Package Version MCP Server
An MCP server that provides tools for checking latest stable package versions from multiple package registries:
- npm (Node.js/JavaScript)
- PyPI (Python)
- Maven Central (Java)
- Go Proxy (Go)
- Swift Packages (Swift)
- AWS Bedrock (AI Models)
- Docker Hub (Container Images)
- GitHub Container Registry (Container Images)
- GitHub Actions
This server helps LLMs ensure they're recommending up-to-date package versions when writing code.
Installing via Smithery
To install Package Version for Claude Desktop automatically via Smithery:
npx -y @smithery/cli install mcp-package-version --client claude
Configure MCP Settings
Add the following to your MCP settings file:
"mcpServers": {
"package-version": {
"command": "npx",
"args": ["-y", "mcp-package-version"]
If you are behind a corporate proxy which MITMs your traffic, you may need to additionally specify the proxy CA cert bundle:
"mcpServers": {
"package-version": {
"command": "npx",
"args": ["-y", "mcp-package-version"],
"env": {
"NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS": "/path/to/mitm/cert.pem"
- For the Cline VSCode Extension this will be
~/Library/Application Support/Code/User/globalStorage/saoudrizwan.claude-dev/settings/cline_mcp_settings.json
- For Claude Desktop
~/Library/Application\ Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json
- For GoMCP
1. JavaScript/Node.js
Check latest stable versions for npm packages from a package.json dependencies object.
server_name: "package-version",
tool_name: "check_npm_versions",
arguments: {
dependencies: {
"express": "^4.17.1",
"react": "^17.0.2"
2. Python
Check latest stable versions for Python packages from requirements.txt entries.
Check latest stable versions for Python packages from pyproject.toml.
server_name: "package-version",
tool_name: "check_pyproject_versions",
arguments: {
dependencies: {
dependencies: {
"requests": "^2.28.0",
"pandas": ">=1.5.0"
"optional-dependencies": {
"test": {
"pytest": ">=7.0.0"
"dev-dependencies": {
"black": "^22.0.0"
server_name: "package-version",
tool_name: "check_python_versions",
arguments: {
requirements: [
3. Go
Check latest stable versions for Go packages from go.mod.
server_name: "package-version",
tool_name: "check_go_versions",
arguments: {
dependencies: {
module: "",
require: [
path: "",
version: "v1.7.0"
replace: [
old: "",
new: "",
version: "v2.0.0"
4. Java
But seriously, don't write Java in 2025.
Check latest stable versions for Java packages from pom.xml.
server_name: "package-version",
tool_name: "check_maven_versions",
arguments: {
dependencies: [
groupId: "org.springframework.boot",
artifactId: "spring-boot-starter-web",
version: "2.7.0",
scope: "compile"
Check latest stable versions for Java packages from build.gradle.
server_name: "package-version",
tool_name: "check_gradle_versions",
arguments: {
dependencies: [
configuration: "implementation",
group: "",
name: "guava",
version: "31.0-jre"
5. check_package_versions
Bulk check latest stable versions for multiple packages from npm and PyPI.
server_name: "package-version",
tool_name: "check_package_versions",
arguments: {
packages: [
{ name: "react", registry: "npm" },
{ name: "requests", registry: "pypi" },
{ name: "typescript", registry: "npm", currentVersion: "5.0.0" }
6. AWS Bedrock
Search, list, and get information about Amazon Bedrock AI models.
// List all available Bedrock models
server_name: "package-version",
tool_name: "check_bedrock_models",
arguments: {
action: "list"
// Search for specific models
server_name: "package-version",
tool_name: "check_bedrock_models",
arguments: {
action: "search",
query: "claude",
provider: "anthropic"
// Get a specific model by ID
server_name: "package-version",
tool_name: "check_bedrock_models",
arguments: {
action: "get",
modelId: "anthropic.claude-3-sonnet-20240229-v1:0"
Get the latest Claude Sonnet model from Amazon Bedrock (best for coding tasks).
server_name: "package-version",
tool_name: "get_latest_bedrock_model",
arguments: {}
7. Swift
Check latest stable versions for Swift packages in Package.swift.
server_name: "package-version",
tool_name: "check_swift_versions",
arguments: {
dependencies: [
url: "",
version: "1.0.0",
requirement: "from"
url: "",
version: "1.4.0",
requirement: "upToNextMajor"
constraints: {
"": {
majorVersion: 1
8. GitHub Actions
Check latest versions for GitHub Actions.
// Check latest versions for GitHub Actions
server_name: "package-version",
tool_name: "check_github_actions",
arguments: {
actions: [
owner: "actions",
repo: "checkout",
currentVersion: "v3"
owner: "actions",
repo: "setup-node",
currentVersion: "v3"
includeDetails: true // Optional: include published date and URL
9. Docker Container Images
Check available tags for Docker container images from Docker Hub, GitHub Container Registry, or custom registries.
