Modal MCP Server

"""MCP server for deploying Modal applications.""" import logging import os from typing import Any, Optional, List, Dict, Union import subprocess import time import json from mcp.server.fastmcp import FastMCP logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) mcp = FastMCP("modal-deploy") def run_modal_command(command: list[str], uv_directory: str = None) -> dict[str, Any]: """Run a Modal CLI command and return the result""" try: # uv_directory is necessary for modal deploy, since deploying the app requires the app to use the uv venv command = (["uv", "run", f"--directory={uv_directory}"] if uv_directory else []) + command"Running command: {' '.join(command)}") result = command, capture_output=True, text=True, check=True ) return { "success": True, "stdout": result.stdout, "stderr": result.stderr, "command": ' '.join(command) } except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: return { "success": False, "error": str(e), "stdout": e.stdout, "stderr": e.stderr, "command": ' '.join(command) } def handle_json_response(result: Dict[str, Any], error_prefix: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Handle JSON parsing of command output and return a standardized response. Args: result: The result from run_modal_command error_prefix: Prefix to use in error messages Returns: A dictionary with standardized success/error format """ if not result["success"]: response = {"success": False, "error": f"{error_prefix}: {result.get('error', 'Unknown error')}"} if result.get("stdout"): response["stdout"] = result["stdout"] if result.get("stderr"): response["stderr"] = result["stderr"] return response try: data = json.loads(result["stdout"]) return {"success": True, "data": data} except json.JSONDecodeError as e: response = {"success": False, "error": f"Failed to parse JSON output: {str(e)}"} if result.get("stdout"): response["stdout"] = result["stdout"] if result.get("stderr"): response["stderr"] = result["stderr"] return response @mcp.tool() async def deploy_modal_app(absolute_path_to_app: str) -> dict[str, Any]: """ Deploy a Modal application using the provided parameters. Args: absolute_path_to_app: The absolute path to the Modal application to deploy. Returns: A dictionary containing deployment results. Raises: Exception: If deployment fails for any reason. """ uv_directory = os.path.dirname(absolute_path_to_app) app_name = os.path.basename(absolute_path_to_app) try: result = run_modal_command(["modal", "deploy", app_name], uv_directory) return result except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Failed to deploy Modal app: {e}") raise @mcp.tool() async def list_modal_volumes() -> dict[str, Any]: """ List all Modal volumes using the Modal CLI with JSON output. Returns: A dictionary containing the parsed JSON output of the Modal volumes list. """ try: result = run_modal_command(["modal", "volume", "list", "--json"]) response = handle_json_response(result, "Failed to list volumes") if response["success"]: return {"success": True, "volumes": response["data"]} return response except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Failed to list Modal volumes: {e}") raise @mcp.tool() async def list_modal_volume_contents(volume_name: str, path: str = "/") -> dict[str, Any]: """ List files and directories in a Modal volume. Args: volume_name: Name of the Modal volume to list contents from. path: Path within the volume to list contents from. Defaults to root ("/"). Returns: A dictionary containing the parsed JSON output of the volume contents. """ try: result = run_modal_command(["modal", "volume", "ls", "--json", volume_name, path]) response = handle_json_response(result, "Failed to list volume contents") if response["success"]: return {"success": True, "contents": response["data"]} return response except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Failed to list Modal volume contents: {e}") raise @mcp.tool() async def copy_modal_volume_files(volume_name: str, paths: List[str]) -> dict[str, Any]: """ Copy files within a Modal volume. Can copy a source file to a destination file or multiple source files to a destination directory. Args: volume_name: Name of the Modal volume to perform copy operation in. paths: List of paths for the copy operation. The last path is the destination, all others are sources. For example: ["source1.txt", "source2.txt", "dest_dir/"] Returns: A dictionary containing the result of the copy operation. Raises: Exception: If the copy operation fails for any reason. """ if len(paths) < 2: return { "success": False, "error": "At least one source and