MCP Server Box

by box-community

hybrid server

The server is able to function both locally and remotely, depending on the configuration or use case.


  • Enables comprehensive Box file and folder management through the Box API, offering tools for file search, text extraction, AI-based querying, and data extraction. Features include user authentication, file content reading, AI-powered file analysis, folder navigation, and structured data extraction from files.

MCP Server Box


MCP Server Box is a Python project that integrates with the Box API to perform various operations such as file search, text extraction, AI-based querying, and data extraction. It leverages the box-sdk-gen library and provides a set of tools to interact with Box files and folders.

The Model Context Protocol (MCP) is a framework designed to standardize the way models interact with various data sources and services. In this project, MCP is used to facilitate seamless integration with the Box API, enabling efficient and scalable operations on Box files and folders. The MCP Server Box project aims to provide a robust and flexible solution for managing and processing Box data using advanced AI and machine learning techniques.

Tools implemented

Box Tools


Get your current user information and check connection status.

Returns: User information string


Start the Box application authorization process.

Returns: Authorization status message


Search for files in Box.


  • query (str): Search query
  • file_extensions (List[str], optional): File extensions to filter by
  • where_to_look_for_query (List[str], optional): Where to search (NAME, DESCRIPTION, FILE_CONTENT, COMMENTS, TAG)
  • ancestor_folder_ids (List[str], optional): Folder IDs to search within

Returns: Search results


Read the text content of a Box file.


  • file_id (str): ID of the file to read

Returns: File content


Ask Box AI about a file.


  • file_id (str): ID of the file
  • prompt (str): Question for the AI

Returns: AI response


Locate a folder by name.


  • folder_name (str): Name of the folder

Returns: Folder ID


Extract data from a file using AI.


  • file_id (str): ID of the file
  • fields (str): Fields to extract

Returns: Extracted data in JSON format


List folder contents.


  • folder_id (str): ID of the folder
  • is_recursive (bool): Whether to list recursively

Returns: Folder content in JSON format with id, name, type, and description


  • Python 3.13 or higher
  • Box API credentials (Client ID, Client Secret, etc.)


  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone cd mcp-server-box
  2. Install uv if not installed yet: 2.1 MacOS+Linux
    curl -LsSf | sh
    2.2 Windows
    powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -c "irm | iex"
  3. Create and set up our project: 3.1 MacOS+Linux
    # Create virtual environment and activate it uv venv source .venv/bin/activate # Lock the dependencies uv lock
    3.1 Windows
    # Create virtual environment and activate it uv venv .venv\Scripts\activate # Lock the dependencies uv lock
  4. Create a .env file in the root directory and add your Box API credentials:
    BOX_CLIENT_ID=your_client_id BOX_CLIENT_SECRET=your_client_secret


Running the MCP Server

To start the MCP server, run the following command:

uv --directory /path-to-the-project/mcp-server-box run src/

Using Claude as the client

  1. Edit your claude_desktop_config.json
code ~/Library/Application\ Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json
  1. And add the following:
{ "mcpServers": { "mcp-server-box": { "command": "uv", "args": [ "--directory", "/path-to-your-project/mcp-server-box", "run", "src/" ] } } }
  1. If CLaude is running restart it
security - not tested
license - not found
quality - not tested

A Python server that enables interaction with Box files and folders through the Box API, allowing operations like file search, text extraction, and AI-based querying and data extraction.

  1. Description
    1. Tools implemented
      1. Box Tools
        1. box_who_am_i
        2. box_authorize_app_tool
        3. box_search_tool
        4. box_read_tool
        5. box_ask_ai_tool
        6. box_search_folder_by_name
        7. box_ai_extract_data
        8. box_list_folder_content_by_folder_id
      2. Requirements
        1. Installation
          1. Usage
            1. Running the MCP Server
            2. Using Claude as the client