// Check Docker Hub images
server_name: "package-version",
tool_name: "check_docker_tags",
arguments: {
image: "nginx",
limit: 5
// Check GitHub Container Registry images
server_name: "package-version",
tool_name: "check_docker_tags",
arguments: {
image: "",
registry: "ghcr"
// Check custom registry images
server_name: "package-version",
tool_name: "check_docker_tags",
arguments: {
image: "my-image",
registry: "custom",
customRegistry: ""
// Filter tags using regex patterns
server_name: "package-version",
tool_name: "check_docker_tags",
arguments: {
image: "node",
filterTags: ["^18", "^20"],
includeDigest: true
Guidelines for LLMs
When writing code that includes package dependencies, LLMs should:
- Choose the Right Tool for the Job
- Use language-specific tools for detailed dependency management:
for package.jsoncheck_python_versions
for requirements.txtcheck_pyproject_versions
for pyproject.tomlcheck_maven_versions
for pom.xmlcheck_gradle_versions
for build.gradlecheck_go_versions
for go.modcheck_swift_versions
for Package.swift
- Use
for quick bulk checks across npm and PyPI - Use AWS Bedrock tools for AI model information:
to search, list, or get specific model informationget_latest_bedrock_model
to get the latest Claude Sonnet model (best for coding tasks)
- Use GitHub Actions tools:
to find the latest versions of GitHub Actions
- Use Docker container image tools:
to find available tags for Docker images from Docker Hub, GitHub Container Registry, or custom registries
- Always Check Versions Before Writing
- Before writing a package.json or requirements.txt file, use the appropriate tool to check latest versions
- Use the bulk check tool when dealing with multiple packages
- Consider the project's needs when deciding whether to use exact versions or version ranges
- Package.json Best Practices
// Before writing package.json, check versions
const versions = await use_mcp_tool({
server_name: "package-version",
tool_name: "check_package_versions",
arguments: {
packages: [
{ name: "express", registry: "npm" },
{ name: "react", registry: "npm" }
// Use the returned versions in package.json
"dependencies": {
"express": `^${versions.find(p => === 'express').latestVersion}`,
"react": `^${versions.find(p => === 'react').latestVersion}`
- Requirements.txt Best Practices
// Before writing requirements.txt, check versions
const versions = await use_mcp_tool({
server_name: "package-version",
tool_name: "check_package_versions",
arguments: {
packages: [
{ name: "requests", registry: "pypi" },
{ name: "pandas", registry: "pypi" }
// Use the returned versions in requirements.txt
- Version Range Considerations
- For applications: Consider using exact versions (= for Python, no prefix for npm)
- For libraries: Consider using compatible ranges (>= for Python, ^ for npm)
- Always document version choices in comments
- Error Handling
- If version check fails for a package, document it in comments
- Consider falling back to known stable versions if checks fail
- Warn users about any packages that couldn't be verified
Example Integrations
Here's how an LLM should approach creating new projects with different package managers:
Node.js Project
// 1. Check npm package versions
const versions = await use_mcp_tool({
server_name: "package-version",
tool_name: "check_npm_versions",
arguments: {
dependencies: {
"express": "^4.17.1",
"typescript": "~4.5.0"
// 2. Use the versions in package.json
path: "package.json",
content: {
"name": "my-project",
"version": "1.0.0",
"dependencies": {
"express": `^${versions.find(p => === 'express').latestVersion}`,
"typescript": `^${versions.find(p => === 'typescript').latestVersion}`
Python Project with pyproject.toml
// 1. Check Python package versions
const versions = await use_mcp_tool({
server_name: "package-version",
tool_name: "check_pyproject_versions",
arguments: {
dependencies: {
dependencies: {
"requests": "^2.28.0",
"pandas": ">=1.5.0"
"dev-dependencies": {
"pytest": ">=7.0.0"
// 2. Use the versions in pyproject.toml
path: "pyproject.toml",
content: `
name = "my-project"
version = "1.0.0"
dependencies = [
"requests>=${versions.find(p => === 'requests').latestVersion}",
"pandas>=${versions.find(p => === 'pandas').latestVersion}"
test = [
"pytest>=${versions.find(p => === 'pytest (dev)').latestVersion}"
Go Project
// 1. Check Go package versions
const versions = await use_mcp_tool({
server_name: "package-version",
tool_name: "check_go_versions",
arguments: {
dependencies: {
module: "",
require: [
path: "",
version: "v1.7.0"
// 2. Use the versions in go.mod
path: "go.mod",
content: `
go 1.21
require ( ${versions.find(p => === '').latestVersion}
Java Project with Maven
// 1. Check Maven package versions
const versions = await use_mcp_tool({
server_name: "package-version",
tool_name: "check_maven_versions",
arguments: {
dependencies: [
groupId: "org.springframework.boot",
artifactId: "spring-boot-starter-web",
version: "2.7.0"
// 2. Use the versions in pom.xml
path: "pom.xml",
content: `
<version>${versions.find(p => === 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web').latestVersion}</version>
Swift Project
// 1. Check Swift package versions
const versions = await use_mcp_tool({
server_name: "package-version",
tool_name: "check_swift_versions",
arguments: {
dependencies: [
url: "",
version: "1.0.0",
requirement: "from"
// 2. Use the versions in Package.swift
path: "Package.swift",
content: `
// swift-tools-version:5.5
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "MyProject",
products: [
.library(name: "MyProject", targets: ["MyProject"]),
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", from: "${versions.find(p => === 'swift-argument-parser').latestVersion}"),
targets: [
.target(name: "MyProject", dependencies: [.product(name: "ArgumentParser", package: "swift-argument-parser")]),
.testTarget(name: "MyProjectTests", dependencies: ["MyProject"]),
This ensures that new projects always start with the latest stable versions of packages.
