MCP Server

by pbteja1998

remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.


  • Enables ingestion of content from Box cloud storage platform into the knowledge base

  • Enables ingestion of content from Dropbox cloud storage platform into the knowledge base

  • Enables ingestion of content from Google Drive cloud storage platform into the knowledge base MCP Server

A Model Context Protocol (MCP) server implementation for the API. This server allows AI models to interact with's knowledge management platform through a standardized interface.


  • Manage namespaces for organizing knowledge
  • Ingest content from various sources (text, URLs, websites, external services)
  • Retrieve, update, and manage documents stored in your knowledge base
  • Perform semantic and hybrid searches against your knowledge base
  • Access document content directly from parsed text URLs
  • Manage connections to external services
  • Default configuration support for seamless AI integration


Running with npx

# Install and run with your API key and tenant ID env SOURCESYNC_API_KEY=your_api_key npx -y sourcesyncai-mcp

Installing via Smithery

To install sourcesyncai-mcp for Claude Desktop automatically via Smithery:

npx -y @smithery/cli install @pbteja1998/sourcesyncai-mcp --client claude

Manual Installation

# Clone the repository git clone cd sourcesyncai-mcp # Install dependencies npm install # Build the project npm run build # Run the server node dist/index.js

Running on Cursor

To configure MCP in Cursor:

  1. Open Cursor Settings
  2. Go to Features > MCP Servers
  3. Click + Add New MCP Server
  4. Enter the following:
    • Name: sourcesyncai-mcp (or your preferred name)
    • Type: command
    • Command: env SOURCESYNCAI_API_KEY=your-api-key npx -y sourcesyncai-mcp

After adding, you can use tools with Cursor's AI features by describing your knowledge management needs.

Running on Windsurf

Add this to your ./codeium/windsurf/model_config.json:

{ "mcpServers": { "sourcesyncai-mcp": { "command": "npx", "args": ["-y", "soucesyncai-mcp"], "env": { "SOURCESYNC_API_KEY": "your_api_key", "SOURCESYNC_NAMESPACE_ID": "your_namespace_id", "SOURCESYNC_TENANT_ID": "your_tenant_id" } } } }

Running on Claude Desktop

To use this MCP server with Claude Desktop:

  1. Locate the Claude Desktop configuration file:
    • macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json
    • Windows: %APPDATA%\Claude\claude_desktop_config.json
    • Linux: ~/.config/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json
  2. Edit the configuration file to add the MCP server:
{ "mcpServers": { "sourcesyncai-mcp": { "command": "npx", "args": ["-y", "sourcesyncai-mcp"], "env": { "SOURCESYNC_API_KEY": "your_api_key", "SOURCESYNC_NAMESPACE_ID": "your_namespace_id", "SOURCESYNC_TENANT_ID": "your_tenant_id" } } } }
  1. Save the configuration file and restart Claude Desktop


Environment Variables


  • SOURCESYNC_API_KEY: Your API key (required)


  • SOURCESYNC_NAMESPACE_ID: Default namespace ID to use for operations
  • SOURCESYNC_TENANT_ID: Your tenant ID (optional)

Configuration Examples

Basic configuration with default values:

export SOURCESYNC_API_KEY=your_api_key export SOURCESYNC_TENANT_ID=your_tenant_id export SOURCESYNC_NAMESPACE_ID=your_namespace_id

Available Tools


  • validate_api_key: Validate a API key
{ "name": "validate_api_key", "arguments": {} }


  • create_namespace: Create a new namespace
  • list_namespaces: List all namespaces
  • get_namespace: Get details of a specific namespace
  • update_namespace: Update a namespace
  • delete_namespace: Delete a namespace
{ "name": "create_namespace", "arguments": { "name": "my-namespace", "fileStorageConfig": { "provider": "S3_COMPATIBLE", "config": { "endpoint": "", "accessKey": "your_access_key", "secretKey": "your_secret_key", "bucket": "your_bucket", "region": "us-east-1" } }, "vectorStorageConfig": { "provider": "PINECONE", "config": { "apiKey": "your_pinecone_api_key", "environment": "your_environment", "index": "your_index" } }, "embeddingModelConfig": { "provider": "OPENAI", "config": { "apiKey": "your_openai_api_key", "model": "text-embedding-3-small" } }, "tenantId": "tenant_XXX" } }
{ "name": "list_namespaces", "arguments": { "tenantId": "tenant_XXX" } }
{ "name": "get_namespace", "arguments": { "namespaceId": "namespace_XXX", "tenantId": "tenant_XXX" } }
{ "name": "update_namespace", "arguments": { "namespaceId": "namespace_XXX", "tenantId": "tenant_XXX", "name": "updated-namespace-name" } }
{ "name": "delete_namespace", "arguments": { "namespaceId": "namespace_XXX", "tenantId": "tenant_XXX" } }

