MCP Filesystem Server

by safurrier
MIT License
  • Apple
  • Linux
"""MCP Filesystem Server. This module provides a Model Context Protocol server for filesystem operations, allowing Claude and other MCP clients to safely access and manipulate files. """ import json import os import sys from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, List, Optional, Union, Dict from fastmcp import FastMCP, Context from fastmcp.utilities.logging import get_logger from .advanced import AdvancedFileOperations from .operations import FileOperations from .security import PathValidator from .grep import GrepTools logger = get_logger(__name__) def get_allowed_dirs() -> List[Union[str, Path]]: """Get the list of allowed directories from environment or arguments. Returns: List of allowed directory paths """ allowed_dirs = os.environ.get("MCP_ALLOWED_DIRS", "").split(os.pathsep) # Add any command-line arguments as allowed directories if len(sys.argv) > 1: allowed_dirs.extend(sys.argv[1:]) # If no allowed directories specified, use current directory if not allowed_dirs or all(not d for d in allowed_dirs): allowed_dirs = [os.getcwd()] # Cast strings and filter empty strings return [d for d in allowed_dirs if d] # Create component initialization function with caching _components_cache: Dict[str, Any] = {} def get_components() -> Dict[str, Any]: """Initialize and return shared components. Returns cached components if already initialized. Returns: Dictionary with initialized components """ # Return cached components if available if _components_cache: return _components_cache # Initialize components allowed_dirs_typed: List[Union[str, Path]] = get_allowed_dirs() validator = PathValidator(allowed_dirs_typed) operations = FileOperations(validator) advanced = AdvancedFileOperations(validator, operations) grep = GrepTools(validator) # Store in cache _components = { "validator": validator, "operations": operations, "advanced": advanced, "grep": grep, "allowed_dirs": validator.get_allowed_dirs(), } # Update cache _components_cache.update(_components) f"Initialized filesystem components with allowed directories: {validator.get_allowed_dirs()}" ) return _components # Create the FastMCP instance mcp = FastMCP( name="Filesystem MCP Server", instructions="Provides secure access to the filesystem through MCP", dependencies=[], ) @mcp.tool() async def read_file(path: str, ctx: Context, encoding: str = "utf-8") -> str: """Read the complete contents of a file. Args: path: Path to the file encoding: File encoding (default: utf-8) ctx: MCP context Returns: File contents as a string """ try: components = get_components() return await components["operations"].read_file(path, encoding) except Exception as e: return f"Error reading file: {str(e)}" @mcp.tool() async def read_multiple_files( paths: List[str], ctx: Context, encoding: str = "utf-8" ) -> Dict[str, str]: """Read multiple files at once. Args: paths: List of file paths to read encoding: File encoding (default: utf-8) ctx: MCP context Returns: Dictionary mapping file paths to contents or error messages """ try: components = get_components() results = await components["operations"].read_multiple_files(paths, encoding) # Convert exceptions to strings for JSON serialization formatted_results = {} for path, result in results.items(): if isinstance(result, Exception): formatted_results[path] = f"Error: {str(result)}" else: formatted_results[path] = result return formatted_results except Exception as e: return {"error": str(e)} @mcp.tool() async def write_file( path: str, content: str, ctx: Context, encoding: str = "utf-8", create_dirs: bool = False, ) -> str: """Create a new file or overwrite an existing file with new content. Args: path: Path to write to content: Content to write encoding: File encoding (default: utf-8) create_dirs: Whether to create parent directories if they don't exist ctx: MCP context Returns: Success or error message """ try: components = get_components() await components["operations"].write_file(path, content, encoding, create_dirs) return f"Successfully wrote to {path}" except Exception as e: return f"Error writing file: {str(e)}" @mcp.tool() async def create_directory( path: str, ctx: Context, parents: bool = True, exist_ok: bool = True, ) -> str: """Create a new directory or ensure a directory exists. Args: path: Path to the directory parents: Create parent directories if they don't exist exist_ok: Don't raise an error if directory already exists ctx: MCP context Returns: Success or error message """ try: components = get_components() await components["operations"].create_directory(path, parents, exist_ok) return f"Successfully created directory {path}" except Exception as e: return f"Error creating directory: {str(e)}" @mcp.tool() async