ntropy-mcp MCP Server


remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.


  • Supports enrichment of Amazon transactions, identifying and categorizing Amazon purchase data in banking records.

  • Supports enrichment of Netflix subscription transactions, identifying and categorizing streaming service payments in banking records.

  • Supports enrichment of Starbucks purchase transactions, identifying and categorizing coffee shop expenditures in banking records.

Ntropy MCP server

MCP server for enriching banking data using the Ntropy API. This allows LLM agents that work with financial data to easily call any of the Ntropy API endpoints.



The server implements the following tools to interact with the Ntropy API:

  • check_connection: Verify connection to the Ntropy API
    • Returns: Connection status information
  • set_api_key: Set or update the Ntropy API key at runtime
    • Parameters: api_key (string)
    • Returns: Status of the API key update and validation
  • create_account_holder: Create an account holder
    • Parameters: id (string/int), type (string), name (string)
    • Returns: The created account holder details
  • update_account_holder: Update an existing account holder
    • Parameters: id (string/int), name (string, optional), type (string, optional)
    • Returns: The updated account holder details
  • enrich_transaction: Enrich a bank transaction
    • Parameters: id (string/int), description (string), date (string), amount (float), entry_type (string), currency (string), account_holder_id (string/int), country (string, optional)
    • Returns: The enriched transaction data
  • get_account_holder: Get details of an account holder
    • Parameters: account_holder_id (string/int)
    • Returns: Account holder details
  • list_transactions: List transactions for an account holder
    • Parameters: account_holder_id (string/int), limit (int, default=10), offset (int, default=0)
    • Returns: List of transactions
  • get_transaction: Get details of a specific transaction
    • Parameters: transaction_id (string/int)
    • Returns: Transaction details
  • bulk_enrich_transactions: Enrich multiple transactions at once
    • Parameters: transactions (List of transaction objects)
    • Returns: List of enriched transactions
  • delete_account_holder: Delete an account holder and all associated data
    • Parameters: account_holder_id (string/int)
    • Returns: Deletion status
  • delete_transaction: Delete a specific transaction
    • Parameters: transaction_id (string/int)
    • Returns: Deletion status



First, obtain your Ntropy API key by creating an account on ntropy.com. Make sure to replace YOUR_NTROPY_API_KEY below with your actual API key.

Run the server with uvx

uvx ntropy-mcp --api-key YOUR_NTROPY_API_KEY

Claude Desktop

The Claude Desktop configuration file is usually located at:

On MacOS: ~/Library/Application\ Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json

On Windows: %APPDATA%/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json

Add the following to the configuration file if using uvx:

"mcpServers": { "ntropy-mcp": { "command": "uvx", "args": [ "ntropy-mcp", "--api-key", "YOUR_NTROPY_API_KEY" ] } }

and the following if using docker:

"mcpServers": { "ntropy-mcp": { "command": "docker", "args": [ "run", "-i", "--rm", "ntropy-mcp" "--api-key", "YOUR_NTROPY_API_KEY" ] } }

Example Usage

Check Connection

# Check if your API key is valid and the Ntropy API is accessible connection_status = check_connection() print(connection_status)

Create and Update Account Holders

# Create a new account holder account_holder = create_account_holder( id="user123", type="individual", name="John Doe" ) # Update an existing account holder updated_account = update_account_holder( id="user123", name="John Smith" )

Enrich Transactions

# Enrich a single transaction enriched_transaction = enrich_transaction( id="tx123", description="AMAZON.COM*MK1AB6TE1", date="2023-05-15", amount=-29.99, entry_type="debit", currency="USD", account_holder_id="user123", country="US" ) # Bulk enrich multiple transactions transactions = [ { "id": "tx124", "description": "NETFLIX.COM", "date": "2023-05-16", "amount": -13.99, "entry_type": "debit", "currency": "USD", "account_holder_id": "user123" }, { "id": "tx125", "description": "Starbucks Coffee", "date": "2023-05-17", "amount": -5.65, "entry_type": "debit", "currency": "USD", "account_holder_id": "user123" } ] enriched_transactions = bulk_enrich_transactions(transactions)


You can use the MCP inspector to debug the server. For uvx installations:

npx @modelcontextprotocol/inspector uvx ntropy-mcp --api-key YOUR_NTROPY_API_KEY


Docker build:

docker build -t ntropy-mcp .


Pull requests are welcome! Feel free to contribute new ideas, bug fixes, or enhancements.


ntropy-mcp is licensed under the MIT License. This means you are free to use, modify, and distribute the software, subject to the terms and conditions of the MIT License. For more details, please see the LICENSE file in the project repository.

security - not tested
license - permissive license
quality - not tested

Enables enriching banking data with the Ntropy API, providing tools to create account holders and enrich transactions efficiently.

  1. Components
    1. Tools
  2. Quickstart
    1. Install
  3. Example Usage
    1. Check Connection
    2. Create and Update Account Holders
    3. Enrich Transactions
  4. Debugging
    1. Build
      1. Contributing
        1. License