import os import json import threading import socket import time import traceback import FreeCAD as App import FreeCADGui as Gui import Part import Draft import Sketcher from PySide import QtCore, QtGui import requests # Add this import for HTTP requests import tempfile # Add this import for temporary directories from bpy.props import StringProperty, IntProperty import shutil bl_info = { "name": "FreeCAD MCP", "author": "FreeCAD MCP Contributors", "version": (0, 1), "location": "View3D > Sidebar > FreeCAD MCP", "description": "Connect FreeCAD to Claude via MCP", "category": "Interface", } class BlenderMCPServer: def __init__(self, host='localhost', port=9876): = host self.port = port self.running = False self.socket = None self.client = None self.command_queue = [] self.buffer = b'' # Add buffer for incomplete data def start(self): self.running = True self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) try: self.socket.bind((, self.port)) self.socket.listen(1) self.socket.setblocking(False) # Register the timer, persistent=True) print(f"BlenderMCP server started on {}:{self.port}") except Exception as e: print(f"Failed to start server: {str(e)}") self.stop() def stop(self): self.running = False if hasattr(, "unregister"): if if self.socket: self.socket.close() if self.client: self.client.close() self.socket = None self.client = None print("BlenderMCP server stopped") def _process_server(self): """Timer callback to process server operations""" if not self.running: return None # Unregister timer try: # Accept new connections if not self.client and self.socket: try: self.client, address = self.socket.accept() self.client.setblocking(False) print(f"Connected to client: {address}") except BlockingIOError: pass # No connection waiting except Exception as e: print(f"Error accepting connection: {str(e)}") # Process existing connection if self.client: try: # Try to receive data try: data = self.client.recv(8192) if data: self.buffer += data # Try to process complete messages try: # Attempt to parse the buffer as JSON command = json.loads(self.buffer.decode('utf-8')) # If successful, clear the buffer and process command self.buffer = b'' response = self.execute_command(command) response_json = json.dumps(response) self.client.sendall(response_json.encode('utf-8')) except json.JSONDecodeError: # Incomplete data, keep in buffer pass else: # Connection closed by client print("Client disconnected") self.client.close() self.client = None self.buffer = b'' except BlockingIOError: pass # No data available except Exception as e: print(f"Error receiving data: {str(e)}") self.client.close() self.client = None self.buffer = b'' except Exception as e: print(f"Error with client: {str(e)}") if self.client: self.client.close() self.client = None self.buffer = b'' except Exception as e: print(f"Server error: {str(e)}") return 0.1 # Continue timer with 0.1 second interval def execute_command(self, command): """Execute a command in the main Blender thread""" try: cmd_type = command.get("type") params = command.get("params", {}) # Ensure we're in the right context if cmd_type in ["create_object", "modify_object", "delete_object"]: override = bpy.context.copy() override['area'] = [area for area in bpy.context.screen.areas if area.type == 'VIEW_3D'][0] with bpy.context.temp_override(**override): return self._execute_command_internal(command) else: return self._execute_command_internal(command) except Exception as e: print(f"Error executing command: {str(e)}") traceback.print_exc() return {"status": "error", "message": str(e)} def _execute_command_internal(self, command): """Internal command execution with proper context""" cmd_type = command.get("type") params = command.get("params", {}) # Add a handler for checking PolyHaven status if cmd_type == "get_polyhaven_status": return {"status": "success", "result": self.get_polyhaven_status()} # Base handlers that are always available handlers = { "get_scene_info": self.get_scene_info, "create_object": self.create_object, "modify_object": self.modify_object, "delete_object": self.delete_object, "get_object_info": self.get_object_info, "execute_code": self.execute_code, "set_material": self.set_material, "get_polyhaven_status": self.get_polyhaven_status, } # Add Polyhaven handlers only if enabled if bpy.context.scene.blendermcp_use_polyhaven: polyhaven_handlers = { "get_polyhaven_categories": self.get_polyhaven_categories, "search_polyhaven_assets": self.search_polyhaven_assets, "download_polyhaven_asset": self.download_polyhaven_asset, "set_texture": self.set_texture, } handlers.update(polyhaven_handlers) handler = handlers.get(cmd_type) if handler: try: print(f"Executing handler for {cmd_type}") result = handler(**params) print(f"Handler execution complete") return {"status": "success", "result": result} except Exception as e: print(f"Error in handler: {str(e)}") traceback.print_exc() return {"status": "error", "message": str(e)} else: return {"status": "error", "message": f"Unknown command type: {cmd_type}"} def get_simple_info(self): """Get basic Blender information""" return { "blender_version": ".".join(str(v) for v in, "scene_name":, "object_count": len(bpy.context.scene.objects) } def get_scene_info(self): """Get information about the current Blender scene""" try: print("Getting scene info...") # Simplify the scene info to reduce data size scene_info = { "name":, "object_count": len(bpy.context.scene.objects), "objects": [], "materials_count": len(, } # Collect minimal object information (limit to first 10 objects) for i, obj in enumerate(bpy.context.scene.objects): if i >= 10: # Reduced from 20 to 10 break obj_info = { "name":, "type": obj.type, # Only include basic location data "location": [round(float(obj.location.x), 2), round(float(obj.location.y), 2), round(float(obj.location.z), 2)], } scene_info["objects"].append(obj_info) print(f"Scene info collected: {len(scene_info['objects'])} objects") return scene_info except Exception as e: print(f"Error in get_scene_info: {str(e)}") traceback.print_exc() return {"error": str(e)} def create_object(self, type="CUBE", name=None, location=(0, 0, 0), rotation=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1)): """Create a new object in the scene""" # Deselect all objects bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') # Create the object based on type if type == "CUBE": bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add(location=location, rotation=rotation, scale=scale) elif type == "SPHERE": bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_uv_sphere_add(location=location, rotation=rotation, scale=scale) elif type == "CYLINDER": bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cylinder_add(location=location, rotation=rotation, scale=scale) elif type == "PLANE": bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(location=location, rotation=rotation, scale=scale) elif type == "CONE": bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cone_add(location=location, rotation=rotation, scale=scale) elif type == "TORUS": bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_torus_add(location=location, rotation=rotation, scale=scale) elif type == "EMPTY": bpy.ops.object.empty_add(location=location, rotation=rotation, scale=scale) elif type == "CAMERA": bpy.ops.object.camera_add(location=location, rotation=rotation) elif type == "LIGHT": bpy.ops.object.light_add(type='POINT', location=location, rotation=rotation, scale=scale) else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported object type: {type}") # Get the created object obj = bpy.context.active_object # Rename if name is provided if name: = name return { "name":, "type": obj.type, "location": [obj.location.x, obj.location.y, obj.location.z], "rotation": [obj.rotation_euler.x, obj.rotation_euler.y, obj.rotation_euler.z], "scale": [obj.scale.x, obj.scale.y, obj.scale.z], } def modify_object(self, name, location=None, rotation=None, scale=None, visible=None): """Modify an existing object in the scene""" # Find the object by name obj = if not obj: raise ValueError(f"Object not found: {name}") # Modify properties as requested if location is not None: obj.location = location if rotation is not None: obj.rotation_euler = rotation if scale is not None: obj.scale = scale if visible is not None: obj.hide_viewport = not visible obj.hide_render = not visible return { "name":, "type": obj.type, "location": [obj.location.x, obj.location.y, obj.location.z], "rotation": [obj.rotation_euler.x, obj.rotation_euler.y, obj.rotation_euler.z], "scale": [obj.scale.x, obj.scale.y, obj.scale.z], "visible": obj.visible_get(), } def delete_object(self, name): """Delete an object from the scene""" obj = if not obj: raise ValueError(f"Object not found: {name}") # Store the name to return obj_name = # Select and delete the object bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') obj.select_set(True) bpy.ops.object.delete() return {"deleted": obj_name} def get_object_info(self, name): """Get detailed information about a specific object""" obj = if not obj: raise ValueError(f"Object not found: {name}") # Basic object info obj_info = { "name":, "type": obj.type, "location": [obj.location.x, obj.location.y, obj.location.z], "rotation": [obj.rotation_euler.x, obj.rotation_euler.y, obj.rotation_euler.z], "scale": [obj.scale.x, obj.scale.y, obj.scale.z], "visible": obj.visible_get(), "materials": [], } # Add material slots for slot in obj.material_slots: if slot.material: obj_info["materials"].append( # Add mesh data if applicable if obj.type == 'MESH' and mesh = obj_info["mesh"] = { "vertices": len(mesh.vertices), "edges": len(mesh.edges), "polygons": len(mesh.polygons), } return obj_info def execute_code(self, code): """Execute arbitrary Blender Python code""" # This is powerful but potentially dangerous - use with caution try: # Create a local namespace for execution namespace = {"bpy": bpy} exec(code, namespace) return {"executed": True} except Exception as e: raise Exception(f"Code execution error: {str(e)}") def set_material(self, object_name, material_name=None, create_if_missing=True, color=None): """Set or create a material for an object""" try: # Get the object obj = if not obj: raise ValueError(f"Object not found: {object_name}") # Make sure object can accept materials if not hasattr(obj, 'data') or not hasattr(, 'materials'): raise ValueError(f"Object {object_name} cannot accept materials") # Create or get material if material_name: mat = if not mat and create_if_missing: mat = print(f"Created new material: {material_name}") else: # Generate unique material name if none provided mat_name = f"{object_name}_material" mat = if not mat: mat = material_name = mat_name print(f"Using material: {mat_name}") # Set up material nodes if needed if mat: if not mat.use_nodes: mat.use_nodes = True # Get or create Principled BSDF principled = mat.node_tree.nodes.get('Principled BSDF') if not principled: principled ='ShaderNodeBsdfPrincipled') # Get or create Material Output output = mat.node_tree.nodes.get('Material Output') if not output: output ='ShaderNodeOutputMaterial') # Link if not already linked if not principled.outputs[0].links:[0], output.inputs[0]) # Set color if provided if color and len(color) >= 3: principled.inputs['Base Color'].default_value = ( color[0], color[1], color[2], 1.0 if len(color) < 4 else color[3] ) print(f"Set material color to {color}") # Assign material to object if not already assigned if mat: if not else: # Only modify first material slot[0] = mat print(f"Assigned material {} to object {object_name}") return { "status": "success", "object": object_name, "material":, "color": color if color else None } else: raise ValueError(f"Failed to create or find material: {material_name}") except Exception as e: print(f"Error in set_material: {str(e)}") traceback.print_exc() return { "status": "error", "message": str(e), "object": object_name, "material": material_name if 'material_name' in locals() else None } def render_scene(self, output_path=None, resolution_x=None, resolution_y=None): """Render the current scene""" if resolution_x is not None: bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_x = resolution_x if resolution_y is not None: bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_y = resolution_y if output_path: bpy.context.scene.render.filepath = output_path # Render the scene bpy.ops.render.render(write_still=bool(output_path)) return { "rendered": True, "output_path": output_path if output_path else "[not saved]", "resolution": [bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_x, bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_y], } def get_polyhaven_categories(self, asset_type): """Get categories for a specific asset type from Polyhaven""" try: if asset_type not in ["hdris", "textures", "models", "all"]: return {"error": f"Invalid asset type: {asset_type}. Must be one of: hdris, textures, models, all"} response = requests.get(f"{asset_type}") if response.status_code == 200: return {"categories": response.json()} else: return {"error": f"API request failed with status code {response.status_code}"} except Exception as e: return {"error": str(e)} def search_polyhaven_assets(self, asset_type=None, categories=None): """Search for assets from Polyhaven with optional filtering""" try: url = "" params = {} if asset_type and asset_type != "all": if asset_type not in ["hdris", "textures", "models"]: