MCP Filesystem Server

by safurrier
MIT License
  • Apple
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"""Advanced file operations for MCP filesystem server. This module provides enhanced file operations such as directory tree visualization, file watching, and batch processing capabilities. """ import re from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union import anyio from mcp.server.fastmcp.utilities.logging import get_logger from .operations import FileInfo, FileOperations from .security import PathValidator logger = get_logger(__name__) class DirectoryTreeNode: """Node in a directory tree.""" def __init__(self, path: Path, is_dir: bool = False, depth: int = 0): """Initialize a tree node. Args: path: Path this node represents is_dir: Whether this is a directory depth: Depth in the tree (0 = root) """ self.path = path = or str(path) # Use path string for root self.is_dir = is_dir self.depth = depth self.children: List["DirectoryTreeNode"] = [] def add_child(self, child: "DirectoryTreeNode") -> None: """Add a child node. Args: child: Child node to add """ self.children.append(child) def to_dict(self) -> Dict: """Convert to dictionary representation. Returns: Dictionary representing this node and its children """ result: Dict[str, Union[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]]] = { "name":, "path": str(self.path), "type": "directory" if self.is_dir else "file", } if self.is_dir: result["children"] = [child.to_dict() for child in self.children] return result def format(self, include_files: bool = True, line_prefix: str = "") -> List[str]: """Format this node as text lines. Args: include_files: Whether to include files (not just directories) line_prefix: Prefix for each line (used for recursion) Returns: List of formatted lines """ result: List[str] = [] # Skip files if not requested if not include_files and not self.is_dir: return result # Format this node node_type = "📁" if self.is_dir else "📄" result.append(f"{line_prefix}{node_type} {}") # Format children if self.children: for i, child in enumerate( sorted(self.children, key=lambda x: (not x.is_dir, ): is_last = i == len(self.children) - 1 if is_last: child_prefix = f"{line_prefix}└── " next_prefix = f"{line_prefix} " else: child_prefix = f"{line_prefix}├── " next_prefix = f"{line_prefix}│ " result.extend(child.format(include_files, child_prefix + next_prefix)) return result class AdvancedFileOperations: """Advanced file operations with enhanced capabilities.""" def __init__(self, validator: PathValidator, base_ops: FileOperations): """Initialize with a path validator and base operations. Args: validator: PathValidator for security checks base_ops: Basic FileOperations to build upon """ self.validator = validator self.base_ops = base_ops async def directory_tree( self, root_path: Union[str, Path], max_depth: int = 3, include_files: bool = True, pattern: Optional[str] = None, exclude_patterns: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> Dict: """Build a directory tree structure. Args: root_path: Root directory for the tree max_depth: Maximum depth to traverse include_files: Whether to include files (not just directories) pattern: Optional glob pattern to filter entries exclude_patterns: Optional patterns to exclude Returns: Dictionary representation of the directory tree Raises: ValueError: If root_path is outside allowed directories """ abs_path, allowed = await self.validator.validate_path(root_path) if not allowed: raise ValueError(f"Path outside allowed directories: {root_path}") if not abs_path.is_dir(): raise ValueError(f"Not a directory: {root_path}") # Compile exclude patterns if provided exclude_regexes = [] if exclude_patterns: for exclude in exclude_patterns: try: exclude_regexes.append(re.compile(exclude)) except re.error: logger.warning(f"Invalid exclude pattern: {exclude}") # Create root node root_node = DirectoryTreeNode(abs_path, True, 0) # Build tree recursively await self._build_tree_node( root_node, max_depth, include_files, pattern, exclude_regexes ) return root_node.to_dict() async def directory_tree_formatted( self, root_path: Union[str, Path], max_depth: int = 3, include_files: bool = True, pattern: Optional[str] = None, exclude_patterns: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> str: """Build a formatted directory tree. Args: root_path: Root directory for the tree max_depth: Maximum depth to traverse include_files: Whether to include files (not just directories) pattern: Optional glob pattern to filter entries exclude_patterns: Optional patterns to exclude