BrowserTools MCP
by oenius
- browser-tools-mcp
- browser-tools-server
- lighthouse
import { Result as LighthouseResult } from "lighthouse";
import { AuditCategory, LighthouseReport } from "./types.js";
import { runLighthouseAudit } from "./index.js";
// === Performance Report Types ===
* Performance-specific report content structure
export interface PerformanceReportContent {
score: number; // Overall score (0-100)
audit_counts: {
// Counts of different audit types
failed: number;
passed: number;
manual: number;
informative: number;
not_applicable: number;
metrics: AIOptimizedMetric[];
opportunities: AIOptimizedOpportunity[];
page_stats?: AIPageStats; // Optional page statistics
prioritized_recommendations?: string[]; // Ordered list of recommendations
* Full performance report implementing the base LighthouseReport interface
export type AIOptimizedPerformanceReport =
// AI-optimized performance metric format
interface AIOptimizedMetric {
id: string; // Short ID like "lcp", "fcp"
score: number | null; // 0-1 score
value_ms: number; // Value in milliseconds
element_type?: string; // For LCP: "image", "text", etc.
element_selector?: string; // DOM selector for the element
element_url?: string; // For images/videos
element_content?: string; // For text content (truncated)
passes_core_web_vital?: boolean; // Whether this metric passes as a Core Web Vital
// AI-optimized opportunity format
interface AIOptimizedOpportunity {
id: string; // Like "render_blocking", "http2"
savings_ms: number; // Time savings in ms
severity?: "critical" | "serious" | "moderate" | "minor"; // Severity classification
resources: Array<{
url: string; // Resource URL
savings_ms?: number; // Individual resource savings
size_kb?: number; // Size in KB
type?: string; // Resource type (js, css, img, etc.)
is_third_party?: boolean; // Whether this is a third-party resource
// Page stats for AI analysis
interface AIPageStats {
total_size_kb: number; // Total page weight in KB
total_requests: number; // Total number of requests
resource_counts: {
// Count by resource type
js: number;
css: number;
img: number;
font: number;
other: number;
third_party_size_kb: number; // Size of third-party resources
main_thread_blocking_time_ms: number; // Time spent blocking the main thread
// This ensures we always include critical issues while limiting less important ones
critical: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, // No limit for critical issues
serious: 15, // Up to 15 items for serious issues
moderate: 10, // Up to 10 items for moderate issues
minor: 3, // Up to 3 items for minor issues
* Performance audit adapted for AI consumption
* This format is optimized for AI agents with:
* - Concise, relevant information without redundant descriptions
* - Key metrics and opportunities clearly structured
* - Only actionable data that an AI can use for recommendations
export async function runPerformanceAudit(
url: string
): Promise<AIOptimizedPerformanceReport> {
try {
const lhr = await runLighthouseAudit(url, [AuditCategory.PERFORMANCE]);
return extractAIOptimizedData(lhr, url);
} catch (error) {
throw new Error(
`Performance audit failed: ${
error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)
* Extract AI-optimized performance data from Lighthouse results
const extractAIOptimizedData = (
lhr: LighthouseResult,
url: string
): AIOptimizedPerformanceReport => {
const audits = lhr.audits || {};
const categoryData = lhr.categories[AuditCategory.PERFORMANCE];
const score = Math.round((categoryData?.score || 0) * 100);
// Add metadata
const metadata = {
timestamp: lhr.fetchTime || new Date().toISOString(),
device: "desktop", // This could be made configurable
lighthouseVersion: lhr.lighthouseVersion,
// Count audits by type
const auditRefs = categoryData?.auditRefs || [];
let failedCount = 0;
let passedCount = 0;
let manualCount = 0;
let informativeCount = 0;
let notApplicableCount = 0;
auditRefs.forEach((ref) => {
const audit = audits[];
if (!audit) return;
if (audit.scoreDisplayMode === "manual") {
} else if (audit.scoreDisplayMode === "informative") {
