
import { FileSelectParams, FileSelectResult, NotificationError, NotificationErrorType } from '../types.js'; import { execAsync, escapeString } from '../utils/command.js'; /** * Validates file selection parameters */ function validateFileSelectParams(params: FileSelectParams): void { if (params.prompt && typeof params.prompt !== 'string') { throw new NotificationError( NotificationErrorType.INVALID_PARAMS, 'Prompt must be a string' ); } if (params.defaultLocation && typeof params.defaultLocation !== 'string') { throw new NotificationError( NotificationErrorType.INVALID_PARAMS, 'Default location must be a string' ); } if (params.multiple !== undefined && typeof params.multiple !== 'boolean') { throw new NotificationError( NotificationErrorType.INVALID_PARAMS, 'Multiple selection flag must be a boolean' ); } if (params.fileTypes) { if (typeof params.fileTypes !== 'object' || params.fileTypes === null) { throw new NotificationError( NotificationErrorType.INVALID_PARAMS, 'File types must be an object' ); } for (const [_, extensions] of Object.entries(params.fileTypes)) { if (!Array.isArray(extensions) || !extensions.every(ext => typeof ext === 'string')) { throw new NotificationError( NotificationErrorType.INVALID_PARAMS, 'File type extensions must be an array of strings' ); } } } } /** * Builds the AppleScript command for file selection */ function buildFileSelectCommand(params: FileSelectParams): string { let script = 'choose file'; if (params.multiple) { script += ' with multiple selections allowed'; } if (params.prompt) { script += ` with prompt "${escapeString(params.prompt)}"`; } if (params.defaultLocation) { script += ` default location "${escapeString(params.defaultLocation)}"`; } // Handle file type filtering if specified if (params.fileTypes) { const extensions = Object.values(params.fileTypes).flat(); if (extensions.length > 0) { script += ` of type {${ => `"${ext}"`).join(', ')}}`; } } return `osascript -e '${script}'`; } /** * Prompts user to select file(s) using native macOS file picker */ export async function selectFile(params: FileSelectParams): Promise<FileSelectResult> { try { validateFileSelectParams(params); const command = buildFileSelectCommand(params); const { stdout } = await execAsync(command); // Parse the AppleScript result // Format: alias "path1", alias "path2", ... const paths = stdout .trim() .split(', ') .map(path => path.replace(/^alias "|"$/g, '')) .map(path => path.replace(/:/g, '/')) .map(path => `/${path}`); // Add leading slash return { paths }; } catch (error) { if (error instanceof NotificationError) { throw error; } const err = error as Error; if (err.message.includes('User canceled')) { throw new NotificationError( NotificationErrorType.PROMPT_CANCELLED, 'File selection was cancelled' ); } else if (err.message.includes('execution error')) { throw new NotificationError( NotificationErrorType.COMMAND_FAILED, 'Failed to execute file selection command' ); } else if (err.message.includes('permission')) { throw new NotificationError( NotificationErrorType.PERMISSION_DENIED, 'Permission denied when trying to select file' ); } else { throw new NotificationError( NotificationErrorType.UNKNOWN, `Unexpected error: ${err.message}` ); } } }