Returns: Formatted string representation of the directory tree """ abs_path, allowed = await self.validator.validate_path(root_path) if not allowed: raise ValueError(f"Path outside allowed directories: {root_path}") if not abs_path.is_dir(): raise ValueError(f"Not a directory: {root_path}") # Compile exclude patterns if provided exclude_regexes = [] if exclude_patterns: for exclude in exclude_patterns: try: exclude_regexes.append(re.compile(exclude)) except re.error: logger.warning(f"Invalid exclude pattern: {exclude}") # Create root node root_node = DirectoryTreeNode(abs_path, True, 0) # Build tree recursively await self._build_tree_node( root_node, max_depth, include_files, pattern, exclude_regexes ) # Format the tree formatted = root_node.format(include_files) return "\n".join(formatted) async def _build_tree_node( self, node: DirectoryTreeNode, max_depth: int, include_files: bool, pattern: Optional[str], exclude_regexes: List[re.Pattern], ) -> None: """Recursively build a directory tree node. Args: node: Current node to populate max_depth: Maximum depth to traverse include_files: Whether to include files pattern: Optional glob pattern to filter entries exclude_regexes: Compiled regular expressions to exclude """ # Stop if we've reached the maximum depth if node.depth >= max_depth: return try: entries = await anyio.to_thread.run_sync(list, node.path.iterdir()) for entry in entries: # Skip if matched by exclude pattern path_str = str(entry) excluded = False for exclude_re in exclude_regexes: if excluded = True break if excluded: continue # Apply pattern filter if specified if pattern and not entry.match(pattern): continue try: is_dir = entry.is_dir() # Skip files if not requested if not include_files and not is_dir: continue # Create and add the child node child = DirectoryTreeNode(entry, is_dir, node.depth + 1) node.add_child(child) # Recursively build the tree for directories if is_dir: await self._build_tree_node( child, max_depth, include_files, pattern, exclude_regexes ) except (PermissionError, FileNotFoundError): # Skip entries we can't access pass except (PermissionError, FileNotFoundError): # Skip directories we can't access pass async def batch_process_files( self, paths: List[Union[str, Path]], operation: str, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> Dict[str, Union[str, Dict[str, Any], Exception]]: """Process multiple files with the same operation. Args: paths: List of file paths to process operation: Operation to perform (read, write, info, etc.) parameters: Additional parameters for the operation Returns: Dictionary mapping file paths to operation results or exceptions """ if parameters is None: parameters = {} results: Dict[str, Union[str, Dict[str, Any], Exception]] = {} for path in paths: try: str_path = str(path) if operation == "read": encoding = parameters.get("encoding", "utf-8") results[str_path] = await self.base_ops.read_file(path, encoding) elif operation == "info": info = await self.base_ops.get_file_info(path) results[str_path] = info.to_dict() elif operation == "head": lines = parameters.get("lines", 10) encoding = parameters.get("encoding", "utf-8") results[str_path] = await self.base_ops.head_file( path, lines, encoding ) elif operation == "tail": lines = parameters.get("lines", 10) encoding = parameters.get("encoding", "utf-8") results[str_path] = await self.base_ops.tail_file( path, lines, encoding ) else: results[str_path] = ValueError(f"Unknown operation: {operation}") except Exception as e: results[str(path)] = e return results async def calculate_directory_size(self, path: Union[str, Path]) -> int: """Calculate the total size of a directory recursively. Args: path: Directory path Returns: Total size in bytes Raises: ValueError: If path is outside allowed directories """ abs_path, allowed = await self.validator.validate_path(path) if not allowed: raise ValueError(f"Path outside allowed directories: {path}") if not abs_path.is_dir(): raise ValueError(f"Not a directory: {path}") total_size = 0 async def scan_dir(dir_path: Path) -> None: nonlocal total_size try: entries = await anyio.to_thread.run_sync(list, dir_path.iterdir()) for entry in entries: try: if entry.is_file(): total_size += entry.stat().st_size elif entry.is_dir(): # Check if this path is still allowed ( entry_abs, entry_allowed, ) = await self.validator.validate_path(entry) if entry_allowed: await scan_dir(entry) except (PermissionError, FileNotFoundError): # Skip entries we can't access pass except (PermissionError, FileNotFoundError): # Skip directories we can't access pass