by scarqin

hybrid server

The server is able to function both locally and remotely, depending on the configuration or use case.


  • Used for environment variable configuration of the MCP-APIKit server

  • Used for repository hosting and cloning the MCP-APIKit project

  • Used for package management in the MCP-APIKit project


MCP-APIKit is a microservice control plane (MCP) server designed specifically for Windsurf IDE integration. It fetches API information from Eolink OpenAPI and provides it to the IDE's MCP client, enabling seamless API integration and management within your development environment.


  • Connects to Eolink OpenAPI to retrieve API specifications
  • Exposes API information as MCP resources
  • Provides tools for API discovery and exploration
  • Supports API testing and integration within Windsurf IDE
  • Implements the Model Context Protocol (MCP) for standardized communication


# Clone the repository git clone cd mcp-apikit # Install dependencies pnpm install # Build the project pnpm run build


Create a .env file in the root directory with the following variables:

EOLINK_API_KEY=your_eolink_api_key EOLINK_BASE_URL= SPACE_ID=your_space_id PROJECT_ID=your_project_id


Starting the Server

pnpm start

The server will start on the port specified in your .env file (default: 3000).


npx @modelcontextprotocol/inspector node dist/index.js

Connecting from Windsurf IDE

pnpm build

In your Windsurf IDE settings, add a new MCP server with the following configuration:

"mcpServers": { "apikit": { "command": "node", "args": [ "/Users/{userName}/Documents/mcp-apikit/dist/index.js" ], "env": {} } }

API Resources

The MCP-APIKit server exposes the following resources:

  • api://projects - List all API projects
  • api://projects/{projectId} - Get details for a specific project
  • api://projects/{projectId}/apis - List all APIs in a project
  • api://projects/{projectId}/apis/{apiId} - Get details for a specific API


The server provides the following tools:

  • search-apis - Search for APIs across all projects
  • test-api - Test an API endpoint with custom parameters
  • import-api - Import an API specification from Eolink to your project


# Run in development mode with hot reloading npm run dev



security - not tested
license - not found
quality - not tested

A microservice control plane server that integrates with Windsurf IDE by fetching API information from Eolink OpenAPI and exposing it as MCP resources, enabling seamless API integration and management in the development environment.

  1. Features
    1. Installation
      1. Configuration
        1. Usage
          1. Starting the Server
          2. Debug
          3. Connecting from Windsurf IDE
        2. API Resources
          1. Tools
            1. Development
              1. License