} else if (audit.scoreDisplayMode === "notApplicable") {
} else if (audit.score !== null) {
if (audit.score >= 0.9) {
} else {
const audit_counts = {
failed: failedCount,
passed: passedCount,
manual: manualCount,
informative: informativeCount,
not_applicable: notApplicableCount,
const metrics: AIOptimizedMetric[] = [];
const opportunities: AIOptimizedOpportunity[] = [];
// Extract core metrics
if (audits["largest-contentful-paint"]) {
const lcp = audits["largest-contentful-paint"];
const lcpElement = audits["largest-contentful-paint-element"];
const metric: AIOptimizedMetric = {
id: "lcp",
score: lcp.score,
value_ms: Math.round(lcp.numericValue || 0),
passes_core_web_vital: lcp.score !== null && lcp.score >= 0.9,
// Enhanced LCP element detection
// 1. Try from largest-contentful-paint-element audit
if (lcpElement && lcpElement.details) {
const lcpDetails = lcpElement.details as any;
// First attempt - try to get directly from items
if (
lcpDetails.items &&
Array.isArray(lcpDetails.items) &&
lcpDetails.items.length > 0
) {
const item = lcpDetails.items[0];
// For text elements in tables format
if (item.type === "table" && item.items && item.items.length > 0) {
const firstTableItem = item.items[0];
if (firstTableItem.node) {
if (firstTableItem.node.selector) {
metric.element_selector = firstTableItem.node.selector;
// Determine element type based on path or selector
const path = firstTableItem.node.path;
const selector = firstTableItem.node.selector || "";
if (path) {
if (
selector.includes(" > img") ||
selector.includes(" img") ||
selector.endsWith("img") ||
) {
metric.element_type = "image";
// Try to extract image name from selector
const imgMatch = selector.match(/img[.][^> ]+/);
if (imgMatch && !metric.element_url) {
metric.element_url = imgMatch[0];
} else if (
path.includes(",SPAN") ||
path.includes(",P") ||
) {
metric.element_type = "text";
// Try to extract text content if available
if (firstTableItem.node.nodeLabel) {
metric.element_content = firstTableItem.node.nodeLabel.substring(
// Original handling for direct items
else if (item.node?.nodeLabel) {
// Determine element type from node label
if (item.node.nodeLabel.startsWith("<img")) {
metric.element_type = "image";
// Try to extract image URL from the node snippet
const match = item.node.snippet?.match(/src="([^"]+)"/);
if (match && match[1]) {
metric.element_url = match[1];
} else if (item.node.nodeLabel.startsWith("<video")) {
metric.element_type = "video";
} else if (item.node.nodeLabel.startsWith("<h")) {
metric.element_type = "heading";
} else {
metric.element_type = "text";
if (item.node?.selector) {
metric.element_selector = item.node.selector;
// 2. Try from lcp-lazy-loaded audit
const lcpImageAudit = audits["lcp-lazy-loaded"];
if (lcpImageAudit && lcpImageAudit.details) {
const lcpImageDetails = lcpImageAudit.details as any;
if (
lcpImageDetails.items &&
Array.isArray(lcpImageDetails.items) &&
lcpImageDetails.items.length > 0
) {
const item = lcpImageDetails.items[0];
if (item.url) {
metric.element_type = "image";
metric.element_url = item.url;
// 3. Try directly from the LCP audit details
if (!metric.element_url && lcp.details) {
const lcpDirectDetails = lcp.details as any;
if (lcpDirectDetails.items && Array.isArray(lcpDirectDetails.items)) {
for (const item of lcpDirectDetails.items) {
if (item.url || (item.node && item.node.path)) {
if (item.url) {
metric.element_url = item.url;
metric.element_type = item.url.match(
? "image"
: "resource";
if (item.node && item.node.selector) {
metric.element_selector = item.node.selector;
// 4. Check for specific audit that might contain image info
const largestImageAudit = audits["largest-image-paint"];
if (largestImageAudit && largestImageAudit.details) {
const imageDetails = largestImageAudit.details as any;
if (
imageDetails.items &&
Array.isArray(imageDetails.items) &&
imageDetails.items.length > 0
) {
const item = imageDetails.items[0];
if (item.url) {
// If we have a large image that's close in time to LCP, it's likely the LCP element
metric.element_type = "image";
metric.element_url = item.url;
