
local-only server

The server can only run on the client’s local machine because it depends on local resources.


  • Provides a Python REPL environment for code execution

ForeverVM MCP Server

MCP Server for ForeverVM, enabling Claude to execute code in a Python REPL.


  1. create-python-repl
  • Create a Python REPL.
  • Returns: ID of the new REPL.
  1. run-python-in-repl
    • Execute code in a Python REPL.
    • Required Inputs:
      • code (string): code that the Python REPL will run.
      • replId (string): ID of the REPL to run the code on.
    • Returns: Result of the code executed.

Usage with Claude Desktop

Run the following command:

npx forevervm-mcp install --claude

For other MCP clients, see the docs.

Installing locally (for development only)

In the MCP client, set the command to npm and the arguments to:

["--prefix", "<path/to/this/directory>", "run", "start", "run"]
security - not tested
license - permissive license
quality - not tested

The sessionless code interpreter.

Securely run AI-generated code in stateful sandboxes that run forever.

  1. Tools
    1. Usage with Claude Desktop
      1. Installing locally (for development only)