MCP Titan

by henryhawke

hybrid server

The server is able to function both locally and remotely, depending on the configuration or use case.

Titan Memory MCP Server

I'm aware its broken right now, I'll fix it! Ideally this just runs in yolo mode in cursor (or claude desktop) without human intervention and creates a "brain" available independent of LLM version.

A neural memory system for LLMs that can learn and predict sequences while maintaining state through a memory vector. This MCP (Model Context Protocol) server provides tools for Claude 3.7 Sonnet and other LLMs to maintain memory state across interactions.


  • Perfect for Cursor: Now that Cursor automatically runs MCP in yolo mode, you can take your hands off the wheel with your LLM's new memory
  • Neural Memory Architecture: Transformer-based memory system that can learn and predict sequences
  • Memory Management: Efficient tensor operations with automatic memory cleanup
  • MCP Integration: Fully compatible with Cursor and other MCP clients
  • Text Encoding: Convert text inputs to tensor representations
  • Memory Persistence: Save and load memory states between sessions


# Clone the repository git clone cd titan-memory # Install dependencies npm install # Build the project npm run build # Start the server npm start

Available Tools

The Titan Memory MCP server provides the following tools:


Get help about available tools.


  • tool (optional): Specific tool name to get help for
  • category (optional): Category of tools to explore
  • showExamples (optional): Include usage examples
  • verbose (optional): Include detailed descriptions


Initialize the Titan Memory model with custom configuration.


  • inputDim: Input dimension size (default: 768)
  • hiddenDim: Hidden dimension size (default: 512)
  • memoryDim: Memory dimension size (default: 1024)
  • transformerLayers: Number of transformer layers (default: 6)
  • numHeads: Number of attention heads (default: 8)
  • ffDimension: Feed-forward dimension (default: 2048)
  • dropoutRate: Dropout rate (default: 0.1)
  • maxSequenceLength: Maximum sequence length (default: 512)
  • memorySlots: Number of memory slots (default: 5000)
  • similarityThreshold: Similarity threshold (default: 0.65)
  • surpriseDecay: Surprise decay rate (default: 0.9)
  • pruningInterval: Pruning interval (default: 1000)
  • gradientClip: Gradient clipping value (default: 1.0)


Perform a forward pass through the model to get predictions.


  • x: Input vector or text
  • memoryState (optional): Memory state to use


Execute a training step to update the model.


  • x_t: Current input vector or text
  • x_next: Next input vector or text


Get the current memory state and statistics.


  • type (optional): Optional memory type filter


Update memory along a manifold direction.


  • base: Base memory state
  • velocity: Update direction


Remove less relevant memories to free up space.


  • threshold: Pruning threshold (0-1)


Save memory state to a file.


  • path: Checkpoint file path


Load memory state from a file.


  • path: Checkpoint file path


Reset accumulated gradients to recover from training issues.

Parameters: None

Usage with Claude 3.7 Sonnet in Cursor

The Titan Memory MCP server is designed to work seamlessly with Claude 3.7 Sonnet in Cursor. Here's an example of how to use it:

// Initialize the model const result = await callTool("init_model", { inputDim: 768, memorySlots: 10000, transformerLayers: 8, }); // Perform a forward pass const { predicted, memoryUpdate } = await callTool("forward_pass", { x: "const x = 5;", // or vector: [0.1, 0.2, ...] memoryState: currentMemory, }); // Train the model const result = await callTool("train_step", { x_t: "function hello() {", x_next: " console.log('world');", }); // Get memory state const state = await callTool("get_memory_state", {});

Memory Management

The Titan Memory MCP server includes sophisticated memory management to prevent memory leaks and ensure efficient tensor operations:

  1. Automatic Cleanup: Periodically cleans up unused tensors
  2. Memory Encryption: Securely stores memory states
  3. Tensor Validation: Ensures tensors have the correct shape
  4. Error Recovery: Handles tensor errors gracefully


The Titan Memory MCP server is built with a modular architecture:

  • TitanMemoryServer: Main server class that registers tools and handles requests
  • TitanMemoryModel: Neural memory model implementation
  • VectorProcessor: Handles input processing and text encoding
  • MemoryManager: Manages tensor operations and memory cleanup


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

security - not tested
license - permissive license
quality - not tested

This advanced memory server facilitates neural memory-based sequence learning and prediction, enhancing code generation and understanding through state maintenance and manifold optimization as inspired by Google Research's framework.

  1. I'm aware its broken right now, I'll fix it! Ideally this just runs in yolo mode in cursor (or claude desktop) without human intervention and creates a "brain" available independent of LLM version.
    1. Features
      1. Installation
        1. Available Tools
          1. help
          2. init_model
          3. forward_pass
          4. train_step
          5. get_memory_state
          6. manifold_step
          7. prune_memory
          8. save_checkpoint
          9. load_checkpoint
          10. reset_gradients
        2. Usage with Claude 3.7 Sonnet in Cursor
          1. Memory Management
            1. Architecture
              1. Contributing
                1. License