await scan_dir(abs_path) return total_size async def find_duplicate_files( self, root_path: Union[str, Path], recursive: bool = True, min_size: int = 1, exclude_patterns: Optional[List[str]] = None, max_files: int = 1000, ) -> Dict[str, List[str]]: """Find duplicate files by comparing file sizes and contents. Args: root_path: Starting directory recursive: Whether to search subdirectories min_size: Minimum file size to consider (bytes) exclude_patterns: Optional patterns to exclude max_files: Maximum number of files to scan Returns: Dictionary mapping file hash to list of identical files Raises: ValueError: If root_path is outside allowed directories """ import hashlib abs_path, allowed = await self.validator.validate_path(root_path) if not allowed: raise ValueError(f"Path outside allowed directories: {root_path}") if not abs_path.is_dir(): raise ValueError(f"Not a directory: {root_path}") # Compile exclude patterns if provided exclude_regexes = [] if exclude_patterns: for exclude in exclude_patterns: try: exclude_regexes.append(re.compile(exclude)) except re.error: logger.warning(f"Invalid exclude pattern: {exclude}") # First, group files by size size_groups: Dict[int, List[Path]] = {} files_processed = 0 async def scan_for_sizes(dir_path: Path) -> None: nonlocal files_processed if files_processed >= max_files: return try: entries = await anyio.to_thread.run_sync(list, dir_path.iterdir()) for entry in entries: if files_processed >= max_files: return # Skip if matched by exclude pattern path_str = str(entry) excluded = False for exclude_re in exclude_regexes: if excluded = True break if excluded: continue try: if entry.is_file(): size = entry.stat().st_size if size >= min_size: if size not in size_groups: size_groups[size] = [] size_groups[size].append(entry) files_processed += 1 elif entry.is_dir() and recursive: # Check if this path is still allowed ( entry_abs, entry_allowed, ) = await self.validator.validate_path(entry) if entry_allowed: await scan_for_sizes(entry) except (PermissionError, FileNotFoundError): # Skip entries we can't access pass except (PermissionError, FileNotFoundError): # Skip directories we can't access pass await scan_for_sizes(abs_path) # Now, for each size group with multiple files, compute and compare hashes duplicates: Dict[str, List[str]] = {} for size, files in size_groups.items(): if len(files) < 2: continue # Group files by hash hash_groups: Dict[str, List[Path]] = {} for file_path in files: try: # Compute file hash file_bytes = await anyio.to_thread.run_sync(file_path.read_bytes) file_hash = hashlib.md5(file_bytes).hexdigest() if file_hash not in hash_groups: hash_groups[file_hash] = [] hash_groups[file_hash].append(file_path) except (PermissionError, FileNotFoundError): # Skip files we can't access pass # Add duplicate groups to results for file_hash, hash_files in hash_groups.items(): if len(hash_files) >= 2: duplicates[file_hash] = [str(f) for f in hash_files] return duplicates async def compare_files( self, file1: Union[str, Path], file2: Union[str, Path], encoding: str = "utf-8" ) -> Dict: """Compare two text files and show differences. Args: file1: First file path file2: Second file path encoding: Text encoding (default: utf-8) Returns: Dictionary with comparison results Raises: ValueError: If paths are outside allowed directories """ import difflib path1, allowed1 = await self.validator.validate_path(file1) if not allowed1: raise ValueError(f"Path outside allowed directories: {file1}") path2, allowed2 = await self.validator.validate_path(file2) if not allowed2: raise ValueError(f"Path outside allowed directories: {file2}") try: content1 = await anyio.to_thread.run_sync(path1.read_text, encoding) content2 = await anyio.to_thread.run_sync(path2.read_text, encoding) # Get file names for display name1 = name2 = # Split into lines lines1 = content1.splitlines() lines2 = content2.splitlines() # Calculate differences diff = list( difflib.unified_diff( lines1, lines2, fromfile=name1, tofile=name2, lineterm="" ) ) # Count added, removed, and changed lines added = sum( 1 for line in diff if line.startswith("+") and not line.startswith("+++") ) removed = sum( 1 for line in diff if line.startswith("-") and not line.startswith("---") ) # Calculate similarity ratio matcher = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, content1, content2) similarity = matcher.ratio() return { "diff": "\n".join(diff), "added_lines": added, "removed_lines": removed, "similarity": similarity, "are_identical": content1 == content2, } except FileNotFoundError as e: raise