def list_directory( path: str, ctx: Context, include_hidden: bool = False, pattern: Optional[str] = None, format: str = "text", ) -> str: """Get a detailed listing of files and directories in a path. Args: path: Path to the directory include_hidden: Whether to include hidden files (starting with .) pattern: Optional glob pattern to filter entries format: Output format ('text' or 'json') ctx: MCP context Returns: Formatted directory listing """ try: components = get_components() if format.lower() == "json": entries = await components["operations"].list_directory( path, include_hidden, pattern ) return json.dumps(entries, indent=2) else: return await components["operations"].list_directory_formatted( path, include_hidden, pattern ) except Exception as e: return f"Error listing directory: {str(e)}" @mcp.tool() async def move_file( source: str, destination: str, ctx: Context, overwrite: bool = False, ) -> str: """Move or rename files and directories. Args: source: Source path destination: Destination path overwrite: Whether to overwrite existing destination ctx: MCP context Returns: Success or error message """ try: components = get_components() await components["operations"].move_file(source, destination, overwrite) return f"Successfully moved {source} to {destination}" except Exception as e: return f"Error moving file: {str(e)}" @mcp.tool() async def get_file_info(path: str, ctx: Context, format: str = "text") -> str: """Retrieve detailed metadata about a file or directory. Args: path: Path to the file or directory format: Output format ('text' or 'json') ctx: MCP context Returns: Formatted file information """ try: components = get_components() info = await components["operations"].get_file_info(path) if format.lower() == "json": return json.dumps(info.to_dict(), indent=2) else: return str(info) except Exception as e: return f"Error getting file info: {str(e)}" @mcp.tool() async def list_allowed_directories(ctx: Context) -> str: """Returns the list of directories that this server is allowed to access. Args: ctx: MCP context Returns: List of allowed directories """ components = get_components() allowed_dirs = components["allowed_dirs"] return f"Allowed directories:\n{os.linesep.join(allowed_dirs)}" @mcp.tool() async def edit_file( path: str, edits: List[Dict[str, str]], ctx: Context, encoding: str = "utf-8", dry_run: bool = False, ) -> str: """Make line-based edits to a text file. Args: path: Path to the file edits: List of {oldText, newText} dictionaries encoding: Text encoding (default: utf-8) dry_run: If True, return diff but don't modify file ctx: MCP context Returns: Git-style diff showing changes """ try: components = get_components() return await components["operations"].edit_file(path, edits, encoding, dry_run) except Exception as e: return f"Error editing file: {str(e)}" @mcp.tool() async def head_file( path: str, ctx: Context, lines: int = 10, encoding: str = "utf-8", ) -> str: """Read the first N lines of a text file. Args: path: Path to the file lines: Number of lines to read (default: 10) encoding: Text encoding (default: utf-8) ctx: MCP context Returns: First N lines of the file """ try: components = get_components() content = await components["operations"].head_file(path, lines, encoding) return content except Exception as e: return f"Error reading file: {str(e)}" @mcp.tool() async def tail_file( path: str, ctx: Context, lines: int = 10, encoding: str = "utf-8", ) -> str: """Read the last N lines of a text file. Args: path: Path to the file lines: Number of lines to read (default: 10) encoding: Text encoding (default: utf-8) ctx: MCP context Returns: Last N lines of the file """ try: components = get_components() content = await components["operations"].tail_file(path, lines, encoding) return content except Exception as e: return f"Error reading file: {str(e)}" @mcp.tool() async def search_files( path: str, pattern: str, ctx: Context, recursive: bool = True, exclude_patterns: Optional[List[str]] = None, content_match: Optional[str] = None, max_results: int = 100, format: str = "text", ) -> str: """Recursively search for files and directories matching a pattern. Args: path: Starting directory pattern: Glob pattern to match against filenames recursive: Whether to search subdirectories exclude_patterns: Optional patterns to exclude content_match: Optional text to search within files max_results: Maximum number of results to return format: Output format ('text' or 'json') ctx: MCP context Returns: Search results """ try: components = get_components() results = await components["operations"].search_files( path, pattern, recursive, exclude_patterns, content_match, max_results ) if format.lower() == "json": return json.dumps(results, indent=2) # Format as