YouTube MCP Server

# API Reference ## Video Operations ### downloadVideo(url: string, config?: Config, resolution?: string): Promise<string> Downloads a video from the specified URL. **Parameters:** - `url`: The URL of the video to download - `config`: (Optional) Configuration object - `resolution`: (Optional) Preferred video resolution ('480p', '720p', '1080p', 'best') **Returns:** - Promise resolving to a success message with the downloaded file path **Example:** ```javascript import { downloadVideo } from '@kevinwatt/yt-dlp-mcp'; // Download with default settings const result = await downloadVideo(''); console.log(result); // Download with specific resolution const hdResult = await downloadVideo( '', undefined, '1080p' ); console.log(hdResult); ``` ## Audio Operations ### downloadAudio(url: string, config?: Config): Promise<string> Downloads audio from the specified URL in the best available quality. **Parameters:** - `url`: The URL of the video to extract audio from - `config`: (Optional) Configuration object **Returns:** - Promise resolving to a success message with the downloaded file path **Example:** ```javascript import { downloadAudio } from '@kevinwatt/yt-dlp-mcp'; const result = await downloadAudio(''); console.log(result); ``` ## Subtitle Operations ### listSubtitles(url: string): Promise<string> Lists all available subtitles for a video. **Parameters:** - `url`: The URL of the video **Returns:** - Promise resolving to a string containing the list of available subtitles **Example:** ```javascript import { listSubtitles } from '@kevinwatt/yt-dlp-mcp'; const subtitles = await listSubtitles(''); console.log(subtitles); ``` ### downloadSubtitles(url: string, language: string): Promise<string> Downloads subtitles for a video in the specified language. **Parameters:** - `url`: The URL of the video - `language`: Language code (e.g., 'en', 'zh-Hant', 'ja') **Returns:** - Promise resolving to the subtitle content **Example:** ```javascript import { downloadSubtitles } from '@kevinwatt/yt-dlp-mcp'; const subtitles = await downloadSubtitles( '', 'en' ); console.log(subtitles); ``` ## Configuration ### Config Interface ```typescript interface Config { file: { maxFilenameLength: number; downloadsDir: string; tempDirPrefix: string; sanitize: { replaceChar: string; truncateSuffix: string; illegalChars: RegExp; reservedNames: readonly string[]; }; }; tools: { required: readonly string[]; }; download: { defaultResolution: "480p" | "720p" | "1080p" | "best"; defaultAudioFormat: "m4a" | "mp3"; defaultSubtitleLanguage: string; }; } ``` For detailed configuration options, see [Configuration Guide](./