MCP PapersWithCode

by hbg

remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.


  • Enables searching and retrieving papers from arXiv, including extracting paper content from PDF URLs for AI assistants to read and analyze.


🦾 Features

Allows AI assistants to find and read papers, as well as view related code repositories for further context.

This MCP server provides an Model Context Protocol (MCP) client that can interface with the PapersWithCode API.

Additionally, helper tools are introduced to make it easier for the AI agent to make use of the information provided through the PapersWithCode API.

🚀 Getting Started

Installing via Smithery

To install mcp-paperswithcode for Claude Desktop automatically via Smithery:

npx -y @smithery/cli install @hbg/mcp-paperswithcode --client claude


Paper Search and Retrieval

  1. Search PapersSearch for papers with optional filtering by abstract, title, arxiv ID:
    result = await search_papers( abstract="neural networks", title="attention mechanism", arxiv_id=None, page=1, items_per_page=20 )
  2. Get PaperGet detailed information about a specific paper by ID:
    result = await get_paper( paper_id="paper123" )
  3. Read Paper From URLExtract and read the content of a paper from its URL:
    result = await read_paper_from_url( paper_url="" )

Paper Components

  1. List Paper ResultsLists the results for a given paper ID in PapersWithCode:
    result = await list_paper_results( paper_id="paper123", page=1, items_per_page=20 )
  2. List Paper TasksRetrieves the tasks associated with a specific paper ID:
    result = await list_paper_tasks( paper_id="paper123", page=1, items_per_page=20 )
  3. List Paper MethodsLists the methods related to a given paper ID:
    result = await list_paper_methods( paper_id="paper123", page=1, items_per_page=20 )
  4. List Paper RepositoriesRetrieves the repositories linked to a specific paper ID:
    result = await list_paper_repositories( paper_id="paper123", page=1, items_per_page=20 )
  5. List Paper DatasetsList datasets used or referenced in a specific paper:
    result = await list_paper_datasets( paper_id="paper123", page=1, items_per_page=20 )

Research Areas

  1. Search Research AreasSearch for research areas that exist in PapersWithCode:
    result = await search_research_areas( name="computer vision", page=1, items_per_page=20 )
  2. Get Research AreaGet detailed information about a specific research area by ID:
    result = await get_research_area( area_id="area123" )
  3. List Research Area TasksList the tasks for a given research area ID:
    result = await list_research_area_tasks( area_id="area123", page=1, items_per_page=20 )


  1. Get Paper AuthorGet authors matching a full name:
    result = await get_paper_author( full_name="Geoffrey Hinton", page=1, items_per_page=20 )
  2. List Papers by Author IDList papers written by a specific author using their ID:
    result = await list_papers_by_author_id( author_id="author123", page=1, items_per_page=20 )


  1. List ConferencesList conferences with optional filtering by name:
    result = await list_conferences( conference_name="NeurIPS", page=1, items_per_page=20 )
  2. Get ConferenceGet detailed information about a specific conference by ID:
    result = await get_conference( conference_id="conf123" )
  3. List Conference ProceedingsList proceedings for a given conference:
    result = await list_conference_proceedings( conference_id="conf123", page=1, items_per_page=20 )
  4. Get Conference ProceedingGet detailed information about a specific conference proceeding:
    result = await get_conference_proceeding( conference_id="conf123", proceeding_id="proc123" )
  5. List Conference PapersList papers presented at a specific conference proceeding:
    result = await list_conference_papers( conference_id="conf123", proceeding_id="proc123", page=1, items_per_page=20 )
security - not tested
license - not found
quality - not tested

A server that allows AI assistants to search for research papers, read their content, and access related code repositories through the PapersWithCode API.

  1. 🦾 Features
    1. 🚀 Getting Started
      1. Installing via Smithery
    2. Tools
      1. Paper Search and Retrieval
      2. Paper Components
      3. Research Areas
      4. Authors
      5. Conferences