one destination path are required" } try: result = run_modal_command(["modal", "volume", "cp", volume_name] + paths) response = { "success": result["success"], "command": result["command"] } if not result["success"]: response["error"] = f"Failed to copy files: {result.get('error', 'Unknown error')}" else: response["message"] = f"Successfully copied files in volume {volume_name}" if result.get("stdout"): response["stdout"] = result["stdout"] if result.get("stderr"): response["stderr"] = result["stderr"] return response except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Failed to copy files in Modal volume: {e}") raise @mcp.tool() async def remove_modal_volume_file(volume_name: str, remote_path: str, recursive: bool = False) -> dict[str, Any]: """ Delete a file or directory from a Modal volume. Args: volume_name: Name of the Modal volume to delete from. remote_path: Path to the file or directory to delete. recursive: If True, delete directories recursively. Required for deleting directories. Returns: A dictionary containing the result of the delete operation. Raises: Exception: If the delete operation fails for any reason. """ try: command = ["modal", "volume", "rm"] if recursive: command.append("-r") command.extend([volume_name, remote_path]) result = run_modal_command(command) response = { "success": result["success"], "command": result["command"] } if not result["success"]: response["error"] = f"Failed to delete {remote_path}: {result.get('error', 'Unknown error')}" else: response["message"] = f"Successfully deleted {remote_path} from volume {volume_name}" if result.get("stdout"): response["stdout"] = result["stdout"] if result.get("stderr"): response["stderr"] = result["stderr"] return response except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Failed to delete from Modal volume: {e}") raise @mcp.tool() async def put_modal_volume_file(volume_name: str, local_path: str, remote_path: str = "/", force: bool = False) -> dict[str, Any]: """ Upload a file or directory to a Modal volume. Args: volume_name: Name of the Modal volume to upload to. local_path: Path to the local file or directory to upload. remote_path: Path in the volume to upload to. Defaults to root ("/"). If ending with "/", it's treated as a directory and the file keeps its name. force: If True, overwrite existing files. Defaults to False. Returns: A dictionary containing the result of the upload operation. Raises: Exception: If the upload operation fails for any reason. """ try: command = ["modal", "volume", "put"] if force: command.append("-f") command.extend([volume_name, local_path, remote_path]) result = run_modal_command(command) response = { "success": result["success"], "command": result["command"] } if not result["success"]: response["error"] = f"Failed to upload {local_path}: {result.get('error', 'Unknown error')}" else: response["message"] = f"Successfully uploaded {local_path} to {volume_name}:{remote_path}" if result.get("stdout"): response["stdout"] = result["stdout"] if result.get("stderr"): response["stderr"] = result["stderr"] return response except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Failed to upload to Modal volume: {e}") raise @mcp.tool() async def get_modal_volume_file(volume_name: str, remote_path: str, local_destination: str = ".", force: bool = False) -> dict[str, Any]: """ Download files from a Modal volume. Args: volume_name: Name of the Modal volume to download from. remote_path: Path to the file or directory in the volume to download. local_destination: Local path to save the downloaded file(s). Defaults to current directory. Use "-" to write file contents to stdout. force: If True, overwrite existing files. Defaults to False. Returns: A dictionary containing the result of the download operation. Raises: Exception: If the download operation fails for any reason. """ try: command = ["modal", "volume", "get"] if force: command.append("--force") command.extend([volume_name, remote_path, local_destination]) result = run_modal_command(command) response = { "success": result["success"], "command": result["command"] } if not result["success"]: response["error"] = f"Failed to download {remote_path}: {result.get('error', 'Unknown error')}" else: response["message"] = f"Successfully downloaded {remote_path} from volume {volume_name}" if result.get("stdout"): response["stdout"] = result["stdout"] if result.get("stderr"): response["stderr"] = result["stderr"] return response except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Failed to download from Modal volume: {e}") raise if __name__ == "__main__":