by sarathsp06
#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Test script for SourceSage knowledge graph storage and project understanding."""
import os
import sys
from sourcesage.mcp_server import SourceSageMcpServer
def test_storage():
"""Test the knowledge graph storage functionality."""
# Create a temporary server instance
server = SourceSageMcpServer()
# Add a test entity
entity_id = server.knowledge.add_entity(
summary="A test entity for storage testing"
print(f"Created test entity with ID: {entity_id}")
# Determine the storage path that would be used by the main function
# First check if XDG_DATA_HOME is set (Linux/Unix standard)
xdg_data_home = os.environ.get("XDG_DATA_HOME")
if xdg_data_home:
base_dir = xdg_data_home
# Fall back to platform-specific standard locations
home_dir = os.path.expanduser("~")
if == "nt": # Windows
base_dir = os.path.join(home_dir, "AppData", "Local")
elif == "posix": # macOS/Linux
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(home_dir, "Library")): # macOS
base_dir = os.path.join(home_dir, "Library", "Application Support")
else: # Linux/Unix
base_dir = os.path.join(home_dir, ".local", "share")
else: # Fallback for other platforms
base_dir = home_dir
storage_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, "sourcesage")
storage_path = os.path.join(storage_dir, "knowledge.json")
print(f"Standard storage path: {storage_path}")
# Save the knowledge graph to the standard location
if not os.path.exists(storage_dir):
os.makedirs(storage_dir, exist_ok=True)
print(f"Created storage directory: {storage_dir}")
success = server.knowledge.save_to_file(storage_path)
if success:
print(f"Successfully saved knowledge graph to: {storage_path}")
print(f"Failed to save knowledge graph to: {storage_path}")
return False
# Create a new server instance and load the knowledge graph
new_server = SourceSageMcpServer(storage_path=storage_path)
# Check if the test entity was loaded
loaded_entities = new_server.knowledge.find_entity("TestEntity")
if loaded_entities:
print(f"Successfully loaded test entity: {loaded_entities[0].name}")
print("Failed to load test entity")
return False
print("Storage test completed successfully!")
return True
def test_project_understanding():
"""Test the project understanding tools."""
# Get the current project path
project_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ".."))
print(f"Using project path: {project_path}")
# Create a server instance
server = SourceSageMcpServer()
# Add test entities with project_path metadata
entities = [
"name": "TestModule",
"entity_type": "module",
"summary": "A test module for project understanding testing",
"language": "python",
"metadata": {"project_path": project_path}
"name": "TestClass",
"entity_type": "class",
"summary": "A test class for project understanding testing",
"language": "python",
"metadata": {"project_path": project_path}
"name": "TestFunction",
"entity_type": "function",
"summary": "A test function for project understanding testing",
"signature": "def test_function(arg1, arg2=None):",
"language": "python",
"metadata": {"project_path": project_path}
entity_ids = {}
for entity_data in entities:
metadata = entity_data.pop("metadata")
entity_id = server.knowledge.add_entity(**entity_data, metadata=metadata)
entity_ids[entity_data["name"]] = entity_id
print(f"Created test entity: {entity_data['name']} with ID: {entity_id}")
# Add a test relation
relation_id = server.knowledge.add_relation(
print(f"Created test relation with ID: {relation_id}")
# Add a test pattern
pattern_id = server.knowledge.add_pattern(
description="A test pattern for project understanding testing",
example="def example(): pass",
metadata={"project_path": project_path}
print(f"Created test pattern with ID: {pattern_id}")
# Add a test style convention
convention_id = server.knowledge.add_style_convention(
description="A test style convention for project understanding testing",
examples=["def example_snake_case(): pass"],
metadata={"project_path": project_path}
print(f"Created test style convention with ID: {convention_id}")
# Create a custom implementation of the project understanding tools for testing
def load_project_understanding(project_path):
"""Test implementation of load_project_understanding."""
