YouTube MCP Server
by kevinwatt
- yt-dlp-mcp
- docs
# Configuration Guide
## Overview
The yt-dlp-mcp package can be configured through environment variables or by passing a configuration object to the functions.
## Configuration Object
interface Config {
file: {
maxFilenameLength: number;
downloadsDir: string;
tempDirPrefix: string;
sanitize: {
replaceChar: string;
truncateSuffix: string;
illegalChars: RegExp;
reservedNames: readonly string[];
tools: {
required: readonly string[];
download: {
defaultResolution: "480p" | "720p" | "1080p" | "best";
defaultAudioFormat: "m4a" | "mp3";
defaultSubtitleLanguage: string;
## Environment Variables
| Variable | Description | Default |
| `YTDLP_MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH` | Maximum length for filenames | 50 |
| `YTDLP_DOWNLOADS_DIR` | Download directory path | `~/Downloads` |
| `YTDLP_TEMP_DIR_PREFIX` | Prefix for temporary directories | `ytdlp-` |
| `YTDLP_SANITIZE_REPLACE_CHAR` | Character to replace illegal characters | `_` |
| `YTDLP_SANITIZE_TRUNCATE_SUFFIX` | Suffix for truncated filenames | `...` |
| `YTDLP_SANITIZE_ILLEGAL_CHARS` | Regex pattern for illegal characters | `/[<>:"/\\|?*\x00-\x1F]/g` |
| `YTDLP_SANITIZE_RESERVED_NAMES` | Comma-separated list of reserved names | `CON,PRN,AUX,...` |
| `YTDLP_DEFAULT_RESOLUTION` | Default video resolution | `720p` |
| `YTDLP_DEFAULT_AUDIO_FORMAT` | Default audio format | `m4a` |
| `YTDLP_DEFAULT_SUBTITLE_LANG` | Default subtitle language | `en` |
## File Configuration
### Download Directory
The download directory can be configured in two ways:
1. Environment variable:
export YTDLP_DOWNLOADS_DIR="/path/to/downloads"
2. Configuration object:
const config = {
file: {
downloadsDir: "/path/to/downloads"
### Filename Sanitization
Control how filenames are sanitized:
const config = {
file: {
maxFilenameLength: 100,
sanitize: {
replaceChar: '-',
truncateSuffix: '___',
illegalChars: /[<>:"/\\|?*\x00-\x1F]/g,
reservedNames: ['CON', 'PRN', 'AUX', 'NUL']
## Download Configuration
### Video Resolution
Set default video resolution:
const config = {
download: {
defaultResolution: "1080p" // "480p" | "720p" | "1080p" | "best"
### Audio Format
Configure audio format preferences:
const config = {
download: {
defaultAudioFormat: "m4a" // "m4a" | "mp3"
### Subtitle Language
Set default subtitle language:
const config = {
download: {
defaultSubtitleLanguage: "en"
## Tools Configuration
Configure required external tools:
const config = {
tools: {
required: ['yt-dlp']
## Complete Configuration Example
import { CONFIG } from '@kevinwatt/yt-dlp-mcp';
const customConfig = {
file: {
maxFilenameLength: 100,
downloadsDir: '/custom/downloads',
tempDirPrefix: 'ytdlp-temp-',
sanitize: {
replaceChar: '-',
truncateSuffix: '___',
illegalChars: /[<>:"/\\|?*\x00-\x1F]/g,
reservedNames: [
'CON', 'PRN', 'AUX', 'NUL',
'COM1', 'COM2', 'COM3', 'COM4', 'COM5',
'LPT1', 'LPT2', 'LPT3'
tools: {
required: ['yt-dlp']
download: {
defaultResolution: '1080p',
defaultAudioFormat: 'm4a',
defaultSubtitleLanguage: 'en'
// Use the custom configuration
const result = await downloadVideo(url, customConfig);