MCP Calc Tools

remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.


  • Provides the runtime environment for the MCP server, required as version 14 or higher to run the mathematical and financial calculation tools.

  • Used for package management and script execution to install dependencies and start the MCP server.

  • Alternative package manager that can be used to install dependencies and manage the MCP Calc Tools project.

MCP Calc Tools

A Model Context Protocol (MCP) server that provides advanced mathematical and financial calculation tools for integration with AI code assistants like Cline and Roo Code.


MCP Calc Tools exposes mathematical computation capabilities through a standardized interface that AI assistants can interact with. This enables AI tools to perform complex calculations without having to implement mathematical algorithms directly.


Mathematical Tools

  • Symbolic Calculus
    • derivative: Calculate symbolic derivatives of expressions
    • integral: Compute symbolic integrals
    • limit: Evaluate limits as variables approach specified values
    • solve: Solve equations for specific variables

Numerical Methods

  • riemann_sum: Calculate definite integrals using Riemann sums with multiple methods (left, right, midpoint, trapezoid)
  • darboux_sum: Calculate upper and lower Darboux sums for integral approximation
  • area: Calculate the area under a curve between two points
  • volume: Calculate volume of revolution around x-axis

Mathematical Transforms

  • laplace_transform: Calculate Laplace transforms of functions
  • fourier_transform: Calculate Fourier transforms of functions
  • z_transform: Calculate Z-transforms of discrete-time functions

Financial Tools

  • compound_interest: Calculate compound interest with customizable compounding periods
  • present_value: Calculate present value of future cash flows
  • npv: Calculate Net Present Value of cash flow series
  • black_scholes: Calculate option prices using the Black-Scholes model
  • option_greeks: Calculate option Greeks (delta, gamma, vega, theta, rho)

Utility Functions

  • logarithm: Calculate logarithm with any base
  • exponential: Calculate exponential function (e^x)


# Clone the repository git clone # Navigate to project directory cd mcp-calc-tools # Install dependencies npm install # or pnpm install


Starting the MCP server

# Make the script executable (if needed) chmod +x index.js # Run the server npm start # or node index.js

Integrating with AI Assistants

To use MCP Calc Tools with AI coding assistants:

  1. Configure your AI assistant (Cline/Roo Code) to use the MCP server
  2. Set the server URL to your running instance
  3. The AI assistant will now have access to all the mathematical tools

Example request to calculate a derivative:

Calculate the derivative of x^2*sin(x)


  • Node.js v14 or higher
  • Required packages:
    • genkit (^1.0.5)
    • genkitx-mcp (^1.0.5)
    • mathjs (^12.0.0)


The project is structured as follows:

  • index.js: Main server implementation with all tool definitions
  • package.json: Project dependencies and script definitions


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security – no known vulnerabilities
license - not found
quality - confirmed to work

A server that provides advanced mathematical and financial calculation capabilities for AI code assistants, enabling them to perform complex calculations like symbolic calculus, numerical methods, and financial analysis without implementing algorithms directly.

  1. Overview
    1. Features
      1. Mathematical Tools
      2. Numerical Methods
      3. Mathematical Transforms
      4. Financial Tools
      5. Utility Functions
    2. Installation
      1. Usage
        1. Starting the MCP server
        2. Integrating with AI Assistants
      2. Requirements
        1. Development
          1. License
            1. Contributing