
by plapinski

local-only server

The server can only run on the client’s local machine because it depends on local resources.


  • Enables running PHP tests within Docker containers, as shown in the example configuration for running PHPUnit tests

  • Supports integration with Git repositories, required for initial setup by cloning the MCP repository

  • Allows running Make targets from PHP projects, such as the php-cs example in the sample configuration


MCP server for vibe developers that are too busy to run tests and static analysis.


  • You need to have node, npx and tsx installed

How to

  • First, git clone this repo to chosen directory
  • Run npm install
  • Next, open your Cursor settings and add the following MCP config:
{ "mcpServers": { "phpocalypse-mcp": { "command": "npx", "args": ["tsx", "/Absolute/Path/To/PHPocalypse-MCP/src/index.ts", "--config", "/Absolute/Path/To/Your/PHP/Based/Project/phpocalypse-mcp.yaml"] } } }

Make sure the paths are correct!

  • In your PHP project, create phpocalypse-mcp.yaml file

phpocalypse-mcp.yaml config

The structure is straightforward. Define the tools by giving them a name and a command to run.

tools: - name: php-cs-fixer command: make php-cs - name: php-stan command: /vendor/bin/phpstan analyse -c phpstan.neon --memory-limit=-1 - name: tests-unit command: docker compose run --rm php ./vendor/bin/phpunit --testsuite=Unit - name: tests-behat command: task behat -- --no-interaction


  • This MCP is just a proof of concept and it may not work in every case. One thing that will not work for sure is any interactive CLI input. A good example is behat, that - if not run in non-inteartvice mode - will prompt user with a question of whether to generate missing snippets. Make sure that your commands just run and output something meaningful and leave the rest to your favourite LLM.
  • Some bigger outputs are not handler correctly yet. To fix that, try to either use claude-3.7-sonnet or craft your commands to return less.
security - not tested
license - not found
quality - not tested

An MCP server that allows developers working with PHP to run tests and static analysis tools directly through their LLM interface without switching contexts.

  1. Prerequisites
    1. How to
      1. phpocalypse-mcp.yaml config
        1. Caveats