FileNotFoundError(f"File not found: {e}") except PermissionError as e: raise ValueError(f"Permission denied: {e}") except UnicodeDecodeError as e: raise ValueError(f"Cannot decode file as {encoding}: {e}") async def find_large_files( self, root_path: Union[str, Path], min_size_mb: float = 100, recursive: bool = True, max_results: int = 100, exclude_patterns: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> List[Dict]: """Find files larger than the specified size. Args: root_path: Starting directory min_size_mb: Minimum file size in megabytes recursive: Whether to search subdirectories max_results: Maximum number of results to return exclude_patterns: Optional patterns to exclude Returns: List of file information dictionaries for large files Raises: ValueError: If root_path is outside allowed directories """ min_size_bytes = int(min_size_mb * 1024 * 1024) abs_path, allowed = await self.validator.validate_path(root_path) if not allowed: raise ValueError(f"Path outside allowed directories: {root_path}") if not abs_path.is_dir(): raise ValueError(f"Not a directory: {root_path}") # Compile exclude patterns if provided exclude_regexes = [] if exclude_patterns: for exclude in exclude_patterns: try: exclude_regexes.append(re.compile(exclude)) except re.error: logger.warning(f"Invalid exclude pattern: {exclude}") # Find large files results: List[Dict[str, Any]] = [] async def scan_for_large_files(dir_path: Path) -> None: if len(results) >= max_results: return try: entries = await anyio.to_thread.run_sync(list, dir_path.iterdir()) for entry in entries: if len(results) >= max_results: return # Skip if matched by exclude pattern path_str = str(entry) excluded = False for exclude_re in exclude_regexes: if excluded = True break if excluded: continue try: if entry.is_file(): size = entry.stat().st_size if size >= min_size_bytes: info = FileInfo(entry) results.append(info.to_dict()) elif entry.is_dir() and recursive: # Check if this path is still allowed ( entry_abs, entry_allowed, ) = await self.validator.validate_path(entry) if entry_allowed: await scan_for_large_files(entry) except (PermissionError, FileNotFoundError): # Skip entries we can't access pass except (PermissionError, FileNotFoundError): # Skip directories we can't access pass await scan_for_large_files(abs_path) # Sort by size (largest first) return sorted(results, key=lambda x: x["size"], reverse=True) async def find_empty_directories( self, root_path: Union[str, Path], recursive: bool = True, exclude_patterns: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> List[str]: """Find empty directories. Args: root_path: Starting directory recursive: Whether to search subdirectories exclude_patterns: Optional patterns to exclude Returns: List of empty directory paths Raises: ValueError: If root_path is outside allowed directories """ abs_path, allowed = await self.validator.validate_path(root_path) if not allowed: raise ValueError(f"Path outside allowed directories: {root_path}") if not abs_path.is_dir(): raise ValueError(f"Not a directory: {root_path}") # Compile exclude patterns if provided exclude_regexes = [] if exclude_patterns: for exclude in exclude_patterns: try: exclude_regexes.append(re.compile(exclude)) except re.error: logger.warning(f"Invalid exclude pattern: {exclude}") empty_dirs = [] async def scan_for_empty_dirs(dir_path: Path) -> bool: """Scan for empty directories, return True if directory is empty.""" try: entries = await anyio.to_thread.run_sync(list, dir_path.iterdir()) if not entries: # Found an empty directory empty_dirs.append(str(dir_path)) return True # If not recursive, just check if this directory is empty if not recursive: return False # Check if directory is empty after checking all subdirectories is_empty = True for entry in entries: # Skip if matched by exclude pattern path_str = str(entry) excluded = False for exclude_re in exclude_regexes: if excluded = True break if excluded: # Treat excluded entries as if they don't exist continue if entry.is_file(): # Files make the directory non-empty is_empty = False elif entry.is_dir(): # Check if this subdir is allowed entry_abs, entry_allowed = await self.validator.validate_path( entry ) if entry_allowed: # If any subdirectory is non-empty, this directory is non-empty subdir_empty = await scan_for_empty_dirs(entry) if not subdir_empty: is_empty = False if is_empty: empty_dirs.append(str(dir_path)) return is_empty except (PermissionError, FileNotFoundError): # Skip directories we can't access return False await scan_for_empty_dirs(abs_path) return empty_dirs