
local-only server

The server can only run on the client’s local machine because it depends on local resources.


  • Provides access to the local file system, enabling listing, reading, and modifying files in user-specified directories.

Model Context Protocol Server for filesystem

This Model Context Protocol(MCP) server enables Large Language Models (LLMs) to list, read and modify files from the filesystem.

General Usage

  1. Install jbang
  2. Configure your MCP Client to run the server (see Claude Desktop Config below)

Use the following command to start the server with access to specific paths.

jbang filesystem@quarkiverse/quarkus-mcp-servers ~/code/quarkiverse ~/code/jbang

Claude Desktop Config and mcp-cli

Add this to your claude_desktop_config.json or server_config.json file:

{ "mcpServers": { "filesystem": { "command": "jbang", "args": [ "filesystem@quarkiverse/quarkus-mcp-servers", "[path1]", "[path2]" ] } } }

Native Image/Executable

Using native image, the startup time is almost instant.

You can download the native images from the release page.

Then use the executable for your platform in your MCP client.

Example for MacOS arm64 (M1, M2, etc.):

{ "mcpServers": { "filesystem": { "command": "jbang", "args": [ "mcp-server-filesystem-osx-aarch_64", "[path1]", "[path2]" ] } } }

You can of course also rename the executable to something else, like mcp-server-filesystem if you want.


jbang not found

  • Make sure you have jbang installed and available in your PATH
  • Alternatively, use full path to jbang executable (e.g. /Users/username/.jbang/jbang)

Get more logging

To get more detailed logging you can add the following parameters to the jbang command line:

-Dquarkus.log.file.enable=true -Dquarkus.log.file.path=${user.home}/mcp-server-filesystem.log


jbang -Dquarkus.log.file.enable=true -Dquarkus.log.file.path=${user.home}/mcp-server-filesystem.log filesystem@quarkiverse/quarkus-mcp-servers [path1] [path2] ...

How was this made?

The MCP server uses Quarkus, the Supersonic Subatomic Java Framework and its Model Context Protocol support.

If you want to learn more about Quarkus MCP Server support, please see this blog post and the Quarkus MCP Server extension documentation.

To launch the server it uses jbang to setup Java and run the .jar as transparent as possible. Very similar to how uvx, pipx, npmx and others works; just for Java.

security - not tested
license - permissive license
quality - not tested

browse, list and edit filesystem. Implemented in Java/Quarkus with native image (Fast!) available

  1. General Usage
    1. Claude Desktop Config and mcp-cli
      1. Native Image/Executable
        1. Troubleshooting
        2. How was this made?