Hex API MCP Server

remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.

hex-mcp MCP server

A MCP server for Hex that implements the following tools:

  • list_hex_projects: Lists available Hex projects
  • search_hex_projects: Search for Hex projects by pattern
  • get_hex_project: Get detailed information about a specific project
  • get_hex_run_status: Check the status of a project run
  • get_hex_project_runs: Get the history of project runs
  • run_hex_project: Execute a Hex project
  • cancel_hex_run: Cancel a running project


Using uv is the recommended way to install hex-mcp:

uv add hex-mcp

Or using pip:

pip install hex-mcp

To confirm it's working, you can run:

hex-mcp --version


The easiest way to configure hex-mcp is by using the config command and passing your API key and API URL (optional and defaults to https://app.hex.tech/api/v1):

hex-mcp config --api-key "your_hex_api_key" --api-url "https://app.hex.tech/api/v1"


This saves your configuration to a file in your home directory (e.g. ~/.hex-mcp/config.yml), making it available for all hex-mcp invocations.

Using environment variables

Alternatively, the Hex MCP server can be configured with environment variables:

  • HEX_API_KEY: Your Hex API key
  • HEX_API_URL: The Hex API base URL

When setting up environment variables for MCP servers they need to be either global for Cursor to pick them up or make use of uv's --env-file flag when invoking the server.

Using with Cursor

Cursor allows AI agents to interact with Hex via the MCP protocol. Follow these steps to set up and use hex-mcp with Cursor. You can create a .cursor/mcp.json file in your project root with the following content:

{ "mcpServers": { "hex-mcp": { "command": "uv", "args": ["run", "hex-mcp", "run"] } } }

Alternatively, you can use the hex-mcp command directly if it's in your PATH:

{ "mcpServers": { "hex-mcp": { "command": "hex-mcp", "args": ["run"] } } }

Once it's up and running, you can use it in Cursor by initiating a new AI (Agent) conversation and ask it to list or run a Hex project.


The MCP server and CLI is still in development and subject to breaking changes.

security - not tested
license - permissive license
quality - not tested

A server that allows AI assistants to access, view, run, and manage Hex projects through a standardized interface.

  1. Installation
    1. Configuration
      1. Using the config command (recommended)
      2. Using environment variables
    2. Using with Cursor