Data Ingestion

  • ingest_text: Ingest text content
  • ingest_urls: Ingest content from URLs
  • ingest_sitemap: Ingest content from a sitemap
  • ingest_website: Ingest content from a website
  • ingest_notion: Ingest content from Notion
  • ingest_google_drive: Ingest content from Google Drive
  • ingest_dropbox: Ingest content from Dropbox
  • ingest_onedrive: Ingest content from OneDrive
  • ingest_box: Ingest content from Box
  • get_ingest_job_run_status: Get the status of an ingestion job run
{ "name": "ingest_text", "arguments": { "namespaceId": "your_namespace_id", "ingestConfig": { "source": "TEXT", "config": { "name": "example-document", "text": "This is an example document for ingestion.", "metadata": { "category": "example", "author": "AI Assistant" } } }, "tenantId": "tenant_XXX" } }
{ "name": "ingest_urls", "arguments": { "namespaceId": "your_namespace_id", "ingestConfig": { "source": "URLS", "config": { "urls": ["", ""], "metadata": { "source": "web", "category": "documentation" } } }, "tenantId": "tenant_XXX" } }
{ "name": "ingest_sitemap", "arguments": { "namespaceId": "your_namespace_id", "ingestConfig": { "source": "SITEMAP", "config": { "url": "", "metadata": { "source": "sitemap", "website": "" } } }, "tenantId": "tenant_XXX" } }
{ "name": "ingest_website", "arguments": { "namespaceId": "your_namespace_id", "ingestConfig": { "source": "WEBSITE", "config": { "url": "", "maxDepth": 3, "maxPages": 100, "metadata": { "source": "website", "domain": "" } } }, "tenantId": "tenant_XXX" } }
{ "name": "ingest_notion", "arguments": { "namespaceId": "your_namespace_id", "ingestConfig": { "source": "NOTION", "config": { "connectionId": "your_notion_connection_id", "metadata": { "source": "notion", "workspace": "My Workspace" } } }, "tenantId": "your_tenant_id" } }
{ "name": "ingest_google_drive", "arguments": { "namespaceId": "your_namespace_id", "ingestConfig": { "source": "GOOGLE_DRIVE", "config": { "connectionId": "connection_XXX", "metadata": { "source": "google_drive", "owner": "" } } }, "tenantId": "tenant_XXX" } }
{ "name": "ingest_dropbox", "arguments": { "namespaceId": "your_namespace_id", "ingestConfig": { "source": "DROPBOX", "config": { "connectionId": "connection_XXX", "metadata": { "source": "dropbox", "account": "" } } }, "tenantId": "tenant_XXX" } }
{ "name": "ingest_onedrive", "arguments": { "namespaceId": "your_namespace_id", "ingestConfig": { "source": "ONEDRIVE", "config": { "connectionId": "connection_XXX", "metadata": { "source": "onedrive", "account": "" } } }, "tenantId": "tenant_XXX" } }
{ "name": "ingest_box", "arguments": { "namespaceId": "your_namespace_id", "ingestConfig": { "source": "BOX", "config": { "connectionId": "connection_XXX", "metadata": { "source": "box", "owner": "" } } }, "tenantId": "tenant_XXX" } }
{ "name": "get_ingest_job_run_status", "arguments": { "namespaceId": "your_namespace_id", "ingestJobRunId": "ingest_job_run_XXX", "tenantId": "tenant_XXX" } }


