MCP DuckDB Knowledge Graph Memory ServerIzumiSyVerifiedAsecurityAlicenseAqualityA memory server for Claude that stores and retrieves knowledge graph data in DuckDB, enhancing performance and query capabilities for conversations with persistent user information.88010TypeScriptMIT LicenseApple
PDF to PNG MCP ServertruaxkiAsecurityFlicenseAqualityA Model Context Protocol server that converts PDF documents into PNG images through a simple MCP tool call.12PythonAppleLinux
MCP Server for OpenSearchibrooksSDX-securityAlicense-qualityProvides a semantic memory layer that integrates LLMs with OpenSearch, enabling storage and retrieval of memories within the OpenSearch engine.PythonApache 2.0
Email Checker MCP ServerravinahpAsecurityFlicenseAqualityEnables users to validate the existence of email addresses through a simple FastMCP tool, offering JSON responses without requiring an API key.1Apple
mcp-server-google-analyticsruchernchong-securityAlicense-qualityAn MCP server implementation for accessing Google Analytics 4 (GA4) data, built using the Model Context Protocol TypeScript SDK.10TypeScriptMIT License
mcp-server-qdrantofficialqdrantAsecurityAlicenseAqualityThis repository is an example of how to create a MCP server for Qdrant, a vector search engine.2244PythonApache 2.0