// 5. Check for network requests audit to find image resources
if (!metric.element_url) {
const networkRequests = audits["network-requests"];
if (networkRequests && networkRequests.details) {
const networkDetails = networkRequests.details as any;
if (networkDetails.items && Array.isArray(networkDetails.items)) {
// Get all image resources loaded close to the LCP time
const lcpTime = lcp.numericValue || 0;
const imageResources = networkDetails.items
(item: any) =>
item.url &&
item.mimeType &&
item.mimeType.startsWith("image/") &&
item.endTime &&
Math.abs(item.endTime - lcpTime) < 500 // Within 500ms of LCP
(a: any, b: any) =>
Math.abs(a.endTime - lcpTime) - Math.abs(b.endTime - lcpTime)
if (imageResources.length > 0) {
const closestImage = imageResources[0];
if (!metric.element_type) {
metric.element_type = "image";
metric.element_url = closestImage.url;
if (audits["first-contentful-paint"]) {
const fcp = audits["first-contentful-paint"];
id: "fcp",
score: fcp.score,
value_ms: Math.round(fcp.numericValue || 0),
passes_core_web_vital: fcp.score !== null && fcp.score >= 0.9,
if (audits["speed-index"]) {
const si = audits["speed-index"];
id: "si",
score: si.score,
value_ms: Math.round(si.numericValue || 0),
if (audits["interactive"]) {
const tti = audits["interactive"];
id: "tti",
score: tti.score,
value_ms: Math.round(tti.numericValue || 0),
// Add CLS (Cumulative Layout Shift)
if (audits["cumulative-layout-shift"]) {
const cls = audits["cumulative-layout-shift"];
id: "cls",
score: cls.score,
// CLS is not in ms, but a unitless value
value_ms: Math.round((cls.numericValue || 0) * 1000) / 1000, // Convert to 3 decimal places
passes_core_web_vital: cls.score !== null && cls.score >= 0.9,
// Add TBT (Total Blocking Time)
if (audits["total-blocking-time"]) {
const tbt = audits["total-blocking-time"];
id: "tbt",
score: tbt.score,
value_ms: Math.round(tbt.numericValue || 0),
passes_core_web_vital: tbt.score !== null && tbt.score >= 0.9,
// Extract opportunities
if (audits["render-blocking-resources"]) {
const rbrAudit = audits["render-blocking-resources"];
// Determine impact level based on potential savings
let impact: "critical" | "serious" | "moderate" | "minor" = "moderate";
const savings = Math.round(rbrAudit.numericValue || 0);
if (savings > 2000) {
impact = "critical";
} else if (savings > 1000) {
impact = "serious";
} else if (savings < 300) {
impact = "minor";
const opportunity: AIOptimizedOpportunity = {
id: "render_blocking_resources",
savings_ms: savings,
severity: impact,
resources: [],
const rbrDetails = rbrAudit.details as any;
if (rbrDetails && rbrDetails.items && Array.isArray(rbrDetails.items)) {
// Determine how many items to include based on impact
const itemLimit = DETAIL_LIMITS[impact];
.slice(0, itemLimit)
.forEach((item: { url?: string; wastedMs?: number }) => {
if (item.url) {
// Extract file name from full URL
const fileName = item.url.split("/").pop() || item.url;
url: fileName,
savings_ms: Math.round(item.wastedMs || 0),
if (opportunity.resources.length > 0) {
if (audits["uses-http2"]) {
const http2Audit = audits["uses-http2"];
// Determine impact level based on potential savings
let impact: "critical" | "serious" | "moderate" | "minor" = "moderate";
const savings = Math.round(http2Audit.numericValue || 0);
if (savings > 2000) {
impact = "critical";
} else if (savings > 1000) {
impact = "serious";
} else if (savings < 300) {
impact = "minor";
const opportunity: AIOptimizedOpportunity = {
id: "http2",
savings_ms: savings,
severity: impact,
resources: [],
const http2Details = http2Audit.details as any;
if (
http2Details &&
http2Details.items &&
) {
// Determine how many items to include based on impact
const itemLimit = DETAIL_LIMITS[impact];
.slice(0, itemLimit)
.forEach((item: { url?: string }) => {
if (item.url) {
// Extract file name from full URL
const fileName = item.url.split("/").pop() || item.url;
opportunity.resources.push({ url: fileName });
if (opportunity.resources.length > 0) {
// After extracting all metrics and opportunities, collect page stats
// Extract page stats
