BrowserTools MCP
by oenius
- browser-tools-mcp
- browser-tools-server
- lighthouse
import lighthouse from "lighthouse";
import type { Result as LighthouseResult, Flags } from "lighthouse";
import {
} from "../puppeteer-service.js";
import { LighthouseConfig, AuditCategory } from "./types.js";
* Creates a Lighthouse configuration object
* @param categories Array of categories to audit
* @returns Lighthouse configuration and flags
export function createLighthouseConfig(
categories: string[] = [AuditCategory.ACCESSIBILITY]
): LighthouseConfig {
return {
flags: {
output: ["json"],
onlyCategories: categories,
formFactor: "desktop",
port: undefined as number | undefined,
screenEmulation: {
mobile: false,
width: 1350,
height: 940,
deviceScaleFactor: 1,
disabled: false,
config: {
extends: "lighthouse:default",
settings: {
onlyCategories: categories,
emulatedFormFactor: "desktop",
throttling: { cpuSlowdownMultiplier: 1 },
* Runs a Lighthouse audit on the specified URL via CDP
* @param url The URL to audit
* @param categories Array of categories to audit, defaults to ["accessibility"]
* @returns Promise resolving to the Lighthouse result
* @throws Error if the URL is invalid or if the audit fails
export async function runLighthouseAudit(
url: string,
categories: string[]
): Promise<LighthouseResult> {
console.log(`Starting Lighthouse ${categories.join(", ")} audit for: ${url}`);
if (!url || url === "about:blank") {
console.error("Invalid URL for Lighthouse audit");
throw new Error(
"Cannot run audit on an empty page or about:blank. Please navigate to a valid URL first."
try {
// Always use a dedicated headless browser for audits
console.log("Using dedicated headless browser for audit");
// Determine if this is a performance audit - we need to load all resources for performance audits
const isPerformanceAudit = categories.includes(AuditCategory.PERFORMANCE);
// For performance audits, we want to load all resources
// For accessibility or other audits, we can block non-essential resources
try {
const { port } = await connectToHeadlessBrowser(url, {
blockResources: !isPerformanceAudit,
console.log(`Connected to browser on port: ${port}`);
// Create Lighthouse config
const { flags, config } = createLighthouseConfig(categories);
flags.port = port;
`Running Lighthouse with categories: ${categories.join(", ")}`
const runnerResult = await lighthouse(url, flags as Flags, config);
console.log("Lighthouse scan completed");
if (!runnerResult?.lhr) {
console.error("Lighthouse audit failed to produce results");
throw new Error("Lighthouse audit failed to produce results");
// Schedule browser cleanup after a delay to allow for subsequent audits
// Return the result
const result = runnerResult.lhr;
return result;
} catch (browserError) {
// Check if the error is related to Chrome/Edge not being available
const errorMessage =
browserError instanceof Error
? browserError.message
: String(browserError);
if (
errorMessage.includes("Chrome could not be found") ||
errorMessage.includes("Failed to launch browser") ||
errorMessage.includes("spawn ENOENT")
) {
throw new Error(
"Chrome or Edge browser could not be found. Please ensure that Chrome or Edge is installed on your system to run audits."
// Re-throw other errors
throw browserError;
} catch (error) {
console.error("Lighthouse audit failed:", error);
// Schedule browser cleanup even if the audit fails
throw new Error(
`Lighthouse audit failed: ${
error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)
// Export from specific audit modules
export * from "./accessibility.js";
export * from "./performance.js";
export * from "./seo.js";
export * from "./types.js";