
by sarathsp06

local-only server

The server can only run on the client’s local machine because it depends on local resources.


  • Stores knowledge about code entities, relationships, patterns, and style conventions from a codebase, with support for incremental updates when code changes.

  • Referenced for source code management and contributions, allowing users to clone the repository and submit pull requests.

SourceSage: Efficient Code Memory for LLMs

SourceSage is an MCP (Model Context Protocol) server that efficiently memorizes key aspects of a codebase—logic, style, and standards—while allowing dynamic updates and fast retrieval. It's designed to be language-agnostic, leveraging the LLM's understanding of code across multiple languages.


  • Language Agnostic: Works with any programming language the LLM understands
  • Knowledge Graph Storage: Efficiently stores code entities, relationships, patterns, and style conventions
  • LLM-Driven Analysis: Relies on the LLM to analyze code and provide insights
  • Token-Efficient Storage: Optimizes for minimal token usage while maximizing memory capacity
  • Incremental Updates: Updates knowledge when code changes without redundant storage
  • Fast Retrieval: Enables quick and accurate retrieval of relevant information

How It Works

SourceSage uses a novel approach where:

  1. The LLM analyzes code files (in any language)
  2. The LLM uses MCP tools to register entities, relationships, patterns, and style conventions
  3. SourceSage stores this knowledge in a token-efficient graph structure
  4. The LLM can later query this knowledge when needed

This approach leverages the LLM's inherent language understanding while focusing the MCP server on efficient memory management.


# Clone the repository git clone cd sourcesage # Install the package pip install -e .


Running the MCP Server

# Run the server sourcesage # Or run directly from the repository python -m sourcesage.mcp_server

Connecting to Claude for Desktop

  1. Open Claude for Desktop
  2. Go to Settings > Developer > Edit Config
  3. Add the following to your claude_desktop_config.json:

If you've installed the package:

{ "mcpServers": { "sourcesage": { "command": "sourcesage", "args": [] } } }

If you're running from a local directory without installing:

{ "sourcesage": { "command": "uv", "args": [ "--directory", "/path/to/sourcesage", "run", "" ] }, }
  1. Restart Claude for Desktop

Available Tools

SourceSage provides the following MCP tools:

  1. register_entity: Register a code entity in the knowledge graph
    Input: - name: Name of the entity (e.g., class name, function name) - entity_type: Type of entity (class, function, module, etc.) - summary: Brief description of the entity - signature: Entity signature (optional) - language: Programming language (optional) - observations: List of observations about the entity (optional) - metadata: Additional metadata (optional) Output: Confirmation message with entity ID
  2. register_relationship: Register a relationship between entities
    Input: - from_entity: Name of the source entity - to_entity: Name of the target entity - relationship_type: Type of relationship (calls, inherits, imports, etc.) - metadata: Additional metadata (optional) Output: Confirmation message with relationship ID
  3. register_pattern: Register a code pattern
    Input: - name: Name of the pattern - description: Description of the pattern - language: Programming language (optional) - example: Example code demonstrating the pattern (optional) - metadata: Additional metadata (optional) Output: Confirmation message with pattern ID
  4. register_style_convention: Register a coding style convention
    Input: - name: Name of the convention - description: Description of the convention - language: Programming language (optional) - examples: Example code snippets demonstrating the convention (optional) - metadata: Additional metadata (optional) Output: Confirmation message with convention ID
  5. add_entity_observation: Add an observation to an entity
    Input: - entity_name: Name of the entity - observation: Observation to add Output: Confirmation message
  6. query_entities: Query entities in the knowledge graph
    Input: - entity_type: Filter by entity type (optional) - language: Filter by programming language (optional) - name_pattern: Filter by name pattern (regex, optional) - limit: Maximum number of results to return (optional) Output: List of matching entities
  7. get_entity_details: Get detailed information about an entity
    Input: - entity_name: Name of the entity Output: Detailed information about the entity
  8. query_patterns: Query code patterns in the knowledge graph
    Input: - language: Filter by programming language (optional) - pattern_name: Filter by pattern name (optional) Output: List of matching patterns
  9. query_style_conventions: Query coding style conventions
    Input: - language: Filter by programming language (optional) - convention_name: Filter by convention name (optional) Output: List of matching style conventions
  10. get_knowledge_statistics: Get statistics about the knowledge graph
    Input: None Output: Statistics about the knowledge graph
  11. clear_knowledge: Clear all knowledge from the graph
    Input: None Output: Confirmation message

Example Workflow with Claude

  1. Analyze Code: Ask Claude to analyze your code files
    "Please analyze this Python file and register the key entities and relationships."
  2. Register Entities: Claude will use the register_entity tool to store code entities
    "I'll register the main class in this file."
  3. Register Relationships: Claude will use the register_relationship tool to store relationships
    "I'll register the inheritance relationship between these classes."
  4. Query Knowledge: Later, ask Claude about your codebase
    "What classes are defined in my codebase?" "Show me the details of the User class." "What's the relationship between the User and Profile classes?"
  5. Get Coding Patterns: Ask Claude about coding patterns
    "What design patterns are used in my codebase?" "Show me examples of the Factory pattern in my code."

How It's Different

Unlike traditional code analysis tools, SourceSage:

  1. Leverages LLM Understanding: Uses the LLM's ability to understand code semantics across languages
  2. Stores Semantic Knowledge: Focuses on meaning and relationships, not just syntax
  3. Is Language Agnostic: Works with any programming language the LLM understands
  4. Optimizes for Token Efficiency: Stores knowledge in a way that minimizes token usage
  5. Evolves with LLM Capabilities: As LLMs improve, so does code understanding


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

security - not tested
license - permissive license
quality - not tested

SourceSage is an MCP (Model Context Protocol) server that efficiently memorizes key aspects of a codebase—logic, style, and standards—while allowing dynamic updates and fast retrieval. It's designed to be language-agnostic, leveraging the LLM's understanding of code across multiple languages.

  1. Features
    1. How It Works
      1. Installation
        1. Usage
          1. Running the MCP Server
          2. Connecting to Claude for Desktop
          3. Available Tools
        2. Example Workflow with Claude
          1. How It's Different
            1. Contributing
              1. License