text if not results: return "No matching files found" lines = [] for item in results: is_dir = item.get("is_directory", False) type_label = "[DIR]" if is_dir else "[FILE]" size = f" ({item['size']:,} bytes)" if not is_dir else "" lines.append(f"{type_label} {item['path']}{size}") return f"Found {len(results)} matching files:\n\n" + "\n".join(lines) except Exception as e: return f"Error searching files: {str(e)}" @mcp.tool() async def directory_tree( path: str, ctx: Context, max_depth: int = 3, include_files: bool = True, pattern: Optional[str] = None, exclude_patterns: Optional[List[str]] = None, format: str = "text", ) -> str: """Get a recursive tree view of files and directories. Args: path: Root directory max_depth: Maximum recursion depth include_files: Whether to include files (not just directories) pattern: Optional glob pattern to filter entries exclude_patterns: Optional patterns to exclude format: Output format ('text' or 'json') ctx: MCP context Returns: Formatted directory tree """ try: components = get_components() if format.lower() == "json": tree = await components["advanced"].directory_tree( path, max_depth, include_files, pattern, exclude_patterns ) return json.dumps(tree, indent=2) else: tree_text = await components["advanced"].directory_tree_formatted( path, max_depth, include_files, pattern, exclude_patterns ) return tree_text except Exception as e: return f"Error creating directory tree: {str(e)}" @mcp.tool() async def calculate_directory_size( path: str, ctx: Context, format: str = "human" ) -> str: """Calculate the total size of a directory recursively. Args: path: Directory path format: Output format ('human', 'bytes', or 'json') ctx: MCP context Returns: Directory size information """ try: components = get_components() size_bytes = await components["advanced"].calculate_directory_size(path) if format.lower() == "bytes": return str(size_bytes) if format.lower() == "json": return json.dumps( { "path": path, "size_bytes": size_bytes, "size_kb": round(size_bytes / 1024, 2), "size_mb": round(size_bytes / (1024 * 1024), 2), "size_gb": round(size_bytes / (1024 * 1024 * 1024), 2), }, indent=2, ) # Human readable format if size_bytes < 1024: return f"Directory size: {size_bytes} bytes" elif size_bytes < 1024 * 1024: return f"Directory size: {size_bytes / 1024:.2f} KB" elif size_bytes < 1024 * 1024 * 1024: return f"Directory size: {size_bytes / (1024 * 1024):.2f} MB" else: return f"Directory size: {size_bytes / (1024 * 1024 * 1024):.2f} GB" except Exception as e: return f"Error calculating directory size: {str(e)}" @mcp.tool() async def find_duplicate_files( path: str, ctx: Context, recursive: bool = True, min_size: int = 1, exclude_patterns: Optional[List[str]] = None, max_files: int = 1000, format: str = "text", ) -> str: """Find duplicate files by comparing file sizes and contents. Args: path: Starting directory recursive: Whether to search subdirectories min_size: Minimum file size to consider (bytes) exclude_patterns: Optional patterns to exclude max_files: Maximum number of files to scan format: Output format ('text' or 'json') ctx: MCP context Returns: Duplicate file information """ try: components = get_components() duplicates = await components["advanced"].find_duplicate_files( path, recursive, min_size, exclude_patterns, max_files ) if format.lower() == "json": return json.dumps(duplicates, indent=2) # Format as text if not duplicates: return "No duplicate files found" lines = [] for file_hash, files in duplicates.items(): lines.append(f"Hash: {file_hash}") for file_path in files: lines.append(f" {file_path}") lines.append("") return f"Found {len(duplicates)} sets of duplicate files:\n\n" + "\n".join( lines ) except Exception as e: return f"Error finding duplicate files: {str(e)}" @mcp.tool() async def compare_files( file1: str, file2: str, ctx: Context, encoding: str = "utf-8", format: str = "text", ) -> str: """Compare two text files and show differences. Args: file1: First file path file2: Second file path encoding: Text encoding (default: utf-8) format: Output format ('text' or 'json') ctx: MCP context Returns: Comparison results """ try: components = get_components() result = await components["advanced"].compare_files(file1, file2, encoding) if format.lower() == "json": return json.dumps(result, indent=2) # Format as text similarity_pct = f"{result['similarity'] * 100:.1f}%" if result["are_identical"]: return "Files are identical (100% similarity)" lines = [ f"Comparing {file1} with {file2}", f"Similarity: {similarity_pct}", f"Lines added: {result['added_lines']}", f"Lines removed: {result['removed_lines']}", "", "Diff:", result["diff"], ] return "\n".join(lines) except Exception as e: return f"Error comparing files: {str(e)}" @mcp.tool() async