esa MCP Server

by kajirita2002

remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.

esa MCP Server

Read this in Japanese


This server is an interface that uses the Model Context Protocol (MCP) to enable Claude AI to interact with the esa API.

With this MCP server, Claude AI can perform operations such as searching, creating, and updating esa documents.

About the Repository

This repository provides a standalone implementation of the esa MCP server. It integrates Claude AI with esa to streamline document management.



  • Node.js 18 or higher
  • esa API access token
  • esa team name


# Install globally npm install -g @kajirita2002/esa-mcp-server # Or use directly with npx npx @kajirita2002/esa-mcp-server

Setting Environment Variables

# Set environment variables export ESA_ACCESS_TOKEN="your_esa_access_token" export ESA_TEAM="your_team_name"

MCP Configuration Example

If you're using this MCP server, add the following configuration to your mcp_config.json file:

"esa": { "command": "npx", "args": ["-y", "@kajirita2002/esa-mcp-server"], "env": { "ESA_ACCESS_TOKEN": "your_esa_access_token", "ESA_TEAM": "your_team_name" } }

Starting the Server

# Start the server npm start

Available Tools

This MCP server provides the following tools:

Post Related

  1. esa_list_posts
    • Get a list of posts in the team
    • Input:
      • q (string, optional): Search query
      • include (string, optional): Related data to include in the response (e.g. 'comments,stargazers')
      • sort (string, optional): Sort method (updated, created, number, stars, watches, comments, best_match)
      • order (string, optional): Sort order (desc, asc)
      • per_page (number, optional): Number of results per page (max: 100)
      • page (number, optional): Page number to retrieve
  2. esa_get_post
    • Get detailed information about a specific post
    • Input:
      • post_number (number, required): Post number to retrieve
      • include (string, optional): Related data to include in the response (e.g. 'comments,stargazers')
  3. esa_create_post
    • Create a new post
    • Input:
      • name (string, required): Post title
      • body_md (string, optional): Post body (Markdown format)
      • tags (array of string, optional): List of tags for the post
      • category (string, optional): Post category
      • wip (boolean, optional, default: true): Whether to mark as WIP (Work In Progress)
      • message (string, optional): Change message
      • user (string, optional): Poster's screen_name (only team owners can specify)
      • template_post_id (number, optional): ID of the post to use as a template
  4. esa_update_post
    • Update an existing post
    • Input:
      • post_number (number, required): Post number to update
      • name (string, optional): New title for the post
      • body_md (string, optional): New body for the post (Markdown format)
      • tags (array of string, optional): New list of tags for the post
      • category (string, optional): New category for the post
      • wip (boolean, optional): Whether to mark as WIP (Work In Progress)
      • message (string, optional): Change message
      • created_by (string, optional): Poster's screen_name (only team owners can specify)
      • original_revision (string, optional): Revision to base the update on
  1. esa_list_comments
    • Get a list of comments for a post
    • Input:
      • post_number (number, required): Post number to get comments for
      • page (number, optional): Page number to retrieve
      • per_page (number, optional): Number of results per page (max: 100)
  2. esa_get_comment
    • Get a specific comment
    • Input:
      • comment_id (number, required): ID of the comment to retrieve
      • include (string, optional): Related data to include in the response (e.g. 'stargazers')
  3. esa_create_comment
    • Post a comment to an article
    • Input:
      • post_number (number, required): Post number to comment on
      • body_md (string, required): Comment body (Markdown format)
      • user (string, optional): Poster's screen_name (only team owners can specify)
  1. esa_get_members
    • Get a list of team members
    • Input:
      • page (number, optional): Page number to retrieve
      • per_page (number, optional): Number of results per page (max: 100)
  2. esa_get_member
    • Get information about a specific team member
    • Input:
      • screen_name_or_email (string, required): Screen name or email of the member to retrieve

Usage Example

Here's an example of Claude using this MCP server to create an esa post:

[Claude] Please create a new post in esa. The title should be "Project X Progress Report" and the body should include "# This Week's Progress\n\n- Implementation of Feature A completed\n- Testing of Feature B started\n\n## Next Week's Plan\n\n- Start implementation of Feature C". [MCP Server] Using the esa_create_post tool to create a new post. [Result] { "number": 123, "name": "Project X Progress Report", "body_md": "# This Week's Progress\n\n- Implementation of Feature A completed\n- Testing of Feature B started\n\n## Next Week's Plan\n\n- Start implementation of Feature C", "wip": false, "created_at": "2023-06-01T12:34:56+09:00", "updated_at": "2023-06-01T12:34:56+09:00", "url": "" } [Claude] The post has been created successfully. The post number is 123, and you can access it at the following URL:


Access Token Issues

Error: Request failed with status code 401

If you see this error, your esa access token may be invalid or expired. Generate a new access token from the esa settings screen and update your environment variable.

Permission Issues

Error: Request failed with status code 403

If you see this error, the current access token doesn't have the necessary permissions. Check the permissions for your access token in the esa settings screen and issue a new token if needed.


Provided under the MIT License.

You must be authenticated.

security – no known vulnerabilities
license - permissive license
quality - confirmed to work

An interface that enables Claude AI to interact with the esa API for searching, creating, and updating documents through the Model Context Protocol.

  1. Overview
    1. About the Repository
      1. Setup
        1. Prerequisites
        2. Installation
        3. Setting Environment Variables
        4. MCP Configuration Example
        5. Starting the Server
      2. Available Tools
        1. Post Related
        2. Comment Related
        3. Member Related
      3. Usage Example
        1. Troubleshooting
          1. Access Token Issues
          2. Permission Issues
        2. License