# Check if we have any entities related to this project
project_entities = []
for entity in server.knowledge.entities.values():
entity_project = entity.metadata.get("project_path")
if entity_project and os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(entity_project)) == os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(project_path)):
if not project_entities:
return f"No understanding available for project at: {project_path}"
# Count entities by type
entity_types = {}
for entity in project_entities:
entity_types[entity.entity_type] = entity_types.get(entity.entity_type, 0) + 1
# Count relations
project_entity_ids = {entity.entity_id for entity in project_entities}
project_relations = []
for relation in server.knowledge.relations.values():
if relation.from_id in project_entity_ids or relation.to_id in project_entity_ids:
# Format output
output = f"Project Understanding for: {project_path}\n\n"
output += f"Total Entities: {len(project_entities)}\n"
output += f"Total Relations: {len(project_relations)}\n\n"
if entity_types:
output += "Entities by Type:\n"
for entity_type, count in entity_types.items():
output += f"- {entity_type}: {count}\n"
output += "\n"
# List all entities
output += "All Entities:\n"
for entity in sorted(project_entities, key=lambda e:
output += f"- {} ({entity.entity_type}): {entity.summary}\n"
output += "\n"
return output
def dump_project_understanding(project_path, include_observations=False):
"""Test implementation of dump_project_understanding."""
# Check if we have any entities related to this project
project_entities = []
for entity in server.knowledge.entities.values():
entity_project = entity.metadata.get("project_path")
if entity_project and os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(entity_project)) == os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(project_path)):
if not project_entities:
return f"No understanding available for project at: {project_path}"
# Get all relations involving project entities
project_entity_ids = {entity.entity_id for entity in project_entities}
project_relations = []
for relation in server.knowledge.relations.values():
if relation.from_id in project_entity_ids or relation.to_id in project_entity_ids:
# Format output
output = f"Project Understanding for: {project_path}\n\n"
output += f"Total Entities: {len(project_entities)}\n"
output += f"Total Relations: {len(project_relations)}\n\n"
# Group entities by type
entities_by_type = {}
for entity in project_entities:
if entity.entity_type not in entities_by_type:
entities_by_type[entity.entity_type] = []
# Output entities by type
for entity_type, entities in sorted(entities_by_type.items()):
output += f"{entity_type.capitalize()} Entities ({len(entities)}):\n"
for entity in sorted(entities, key=lambda e:
output += f"- {}\n"
output += f" Summary: {entity.summary}\n"
if entity.signature:
output += f" Signature: {entity.signature}\n"
if entity.language:
output += f" Language: {entity.language}\n"
# Include observations if requested
if include_observations and entity.observations:
output += " Observations:\n"
for observation in entity.observations:
output += f" - {observation}\n"
# Include relations
entity_relations = [r for r in project_relations if r.from_id == entity.entity_id]
if entity_relations:
output += " Relations:\n"
for relation in entity_relations:
to_entity = server.knowledge.get_entity(relation.to_id)
if to_entity:
output += f" - {relation.relation_type} -> {} ({to_entity.entity_type})\n"
output += "\n"
output += "\n"
return output
# Test load_project_understanding
print("\nTesting load_project_understanding:")
load_result = load_project_understanding(project_path)
# Test dump_project_understanding
print("\nTesting dump_project_understanding:")
dump_result = dump_project_understanding(project_path, include_observations=True)
# Check if the results contain expected information
success = True
for entity_name in ["TestModule", "TestClass", "TestFunction"]:
if entity_name not in load_result:
print(f"Missing {entity_name} in load_project_understanding result")
success = False
if entity_name not in dump_result:
print(f"Missing {entity_name} in dump_project_understanding result")
success = False
if success:
print("Project understanding tools test completed successfully!")
print("Project understanding tools test failed: missing expected entities in results")
return success
def main():
"""Run all tests."""
print("=== Testing Storage ===")
storage_success = test_storage()
print("\n=== Testing Project Understanding ===")
understanding_success = test_project_understanding()
if storage_success and understanding_success:
print("\nAll tests completed successfully!")
return 0
print("\nSome tests failed!")
return 1
if __name__ == "__main__":