MCP NodeJS Debugger

local-only server

The server can only run on the client’s local machine because it depends on local resources.


  • Enables runtime inspection of MongoDB connection configurations and states to diagnose connection issues with MongoDB Atlas or local MongoDB instances.

  • Provides runtime inspection of Mongoose ORM configurations, connection states, and version information to help debug database connectivity issues.

  • Provides runtime debugging capabilities for NodeJS applications, allowing examination of variable values, setting breakpoints, listing breakpoints, and executing custom JavaScript code during program execution.

MCP Node.js Debugger

An MCP server that gives Cursor or Claude Code access to Node.js at runtime to help you debug: @hyperdrive-eng/mcp-nodejs-debugger.



Claude Code

Quick start


  1. Add to Cursor (~/.cursor/mcp.json)
    + { + "mcpServers": { + "nodejs-debugger": { + "command": "npx", + "args": ["@hyperdrive-eng/mcp-nodejs-debugger"] + } + } + }
  2. Run a Node.js server in debug mode (i.e. with the --inspect flat)
    node --inspect {file.js}
  3. Ask Cursor to debug your Node.js server at runtime

Claude Code

  1. Add to Claude Code
    claude mcp add nodejs-debugger npx @hyperdrive-eng/mcp-nodejs-debugger
  2. Start Claude Code
    claude ╭───────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ │ ✻ Welcome to Claude Code research preview! │ │ │ │ /help for help │ │ │ │ Found 1 MCP server (use /mcp for status) │ ╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯
  3. Run a Node.js server in debug mode (i.e. with the --inspect flat)
    # In another terminal node --inspect {file.js}
  4. Ask Claude Code to debug your Node.js server at runtime
    > I'm getting a runtime error in Node.js {YOUR_RUNTIME_ERROR} Please help me debug this error at runtime using the nodejs-debugger mcp.


Claude Code

  1. Add to Claude Code
    claude mcp add nodejs-debugger npx mcp-nodejs-debugger
  2. Verify connection
    > /mcp ⎿ MCP Server Status • nodejs-debugger: connected
  3. Remove from Claude Code
    claude remove nodejs-debugger


  1. Add to Cursor (~/.cursor/mcp.json)
    + { + "mcpServers": { + "nodejs-debugger": { + "command": "npx", + "args": ["@hyperdrive-eng/mcp-nodejs-debugger"] + } + } + }
  2. Verify connection:
  3. Remove from Cursor (~/.cursor/mcp.json):
    - { - "mcpServers": { - "nodejs-debugger": { - "command": "npx", - "args": ["@hyperdrive-eng/mcp-nodejs-debugger"] - } - } - }



  1. Run this simple Node.js app:
    node --inspect ./bin/www
  2. Ask Cursor to set a breakpoint
  3. Create a book at localhost:3000/catalog/book/create
  4. Watch Cursor capture runtime state

Claude Code

  1. Here is a buggy Node.js server:
    node --inspect index.js Debugger listening on ws:// ####################### ## THE RUNTIME ERROR ## ####################### MongooseServerSelectionError: Could not connect to any servers in your MongoDB Atlas cluster. One common reason is that you're trying to access the database from an IP that isn't whitelisted. Make sure your current IP address is on your Atlas cluster's IP whitelist: at _handleConnectionErrors (/Users/arthur/Documents/thirdparties/mdn/express-locallibrary-tutorial/node_modules/mongoose/lib/connection.js:1110:11) at NativeConnection.openUri (/Users/arthur/Documents/thirdparties/mdn/express-locallibrary-tutorial/node_modules/mongoose/lib/connection.js:1041:11) at async main (/Users/arthur/Documents/thirdparties/mdn/express-locallibrary-tutorial/app.js:35:3) { reason: TopologyDescription { type: 'ReplicaSetNoPrimary', servers: Map(3) { '' => [ServerDescription], '' => [ServerDescription], '' => [ServerDescription] }, stale: false, compatible: true, heartbeatFrequencyMS: 10000, localThresholdMS: 15, setName: 'atlas-5syy8t-shard-0', maxElectionId: null, maxSetVersion: null, commonWireVersion: 0, logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: null }, code: undefined }
  2. Claude Code debugs the Node.js server at runtime:
    > I'm getting a runtime error connecting to mongoose. Please help me debug by checking the value of the mongodb configs at runtime using the nodejs-debugger mcp. ⏺ I'll help you debug the mongoose connection issue using the Node.js debugger. Let's first understand where the MongoDB connection is configured. ⏺ Search(pattern: "**/*.js")… ⎿  Found 100 files ⏺ Let's set a breakpoint at the mongoose connection point and continue: ⏺ nodejs-debugger:set_breakpoint (MCP)(file: … "/Users/arthur/Documents/thirdparties/mdn/express-locallibrary-tutorial/app.js", line: 35)   ⎿  Breakpoint set successfully. ID: 2:34:0:file:///Users/arthur/Documents/thirdparties/mdn/express-locallibrary-tutorial/app\.js ⏺ Let's list all our breakpoints: ⏺ nodejs-debugger:list_breakpoints (MCP)   ⎿  [ { "file": "/Users/arthur/Documents/thirdparties/mdn/express-locallibrary-tutorial/app.js", "line": 35, "id": "2:34:0:file:///Users/arthur/Documents/thirdparties/mdn/express-locallibrary-tutorial/app\\.js" } ] ⏺ Let's try to execute a specific piece of code to check the connection variables: ⏺ nodejs-debugger:nodejs_inspect (MCP)(js_code: "// Get the mongoose module and inspect connection\nconst mongoose = … require('mongoose');\nconsole.log('Current mongoose version:', mongoose.version);\nconsole.log('Current mongoose connection state:', mongoose.connection.readyState);\n// Log connection string safely (without password)\nconst connectionString = process.env.MONGODB_URI || \n \"mongodb+srv:// ites=true&w=majority&appName=Cluster0\";\nconsole.log('Connection string (masked):', connectionString.replace(/(?<=mongodb\\+srv:\\/\\/\\w+:)(.+?)(?=@)/, '*****'));")   ⎿  Console output: [log] Current mongoose version: 8.9.5 [log] Current mongoose connection state: 0 [log] Connection string (masked): mongodb+srv:// tes=true&w=majority&appName=Cluster0 ⏺ The runtime error you're seeing in your application is related to MongoDB Atlas connection issues. Based on your error message, the problem is: 1. You're using placeholder credentials ("cooluser:coolpassword") To fix this, you have two options: 1. Use a local MongoDB instance by changing line 29-30 in app.js to: const dev_db_url = "mongodb://"; 2. Or correctly set up MongoDB Atlas: - Log into Atlas at - Go to Network Access and add your current IP to whitelist - Create proper database credentials - Update the connection string with real credentials Which option would you like to proceed with?
security - not tested
license - not found
quality - not tested

Allows Claude to directly debug a NodeJS server by setting breakpoints, inspecting variables and stepping through code.

  1. Demo
    1. Cursor
    2. Claude Code
  2. Quick start
    1. Cursor
    2. Claude Code
  3. Usage
    1. Claude Code
    2. Cursor
  4. Example
    1. Cursor
    2. Claude Code