return {"error": f"Invalid asset type: {asset_type}. Must be one of: hdris, textures, models, all"} params["type"] = asset_type if categories: params["categories"] = categories response = requests.get(url, params=params) if response.status_code == 200: # Limit the response size to avoid overwhelming Blender assets = response.json() # Return only the first 20 assets to keep response size manageable limited_assets = {} for i, (key, value) in enumerate(assets.items()): if i >= 20: # Limit to 20 assets break limited_assets[key] = value return {"assets": limited_assets, "total_count": len(assets), "returned_count": len(limited_assets)} else: return {"error": f"API request failed with status code {response.status_code}"} except Exception as e: return {"error": str(e)} def download_polyhaven_asset(self, asset_id, asset_type, resolution="1k", file_format=None): try: # First get the files information files_response = requests.get(f"{asset_id}") if files_response.status_code != 200: return {"error": f"Failed to get asset files: {files_response.status_code}"} files_data = files_response.json() # Handle different asset types if asset_type == "hdris": # For HDRIs, download the .hdr or .exr file if not file_format: file_format = "hdr" # Default format for HDRIs if "hdri" in files_data and resolution in files_data["hdri"] and file_format in files_data["hdri"][resolution]: file_info = files_data["hdri"][resolution][file_format] file_url = file_info["url"] # For HDRIs, we need to save to a temporary file first # since Blender can't properly load HDR data directly from memory with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=f".{file_format}", delete=False) as tmp_file: # Download the file response = requests.get(file_url) if response.status_code != 200: return {"error": f"Failed to download HDRI: {response.status_code}"} tmp_file.write(response.content) tmp_path = try: # Create a new world if none exists if not"World") world =[0] world.use_nodes = True node_tree = world.node_tree # Clear existing nodes for node in node_tree.nodes: node_tree.nodes.remove(node) # Create nodes tex_coord ='ShaderNodeTexCoord') tex_coord.location = (-800, 0) mapping ='ShaderNodeMapping') mapping.location = (-600, 0) # Load the image from the temporary file env_tex ='ShaderNodeTexEnvironment') env_tex.location = (-400, 0) env_tex.image = # FIXED: Use a color space that exists in all Blender versions if file_format.lower() == 'exr': # Try to use Linear color space for EXR files try: = 'Linear' except: # Fallback to Non-Color if Linear isn't available = 'Non-Color' else: # hdr # For HDR files, try these options in order for color_space in ['Linear', 'Linear Rec.709', 'Non-Color']: try: = color_space break # Stop if we successfully set a color space except: continue background ='ShaderNodeBackground') background.location = (-200, 0) output ='ShaderNodeOutputWorld') output.location = (0, 0) # Connect nodes['Generated'], mapping.inputs['Vector'])['Vector'], env_tex.inputs['Vector'])['Color'], background.inputs['Color'])['Background'], output.inputs['Surface']) # Set as active world = world # Clean up temporary file try: tempfile._cleanup() # This will clean up all temporary files except: pass return { "success": True, "message": f"HDRI {asset_id} imported successfully", "image_name": } except Exception as e: return {"error": f"Failed to set up HDRI in Blender: {str(e)}"} else: return {"error": f"Requested resolution or format not available for this HDRI"} elif asset_type == "textures": if not file_format: file_format = "jpg" # Default format for textures downloaded_maps = {} try: for map_type in files_data: if map_type not in ["blend", "gltf"]: # Skip non-texture files if resolution in files_data[map_type] and file_format in files_data[map_type][resolution]: file_info = files_data[map_type][resolution][file_format] file_url = file_info["url"] # Use NamedTemporaryFile like we do for HDRIs with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=f".{file_format}", delete=False) as tmp_file: # Download the file response = requests.get(file_url) if response.status_code == 200: tmp_file.write(response.content) tmp_path = # Load image from temporary file image = = f"{asset_id}_{map_type}.