  • getDocuments: Retrieve documents with optional filters
  • updateDocuments: Update document metadata
  • deleteDocuments: Delete documents
  • resyncDocuments: Resync documents
  • fetchUrlContent: Fetch text content from document URLs
{ "name": "getDocuments", "arguments": { "namespaceId": "namespace_XXX", "tenantId": "tenant_XXX", "filterConfig": { "documentTypes": ["PDF"] }, "includeConfig": { "parsedTextFileUrl": true } } }
{ "name": "updateDocuments", "arguments": { "namespaceId": "namespace_XXX", "tenantId": "tenant_XXX", "documentIds": ["doc_XXX", "doc_YYY"], "filterConfig": { "documentIds": ["doc_XXX", "doc_YYY"] }, "data": { "metadata": { "status": "reviewed", "category": "technical" } } } }
{ "name": "deleteDocuments", "arguments": { "namespaceId": "namespace_XXX", "tenantId": "tenant_XXX", "documentIds": ["doc_XXX", "doc_YYY"], "filterConfig": { "documentIds": ["doc_XXX", "doc_YYY"] } } }
{ "name": "resyncDocuments", "arguments": { "namespaceId": "namespace_XXX", "tenantId": "tenant_XXX", "documentIds": ["doc_XXX", "doc_YYY"], "filterConfig": { "documentIds": ["doc_XXX", "doc_YYY"] } } }
{ "name": "fetchUrlContent", "arguments": { "url": "", "apiKey": "your_api_key", "tenantId": "tenant_XXX" } }
  • semantic_search: Perform semantic search
  • hybrid_search: Perform hybrid search (semantic + keyword)
{ "name": "semantic_search", "arguments": { "namespaceId": "your_namespace_id", "query": "example document", "topK": 5, "tenantId": "tenant_XXX" } }
{ "name": "hybrid_search", "arguments": { "namespaceId": "your_namespace_id", "query": "example document", "topK": 5, "tenantId": "tenant_XXX", "hybridConfig": { "semanticWeight": 0.7, "keywordWeight": 0.3 } } }


  • create_connection: Create a new connection to an external service
  • list_connections: List all connections
  • get_connection: Get details of a specific connection
  • update_connection: Update a connection
  • revoke_connection: Revoke a connection
{ "name": "create_connection", "arguments": { "tenantId": "tenant_XXX", "namespaceId": "namespace_XXX", "name": "My Connection", "connector": "GOOGLE_DRIVE", "clientRedirectUrl": "" } }
{ "name": "list_connections", "arguments": { "tenantId": "tenant_XXX", "namespaceId": "namespace_XXX" } }
{ "name": "get_connection", "arguments": { "tenantId": "tenant_XXX", "namespaceId": "namespace_XXX", "connectionId": "connection_XXX" } }
{ "name": "update_connection", "arguments": { "tenantId": "tenant_XXX", "namespaceId": "namespace_XXX", "connectionId": "connection_XXX", "name": "Updated Connection Name", "clientRedirectUrl": "" } }
{ "name": "revoke_connection", "arguments": { "tenantId": "tenant_XXX", "namespaceId": "namespace_XXX", "connectionId": "connection_XXX" } }

Example Prompts

Here are some example prompts you can use with Claude or Cursor after configuring the MCP server:

  • "Search my SourceSync knowledge base for information about machine learning."
  • "Ingest this article into my SourceSync knowledge base: [URL]"
  • "Create a new namespace in SourceSync for my project documentation."
  • "List all the documents in my SourceSync namespace."
  • "Get the text content of document [document_id] from my SourceSync namespace."


Connection Issues

If you encounter issues connecting the MCP server:

  1. Verify Paths: Ensure all paths in your configuration are absolute paths, not relative.
  2. Check Permissions: Ensure the server file has execution permissions (chmod +x dist/index.js).
  3. Enable Developer Mode: In Claude Desktop, enable Developer Mode and check the MCP Log File.
  4. Test the Server: Run the server directly from the command line:
    node /path/to/sourcesyncai-mcp/dist/index.js
  5. Restart AI Client: After making changes, completely restart Claude Desktop or Cursor.
  6. Check Environment Variables: Ensure all required environment variables are correctly set.

Debug Logging

For detailed logging, add the DEBUG environment variable:


Project Structure

  • src/index.ts: Main entry point and server setup
  • src/schemas.ts: Schema definitions for all tools
  • src/sourcesync.ts: Client for interacting with API
  • src/sourcesync.types.ts: TypeScript type definitions

Building and Testing

# Build the project npm run build # Run tests npm test



Document content retrieval workflow:

  1. First, use getDocuments with includeConfig.parsedTextFileUrl: true to get documents with their content URLs
  2. Extract the URL from the document response
  3. Use fetchUrlContent to retrieve the actual content:
{ "name": "fetchUrlContent", "arguments": { "url": "" } }