def find_large_files( path: str, ctx: Context, min_size_mb: float = 100, recursive: bool = True, max_results: int = 100, exclude_patterns: Optional[List[str]] = None, format: str = "text", ) -> str: """Find files larger than the specified size. Args: path: Starting directory min_size_mb: Minimum file size in megabytes recursive: Whether to search subdirectories max_results: Maximum number of results to return exclude_patterns: Optional patterns to exclude format: Output format ('text' or 'json') ctx: MCP context Returns: Large file information """ try: components = get_components() results = await components["advanced"].find_large_files( path, min_size_mb, recursive, max_results, exclude_patterns ) if format.lower() == "json": return json.dumps(results, indent=2) # Format as text if not results: return f"No files larger than {min_size_mb} MB found" lines = [] for file in results: size_mb = file["size"] / (1024 * 1024) lines.append(f"{file['path']} - {size_mb:.2f} MB") return ( f"Found {len(results)} files larger than {min_size_mb} MB:\n\n" + "\n".join(lines) ) except Exception as e: return f"Error finding large files: {str(e)}" @mcp.tool() async def find_empty_directories( path: str, ctx: Context, recursive: bool = True, exclude_patterns: Optional[List[str]] = None, format: str = "text", ) -> str: """Find empty directories. Args: path: Starting directory recursive: Whether to search subdirectories exclude_patterns: Optional patterns to exclude format: Output format ('text' or 'json') ctx: MCP context Returns: Empty directory information """ try: components = get_components() results = await components["advanced"].find_empty_directories( path, recursive, exclude_patterns ) if format.lower() == "json": return json.dumps(results, indent=2) # Format as text if not results: return "No empty directories found" return f"Found {len(results)} empty directories:\n\n" + "\n".join(results) except Exception as e: return f"Error finding empty directories: {str(e)}" @mcp.tool() async def grep_files( path: str, pattern: str, ctx: Context, is_regex: bool = False, case_sensitive: bool = True, whole_word: bool = False, include_patterns: Optional[List[str]] = None, exclude_patterns: Optional[List[str]] = None, context_lines: int = 0, context_before: int = 0, context_after: int = 0, results_offset: int = 0, results_limit: Optional[int] = None, max_results: int = 1000, max_file_size_mb: float = 10, recursive: bool = True, max_depth: Optional[int] = None, count_only: bool = False, format: str = "text", ) -> str: """Search for pattern in files, similar to grep. Args: path: Starting directory or file path pattern: Text or regex pattern to search for is_regex: Whether to treat pattern as regex case_sensitive: Whether search is case sensitive whole_word: Match whole words only include_patterns: Only include files matching these patterns exclude_patterns: Exclude files matching these patterns context_lines: Number of lines to show before AND after matches (like grep -C) context_before: Number of lines to show BEFORE matches (like grep -B) context_after: Number of lines to show AFTER matches (like grep -A) results_offset: Start at Nth match (0-based, for pagination) results_limit: Return at most this many matches (for pagination) max_results: Maximum total matches to find during search max_file_size_mb: Skip files larger than this size recursive: Whether to search subdirectories max_depth: Maximum directory depth to recurse count_only: Only show match counts per file format: Output format ('text' or 'json') ctx: MCP context Returns: Search results """ try: components = get_components() # Fix regex escaping - if is_regex is True, handle backslash escaping pattern_fixed = pattern if is_regex and "\\" in pattern: # For patterns coming from JSON where backslashes are escaped, # we need to convert double backslashes to single backslashes pattern_fixed = pattern.replace("\\\\", "\\") results = await components["grep"].grep_files( path, pattern_fixed, is_regex, case_sensitive, whole_word, include_patterns, exclude_patterns, context_lines, context_before, context_after, max_results, max_file_size_mb, recursive, max_depth, count_only, results_offset=results_offset, results_limit=results_limit, ) if format.lower() == "json": return json.dumps(results.to_dict(), indent=2) else: # Format as text with appropriate options show_line_numbers = True show_file_names = True show_context = context_lines > 0 highlight = True return results.format_text( show_line_numbers=show_line_numbers, show_file_names=show_file_names, count_only=count_only, show_context=show_context, highlight=highlight, ) except Exception as e: return f"Error searching files: {str(e)}" @mcp.tool() async def read_file_lines( path: str, ctx: