
# Contributing to Apple Notifier MCP Server First off, thank you for considering contributing to the Apple Notifier MCP Server! It's people like you that make it a great tool for everyone. ## Code of Conduct This project and everyone participating in it is governed by our code of conduct. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code. ## How Can I Contribute? ### Reporting Bugs Before creating bug reports, please check the existing issues as you might find out that you don't need to create one. When you are creating a bug report, please include as many details as possible: * Use a clear and descriptive title * Describe the exact steps which reproduce the problem * Provide specific examples to demonstrate the steps * Describe the behavior you observed after following the steps * Explain which behavior you expected to see instead and why * Include details about your configuration and environment: * Which version of Node.js are you using? * Which version of macOS are you using? * Which MCP client are you using (Claude Desktop, Cline, etc.)? ### Suggesting Enhancements Enhancement suggestions are tracked as GitHub issues. When creating an enhancement suggestion, please include: * A clear and descriptive title * A detailed description of the proposed functionality * Explain why this enhancement would be useful * List any alternative solutions or features you've considered ### Pull Requests * Fill in the required template * Do not include issue numbers in the PR title * Include screenshots and animated GIFs in your pull request whenever possible * Follow the TypeScript styleguide * Include thoughtfully-worded, well-structured tests (when we implement testing) * Document new code * End all files with a newline ## Development Process 1. Fork the repo and create your branch from `main` 2. Install pnpm if you haven't already: `npm install -g pnpm` 3. Install dependencies: `pnpm install` 4. Make your changes 5. Test your changes thoroughly 6. Ensure the code lints successfully 7. Create a Pull Request ### Styleguides #### Git Commit Messages * Use the present tense ("Add feature" not "Added feature") * Use the imperative mood ("Move cursor to..." not "Moves cursor to...") * Limit the first line to 72 characters or less * Reference issues and pull requests liberally after the first line #### TypeScript Styleguide * Use 2 spaces for indentation * Prefer `const` over `let` * Use meaningful variable names * Add types for parameters and return values * Use async/await over raw promises * Document public methods with JSDoc comments ## Project Structure ``` apple-notifier-mcp/ ├── src/ # Source files │ ├── index.ts # Main MCP server implementation │ ├── notifier.ts # Core notification functionality │ └── types.ts # Type definitions ├── build/ # Compiled files (git ignored) ├── package.json # Project metadata and dependencies └── tsconfig.json # TypeScript configuration ``` ## Setting Up Development Environment 1. Ensure you have Node.js >= 18 installed 2. Install pnpm: `npm install -g pnpm` 3. Clone your fork of the repository 4. Run `pnpm install` to install dependencies 5. Run `pnpm dev` to start in development mode 6. Make your changes 7. Test thoroughly with `pnpm test` 8. Submit a PR ### Available Scripts - `pnpm build` - Build the project - `pnpm start` - Start the MCP server - `pnpm dev` - Start in watch mode for development - `pnpm clean` - Remove build artifacts - `pnpm test` - Run tests (to be implemented) ## CI/CD This project uses GitHub Actions for continuous integration and deployment: ### Continuous Integration - Runs on every push and pull request to `main` - Tests on macOS with Node.js 18.x and 20.x - Builds the project - Runs tests - Verifies osascript functionality - Tests basic notification functionality ### Publishing to NPM To publish a new version: 1. Update version in `package.json` 2. Create and push a new tag: ```bash git tag v1.0.0 # Use appropriate version git push origin v1.0.0 ``` 3. Create a new release on GitHub using the tag 4. The GitHub Action will automatically: - Build the project - Run tests - Publish to NPM ## Support If you encounter any issues or have questions: 1. Check the [Issues]( page 2. Open a new issue if your problem hasn't been reported 3. Provide as much detail as possible, including: - Node.js version - macOS version - Steps to reproduce - Expected vs actual behavior