{file_format}" # Pack the image into .blend file image.pack() # Set color space based on map type if map_type in ['color', 'diffuse', 'albedo']: try: = 'sRGB' except: pass else: try: = 'Non-Color' except: pass downloaded_maps[map_type] = image # Clean up temporary file try: os.unlink(tmp_path) except: pass if not downloaded_maps: return {"error": f"No texture maps found for the requested resolution and format"} # Create a new material with the downloaded textures mat = mat.use_nodes = True nodes = mat.node_tree.nodes links = mat.node_tree.links # Clear default nodes for node in nodes: nodes.remove(node) # Create output node output ='ShaderNodeOutputMaterial') output.location = (300, 0) # Create principled BSDF node principled ='ShaderNodeBsdfPrincipled') principled.location = (0, 0)[0], output.inputs[0]) # Add texture nodes based on available maps tex_coord ='ShaderNodeTexCoord') tex_coord.location = (-800, 0) mapping ='ShaderNodeMapping') mapping.location = (-600, 0) mapping.vector_type = 'TEXTURE' # Changed from default 'POINT' to 'TEXTURE'['UV'], mapping.inputs['Vector']) # Position offset for texture nodes x_pos = -400 y_pos = 300 # Connect different texture maps for map_type, image in downloaded_maps.items(): tex_node ='ShaderNodeTexImage') tex_node.location = (x_pos, y_pos) tex_node.image = image # Set color space based on map type if map_type.lower() in ['color', 'diffuse', 'albedo']: try: = 'sRGB' except: pass # Use default if sRGB not available else: try: = 'Non-Color' except: pass # Use default if Non-Color not available['Vector'], tex_node.inputs['Vector']) # Connect to appropriate input on Principled BSDF if map_type.lower() in ['color', 'diffuse', 'albedo']:['Color'], principled.inputs['Base Color']) elif map_type.lower() in ['roughness', 'rough']:['Color'], principled.inputs['Roughness']) elif map_type.lower() in ['metallic', 'metalness', 'metal']:['Color'], principled.inputs['Metallic']) elif map_type.lower() in ['normal', 'nor']: # Add normal map node normal_map ='ShaderNodeNormalMap') normal_map.location = (x_pos + 200, y_pos)['Color'], normal_map.inputs['Color'])['Normal'], principled.inputs['Normal']) elif map_type in ['displacement', 'disp', 'height']: # Add displacement node disp_node ='ShaderNodeDisplacement') disp_node.location = (x_pos + 200, y_pos - 200)['Color'], disp_node.inputs['Height'])['Displacement'], output.inputs['Displacement']) y_pos -= 250 return { "success": True, "message": f"Texture {asset_id} imported as material", "material":, "maps": list(downloaded_maps.keys()) } except Exception as e: return {"error": f"Failed to process textures: {str(e)}"} elif asset_type == "models": # For models, prefer glTF format if available if not file_format: file_format = "gltf" # Default format for models if file_format in files_data and resolution in files_data[file_format]: file_info = files_data[file_format][resolution][file_format] file_url = file_info["url"] # Create a temporary directory to store the model and its dependencies temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() main_file_path = "" try: # Download the main model file main_file_name = file_url.split("/")[-1] main_file_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, main_file_name) response = requests.get(file_url) if response.status_code != 200: return {"error": f"Failed to download model: {response.status_code}"} with open(main_file_path, "wb") as f: f.write(response.content) # Check for included files and download them if "include" in file_info and file_info["include"]: for include_path, include_info in file_info["include"].items(): # Get the URL for the included file - this is the fix include_url = include_info["url"] # Create the directory structure for the included file include_file_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, include_path) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(include_file_path), exist_ok=True) # Download the included file include_response = requests.get(include_url) if include_response.status_code == 200: with open(include_file_path, "wb") as f: f.write(include_response.content) else: print(f"Failed to download included file: {include_path}") # Import the model into Blender if file_format == "gltf" or file_format == "glb": bpy.ops.import_scene.gltf(filepath=main_file_path) elif file_format == "fbx": bpy.ops.import_scene.fbx(filepath=main_file_path) elif file_format == "obj": bpy.ops.import_scene.obj(filepath=main_file_path) elif file_format == "blend": # For blend files, we need to append or link with, link=False) as (data_from, data_to): data_to.objects = data_from.objects # Link the objects to the scene for obj in data_to.objects: if obj is not None: else: return {"error": f"Unsupported