Context, offset: int = 0, limit: Optional[int] = None, encoding: str = "utf-8", ) -> str: """Read specific lines from a text file. Args: path: Path to the file offset: Line offset (0-based, starts at first line) limit: Maximum number of lines to read (None for all remaining) encoding: Text encoding (default: utf-8) ctx: MCP context Returns: File content and metadata """ try: components = get_components() content, metadata = await components["operations"].read_file_lines( path, offset, limit, encoding ) if not content: last_line_desc = "end" if limit is None else f"offset+{limit}" return f"No content found between offset {offset} and {last_line_desc}" # Calculate display lines (1-based for human readability) display_start = offset + 1 display_end = offset + metadata["lines_read"] header = ( f"File: {path}\n" f"Lines: {display_start} to {display_end} " f"(of {metadata['total_lines']} total)\n" f"----------------------------------------\n" ) return header + content except Exception as e: return f"Error reading file lines: {str(e)}" @mcp.tool() async def edit_file_at_line( path: str, line_edits: List[Dict[str, Any]], ctx: Context, offset: int = 0, limit: Optional[int] = None, relative_line_numbers: bool = False, abort_on_verification_failure: bool = False, encoding: str = "utf-8", dry_run: bool = False, ) -> str: """Edit specific lines in a text file. Args: path: Path to the file line_edits: List of edits to apply. Each edit is a dict with: - line_number: Line number to edit (0-based if relative_line_numbers=True, otherwise 1-based) - action: "replace", "insert_before", "insert_after", "delete" - content: New content for replace/insert operations (optional for delete) - expected_content: (Optional) Expected content of the line being edited for verification offset: Line offset (0-based) to start considering lines limit: Maximum number of lines to consider relative_line_numbers: Whether line numbers in edits are relative to offset abort_on_verification_failure: Whether to abort all edits if any verification fails encoding: Text encoding (default: utf-8) dry_run: If True, returns what would be changed without modifying the file ctx: MCP context Returns: Edit results summary """ try: components = get_components() results = await components["operations"].edit_file_at_line( path, line_edits, offset, limit, relative_line_numbers, abort_on_verification_failure, encoding, dry_run, ) # Format as text summary mode = "Would apply" if dry_run else "Applied" # Check if we had verification failures that prevented editing if "success" in results and not results["success"]: summary = [ f"Failed to edit {results['path']} due to content verification failures:", "", ] if "verification_failures" in results: for failure in results["verification_failures"]: line_num = failure.get("line", "?") action = failure.get("action", "?") summary.append(f"Line {line_num}: {action} - Verification failed") summary.append(f" Expected: {failure.get('expected', '').strip()}") summary.append(f" Actual: {failure.get('actual', '').strip()}") summary.append("") if "message" in results: summary.append(f"Error: {results['message']}") return "\n".join(summary) # Normal success case summary = [ f"{mode} {results['edits_applied']} edits to {results['path']}:", "", ] # Add verification warnings if any if "verification_failures" in results and results["verification_failures"]: summary.append( "Warning: Some content verification checks failed but edits were applied:" ) for failure in results["verification_failures"]: line_num = failure.get("line", "?") summary.append(f" Line {line_num}: Content did not match expected") summary.append("") for change in results["changes"]: line_num = change.get("line", "?") action = change.get("action", "?") orig_line_num = change.get("original_line_number", "") line_info = f"Line {line_num}" if relative_line_numbers and orig_line_num != "": line_info = f"Line {line_num} (relative: {orig_line_num})" if action == "replace": summary.append(f"{line_info}: Replaced") summary.append(f" - {change.get('before', '').strip()}") summary.append(f" + {change.get('after', '').strip()}") elif action == "insert_before": summary.append(f"{line_info}: Inserted before") summary.append(f" + {change.get('content', '').strip()}") elif action == "insert_after": summary.append(f"{line_info}: Inserted after") summary.append(f" + {change.get('content', '').strip()}") elif action == "delete": summary.append(f"{line_info}: Deleted") summary.append(f" - {change.get('content', '').strip()}") if "error" in change: summary.append(f" ! Error: {change['error']}") summary.append("") return "\n".join(summary) except Exception as e: return f"Error editing file: {str(e)}" # Entry point for direct execution if __name__ == "__main__":