Example System Prompt
When writing code that includes package dependencies, you must:
1. Before writing any dependency files, check latest stable versions using the package-version MCP server:
// For Node.js (package.json):
server_name: "package-version",
tool_name: "check_npm_versions",
arguments: {
dependencies: {
"package-name": "version"
// For Python (requirements.txt):
server_name: "package-version",
tool_name: "check_python_versions",
arguments: {
requirements: [
// For Python (pyproject.toml):
server_name: "package-version",
tool_name: "check_pyproject_versions",
arguments: {
dependencies: {
dependencies: {
"package-name": "version"
// For Java Maven (pom.xml):
server_name: "package-version",
tool_name: "check_maven_versions",
arguments: {
dependencies: [
groupId: "group",
artifactId: "artifact",
version: "version"
// For Java Gradle (build.gradle):
server_name: "package-version",
tool_name: "check_gradle_versions",
arguments: {
dependencies: [
configuration: "implementation",
group: "group",
name: "name",
version: "version"
// For Go (go.mod):
server_name: "package-version",
tool_name: "check_go_versions",
arguments: {
dependencies: {
module: "module-name",
require: [
path: "package-path",
version: "version"
// For Swift (Package.swift):
server_name: "package-version",
tool_name: "check_swift_versions",
arguments: {
dependencies: [
url: "",
version: "version",
requirement: "from" // or "upToNextMajor" or "exact"
// For AWS Bedrock models:
server_name: "package-version",
tool_name: "check_bedrock_models",
arguments: {
action: "search",
query: "claude",
provider: "anthropic"
// For getting the latest Claude Sonnet model:
server_name: "package-version",
tool_name: "get_latest_bedrock_model",
arguments: {}
// For GitHub Actions:
server_name: "package-version",
tool_name: "check_github_actions",
arguments: {
actions: [
owner: "owner",
repo: "repo",
currentVersion: "version" // optional
includeDetails: false // optional, default is false
// For Docker container images:
server_name: "package-version",
tool_name: "check_docker_tags",
arguments: {
image: "image-name",
registry: "dockerhub", // or "ghcr" or "custom"
customRegistry: "", // required when registry is "custom"
limit: 10, // optional, default is 10
filterTags: ["regex-pattern"], // optional
includeDigest: false // optional, default is false
2. Use the returned latest versions in your dependency files:
- For applications: Use exact versions
- For libraries: Use compatible ranges
- npm: ^ for minor updates, ~ for patch updates
- Python: >= for compatible versions, == for exact versions
- Java: Use the version directly (Maven/Gradle handle ranges differently)
- Go: Use semantic version prefixes (e.g., v1.2.3)
- Swift: Use from, upToNextMajor, or exact version requirements
- Document any version-specific requirements in comments
3. If version checks fail:
- Document it in comments
- Use known stable versions as fallback
- Consider project requirements and compatibility
Example system prompt for users:
When writing code that includes dependencies, you must check latest stable versions using the package-version MCP server before writing any dependency files (package.json, requirements.txt, pyproject.toml, pom.xml, build.gradle, go.mod, Package.swift). Use exact versions for applications and appropriate version ranges for libraries based on the package manager's conventions. Document any version-specific requirements or failed checks in comments. For AI model information, use the AWS Bedrock tools to search, list, or get specific model details. For GitHub Actions, use the check_github_actions tool to find the latest versions. For Docker container images, use the check_docker_tags tool to find available tags from Docker Hub, GitHub Container Registry, or custom registries.
- Clone and Install Dependencies
git clone
cd mcp-package-version
npm i
- Build the Server
- Development Workflow
- Use
npm run watch
for development to automatically rebuild on changes - Use
npm run build
for production builds
- Release Process
# 1. Make your changes
vim src/your-file.ts
# 2. Commit your changes
git add .
git commit -m "feat: your new feature"
# 3. Run bump command (this will):
# - Update version in package.json
# - Update
# - Commit changes
# - Push to GitHub
npm run bump
# GitHub Actions will then:
# - Create a git tag
# - Create a GitHub release
# - Publish to npm (when triggered manually)
- Manual npm Publishing
# To trigger a manual npm publish
gh workflow run publish.yml
No environment variables are required as this server uses public registries and documentation sites:
- npm registry (
- PyPI (
- Go Proxy (
- Maven Central (
- Swift Packages (GitHub API)
- AWS Bedrock documentation (
- Docker Hub (
- GitHub Container Registry (