model format: {file_format}"} # Get the names of imported objects imported_objects = [ for obj in bpy.context.selected_objects] return { "success": True, "message": f"Model {asset_id} imported successfully", "imported_objects": imported_objects } except Exception as e: return {"error": f"Failed to import model: {str(e)}"} finally: # Clean up temporary directory try: shutil.rmtree(temp_dir) except: print(f"Failed to clean up temporary directory: {temp_dir}") else: return {"error": f"Requested format or resolution not available for this model"} else: return {"error": f"Unsupported asset type: {asset_type}"} except Exception as e: return {"error": f"Failed to download asset: {str(e)}"} def set_texture(self, object_name, texture_id): """Apply a previously downloaded Polyhaven texture to an object by creating a new material""" try: # Get the object obj = if not obj: return {"error": f"Object not found: {object_name}"} # Make sure object can accept materials if not hasattr(obj, 'data') or not hasattr(, 'materials'): return {"error": f"Object {object_name} cannot accept materials"} # Find all images related to this texture and ensure they're properly loaded texture_images = {} for img in if + "_"): # Extract the map type from the image name map_type ='_')[-1].split('.')[0] # Force a reload of the image img.reload() # Ensure proper color space if map_type.lower() in ['color', 'diffuse', 'albedo']: try: = 'sRGB' except: pass else: try: = 'Non-Color' except: pass # Ensure the image is packed if not img.packed_file: img.pack() texture_images[map_type] = img print(f"Loaded texture map: {map_type} - {}") # Debug info print(f"Image size: {img.size[0]}x{img.size[1]}") print(f"Color space: {}") print(f"File format: {img.file_format}") print(f"Is packed: {bool(img.packed_file)}") if not texture_images: return {"error": f"No texture images found for: {texture_id}. Please download the texture first."} # Create a new material new_mat_name = f"{texture_id}_material_{object_name}" # Remove any existing material with this name to avoid conflicts existing_mat = if existing_mat: new_mat = new_mat.use_nodes = True # Set up the material nodes nodes = new_mat.node_tree.nodes links = new_mat.node_tree.links # Clear default nodes nodes.clear() # Create output node output ='ShaderNodeOutputMaterial') output.location = (600, 0) # Create principled BSDF node principled ='ShaderNodeBsdfPrincipled') principled.location = (300, 0)[0], output.inputs[0]) # Add texture nodes based on available maps tex_coord ='ShaderNodeTexCoord') tex_coord.location = (-800, 0) mapping ='ShaderNodeMapping') mapping.location = (-600, 0) mapping.vector_type = 'TEXTURE' # Changed from default 'POINT' to 'TEXTURE'['UV'], mapping.inputs['Vector']) # Position offset for texture nodes x_pos = -400 y_pos = 300 # Connect different texture maps for map_type, image in texture_images.items(): tex_node ='ShaderNodeTexImage') tex_node.location = (x_pos, y_pos) tex_node.image = image # Set color space based on map type if map_type.lower() in ['color', 'diffuse', 'albedo']: try: = 'sRGB' except: pass # Use default if sRGB not available else: try: = 'Non-Color' except: pass # Use default if Non-Color not available['Vector'], tex_node.inputs['Vector']) # Connect to appropriate input on Principled BSDF if map_type.lower() in ['color', 'diffuse', 'albedo']:['Color'], principled.inputs['Base Color']) elif map_type.lower() in ['roughness', 'rough']:['Color'], principled.inputs['Roughness']) elif map_type.lower() in ['metallic', 'metalness', 'metal']:['Color'], principled.inputs['Metallic']) elif map_type.lower() in ['normal', 'nor', 'dx', 'gl']: # Add normal map node normal_map ='ShaderNodeNormalMap') normal_map.location = (x_pos + 200, y_pos)['Color'], normal_map.inputs['Color'])['Normal'], principled.inputs['Normal']) elif map_type.lower() in ['displacement', 'disp', 'height']: # Add displacement node disp_node ='ShaderNodeDisplacement') disp_node.location = (x_pos + 200, y_pos - 200) disp_node.inputs['Scale'].default_value = 0.1 # Reduce displacement strength['Color'], disp_node.inputs['Height'])['Displacement'], output.inputs['Displacement']) y_pos -= 250 # Second pass: Connect nodes with proper handling for special cases texture_nodes = {} # First find all texture nodes and store them by map type for node in nodes: if node.type == 'TEX_IMAGE' and node.image: for map_type, image in texture_images.items(): if node.image == image: texture_nodes[map_type] = node