
by rioriost

remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.


  • Integrates with Apache AGE, a PostgreSQL extension that provides graph database functionality. Enables querying graph data structures, analyzing relationships between nodes, and performing graph operations.

  • Integrates with PostgreSQL databases, specifically with the Apache AGE extension that enables graph database capabilities in PostgreSQL. Allows querying, creating, and managing graph data structures.


Apache AGE MCP Server

Apache AGE™ is a PostgreSQL Graph database compatible with PostgreSQL's distributed assets and leverages graph data structures to analyze and use relationships and patterns in data.

Azure Database for PostgreSQL is a managed database service that is based on the open-source Postgres database engine.

Introducing support for Graph data in Azure Database for PostgreSQL (Preview).

Table of Contents


  • Python 3.13 and above
  • This module runs on psycopg
  • Enable the Apache AGE extension in your Azure Database for PostgreSQL instance. Login Azure Portal, go to 'server parameters' blade, and check 'AGE" on within 'azure.extensions' and 'shared_preload_libraries' parameters. See, above blog post for more information.
  • Load the AGE extension in your PostgreSQL database.
brew install claude

For configuration, see Add the Filesystem MCP Server.


  • with brew
brew tap rioriost/age-mcp-server brew install age-mcp-server
  • with uv
uv init your_project cd your_project uv venv source .venv/bin/activate uv add age-mcp-server
  • with python venv on macOS / Linux
mkdir your_project cd your_project python3 -m venv .venv source .venv/bin/activate python3 -m pip install age-mcp-server
  • with python venv on Windows
mkdir your_project cd your_project python -m venv venv .\venv\Scripts\activate python -m pip install age-mcp-server


  • on macOS claude_desktop_config.json is located in ~/Library/Application Support/Claude/.
  • on Windows You need to create a new claude_desktop_config.json under %APPDATA%\Claude.
  • Homebrew on macOS

Homebrew installs age-mcp-server into $PATH.

{ "mcpServers": { "age-manager": { "command": "age-mcp-server", "args": [ "--pg-con-str", " port=5432 dbname=postgres user=your_username password=your_password", ] } } }
  • uv / Pyhon venv

On macOS:

{ "mcpServers": { "age-manager": { "command": "/Users/your_username/.local/bin/uv", "args": [ "--directory", "/path/to/your_project", "run", "age-mcp-server", "--pg-con-str", " port=5432 dbname=postgres user=your_username password=your_password", ] } } }

On Windows:

{ "mcpServers": { "age-manager": { "command": "C:\\Users\\USER\\.local\\bin\\uv.exe", "args": [ "--directory", "C:\\path\\to\\your_project", "run", "age-mcp-server", "--pg-con-str", " port=5432 dbname=postgres user=your_username password=your_password", ] } } }

After saving claude_desktop_config.json, start Claude Desktop Client.

Write Operations

AGE-MCP-Server prohibits write operations by default for safety. If you want to enable write operations, you can use the --allow-write flag.

{ "mcpServers": { "age-manager": { "command": "age-mcp-server", "args": [ "--pg-con-str", " port=5432 dbname=postgres user=your_username password=your_password", "--allow-write" ] } } }

Release Notes

0.2.3 Release

  • Dependency Update

0.2.2 Release

  • Drop a conditional test of CREATE operation by adding RETURN to the description for write-age-cypher tool.

0.2.1 Release

  • Fix a bug in node/edge creation

0.2.0 Release

  • Add multiple graph support
  • Add graph creation and deletion support
  • Obsolete --graph-name argument

0.1.8 Release

  • Add --allow-write flag

0.1.7 Release

  • Add Windows support

0.1.6 Release

  • Fix parser for RETURN values

0.1.5 Release

  • Draft release

0.1.4 Release

  • Draft release

0.1.3 Release

  • Draft release

0.1.2 Release

  • Draft release

0.1.1 Release

  • Draft release

0.1.0a1 Release

  • Draft release

For More Information


MIT License

security - not tested
license - permissive license
quality - not tested

An MCP server that provides natural language interaction with Apache AGE graph databases, allowing users to query, visualize and manipulate graph data in PostgreSQL through Claude AI.

  1. Table of Contents
    1. Prerequisites
      1. Install
        1. Usage
          1. Write Operations
            1. Release Notes
              1. 0.2.3 Release
              2. 0.2.2 Release
              3. 0.2.1 Release
              4. 0.2.0 Release
              5. 0.1.8 Release
              6. 0.1.7 Release
              7. 0.1.6 Release
              8. 0.1.5 Release
              9. 0.1.4 Release
              10. 0.1.3 Release
              11. 0.1.2 Release
              12. 0.1.1 Release
              13. 0.1.0a1 Release
            2. For More Information
              1. License