let page_stats: AIPageStats | undefined;
// Total page stats
const totalByteWeight = audits["total-byte-weight"];
const networkRequests = audits["network-requests"];
const thirdPartyAudit = audits["third-party-summary"];
const mainThreadWork = audits["mainthread-work-breakdown"];
if (networkRequests && networkRequests.details) {
const resourceDetails = networkRequests.details as any;
if (resourceDetails.items && Array.isArray(resourceDetails.items)) {
const resources = resourceDetails.items;
const totalRequests = resources.length;
// Calculate total size and counts by type
let totalSizeKb = 0;
let jsCount = 0,
cssCount = 0,
imgCount = 0,
fontCount = 0,
otherCount = 0;
resources.forEach((resource: any) => {
const sizeKb = resource.transferSize
? Math.round(resource.transferSize / 1024)
: 0;
totalSizeKb += sizeKb;
// Count by mime type
const mimeType = resource.mimeType || "";
if (mimeType.includes("javascript") || resource.url.endsWith(".js")) {
} else if (mimeType.includes("css") || resource.url.endsWith(".css")) {
} else if (
mimeType.includes("image") ||
) {
} else if (
mimeType.includes("font") ||
) {
} else {
// Calculate third-party size
let thirdPartySizeKb = 0;
if (thirdPartyAudit && thirdPartyAudit.details) {
const thirdPartyDetails = thirdPartyAudit.details as any;
if (thirdPartyDetails.items && Array.isArray(thirdPartyDetails.items)) {
thirdPartyDetails.items.forEach((item: any) => {
if (item.transferSize) {
thirdPartySizeKb += Math.round(item.transferSize / 1024);
// Get main thread blocking time
let mainThreadBlockingTimeMs = 0;
if (mainThreadWork && mainThreadWork.numericValue) {
mainThreadBlockingTimeMs = Math.round(mainThreadWork.numericValue);
// Create page stats object
page_stats = {
total_size_kb: totalSizeKb,
total_requests: totalRequests,
resource_counts: {
js: jsCount,
css: cssCount,
img: imgCount,
font: fontCount,
other: otherCount,
third_party_size_kb: thirdPartySizeKb,
main_thread_blocking_time_ms: mainThreadBlockingTimeMs,
// Generate prioritized recommendations
const prioritized_recommendations: string[] = [];
// Add key recommendations based on failed audits with high impact
if (
audits["render-blocking-resources"] &&
audits["render-blocking-resources"].score !== null &&
audits["render-blocking-resources"].score === 0
) {
prioritized_recommendations.push("Eliminate render-blocking resources");
if (
audits["uses-responsive-images"] &&
audits["uses-responsive-images"].score !== null &&
audits["uses-responsive-images"].score === 0
) {
prioritized_recommendations.push("Properly size images");
if (
audits["uses-optimized-images"] &&
audits["uses-optimized-images"].score !== null &&
audits["uses-optimized-images"].score === 0
) {
prioritized_recommendations.push("Efficiently encode images");
if (
audits["uses-text-compression"] &&
audits["uses-text-compression"].score !== null &&
audits["uses-text-compression"].score === 0
) {
prioritized_recommendations.push("Enable text compression");
if (
audits["uses-http2"] &&
audits["uses-http2"].score !== null &&
audits["uses-http2"].score === 0
) {
prioritized_recommendations.push("Use HTTP/2");
// Add more specific recommendations based on Core Web Vitals
if (
audits["largest-contentful-paint"] &&
audits["largest-contentful-paint"].score !== null &&
audits["largest-contentful-paint"].score < 0.5
) {
prioritized_recommendations.push("Improve Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)");
if (
audits["cumulative-layout-shift"] &&
audits["cumulative-layout-shift"].score !== null &&
audits["cumulative-layout-shift"].score < 0.5
) {
prioritized_recommendations.push("Reduce layout shifts (CLS)");
if (
audits["total-blocking-time"] &&
audits["total-blocking-time"].score !== null &&
audits["total-blocking-time"].score < 0.5
) {
prioritized_recommendations.push("Reduce JavaScript execution time");
// Create the performance report content
const reportContent: PerformanceReportContent = {
prioritized_recommendations.length > 0
? prioritized_recommendations
: undefined,
// Return the full report following the LighthouseReport interface
return {
report: reportContent,