieve the full content of a specific email.

Example prompt: "Show me the full content of the email with the subject 'Meeting Tomorrow'"

3. List Messages

List recent messages from your Gmail inbox.

Example prompt: "List my 5 most recent emails"

Environment Variables

You can configure the paths to your credentials and token files using environment variables:

  • GMAIL_CREDS_PATH: Path to your credentials.json file
  • GMAIL_TOKEN_PATH: Path to your token.json file

Create a .env file in the project root with these variables for easy configuration.

security - not tested
license - permissive license
quality - not tested

A server that allows Claude to search and retrieve emails from your Gmail account, supporting functions like searching emails, retrieving full content of specific emails, and listing recent messages.

  1. Setup
    1. 1. Get Google API Credentials
    2. 2. Authorize the Application
  2. Configuring with Claude
    1. 1. Search Emails
    2. 2. Get Email Content
    3. 3. List Messages
  3. Environment Variables