break # Now connect everything using the nodes instead of images # Handle base color (diffuse) for map_name in ['color', 'diffuse', 'albedo']: if map_name in texture_nodes:[map_name].outputs['Color'], principled.inputs['Base Color']) print(f"Connected {map_name} to Base Color") break # Handle roughness for map_name in ['roughness', 'rough']: if map_name in texture_nodes:[map_name].outputs['Color'], principled.inputs['Roughness']) print(f"Connected {map_name} to Roughness") break # Handle metallic for map_name in ['metallic', 'metalness', 'metal']: if map_name in texture_nodes:[map_name].outputs['Color'], principled.inputs['Metallic']) print(f"Connected {map_name} to Metallic") break # Handle normal maps for map_name in ['gl', 'dx', 'nor']: if map_name in texture_nodes: normal_map_node ='ShaderNodeNormalMap') normal_map_node.location = (100, 100)[map_name].outputs['Color'], normal_map_node.inputs['Color'])['Normal'], principled.inputs['Normal']) print(f"Connected {map_name} to Normal") break # Handle displacement for map_name in ['displacement', 'disp', 'height']: if map_name in texture_nodes: disp_node ='ShaderNodeDisplacement') disp_node.location = (300, -200) disp_node.inputs['Scale'].default_value = 0.1 # Reduce displacement strength[map_name].outputs['Color'], disp_node.inputs['Height'])['Displacement'], output.inputs['Displacement']) print(f"Connected {map_name} to Displacement") break # Handle ARM texture (Ambient Occlusion, Roughness, Metallic) if 'arm' in texture_nodes: separate_rgb ='ShaderNodeSeparateRGB') separate_rgb.location = (-200, -100)['arm'].outputs['Color'], separate_rgb.inputs['Image']) # Connect Roughness (G) if no dedicated roughness map if not any(map_name in texture_nodes for map_name in ['roughness', 'rough']):['G'], principled.inputs['Roughness']) print("Connected ARM.G to Roughness") # Connect Metallic (B) if no dedicated metallic map if not any(map_name in texture_nodes for map_name in ['metallic', 'metalness', 'metal']):['B'], principled.inputs['Metallic']) print("Connected ARM.B to Metallic") # For AO (R channel), multiply with base color if we have one base_color_node = None for map_name in ['color', 'diffuse', 'albedo']: if map_name in texture_nodes: base_color_node = texture_nodes[map_name] break if base_color_node: mix_node ='ShaderNodeMixRGB') mix_node.location = (100, 200) mix_node.blend_type = 'MULTIPLY' mix_node.inputs['Fac'].default_value = 0.8 # 80% influence # Disconnect direct connection to base color for link in base_color_node.outputs['Color'].links: if link.to_socket == principled.inputs['Base Color']: links.remove(link) # Connect through the mix node['Color'], mix_node.inputs[1])['R'], mix_node.inputs[2])['Color'], principled.inputs['Base Color']) print("Connected ARM.R to AO mix with Base Color") # Handle AO (Ambient Occlusion) if separate if 'ao' in texture_nodes: base_color_node = None for map_name in ['color', 'diffuse', 'albedo']: if map_name in texture_nodes: base_color_node = texture_nodes[map_name] break if base_color_node: mix_node ='ShaderNodeMixRGB') mix_node.location = (100, 200) mix_node.blend_type = 'MULTIPLY' mix_node.inputs['Fac'].default_value = 0.8 # 80% influence # Disconnect direct connection to base color for link in base_color_node.outputs['Color'].links: if link.to_socket == principled.inputs['Base Color']: links.remove(link) # Connect through the mix node['Color'], mix_node.inputs[1])['ao'].outputs['Color'], mix_node.inputs[2])['Color'], principled.inputs['Base Color']) print("Connected AO to mix with Base Color") # CRITICAL: Make sure to clear all existing materials from the object while len( > 0: # Assign the new material to the object # CRITICAL: Make the object active and select it = obj obj.select_set(True) # CRITICAL: Force Blender to update the material bpy.context.view_layer.update() # Get the list of texture maps texture_maps = list(texture_images.keys()) # Get info about texture nodes for debugging material_info = { "name":, "has_nodes": new_mat.use_nodes, "node_count": len(new_mat.node_tree.nodes), "texture_nodes": [] } for node in new_mat.node_tree.nodes: if node.type == 'TEX_IMAGE' and node.image: connections = [] for output in node.outputs: for link in output.links: connections.append(f"{} → {}.{}") material_info["texture_nodes"].append({ "name":, "image":, "colorspace":, "connections": connections }) return { "success": True, "message": f"Created new material and applied texture {texture_id} to {object_name}", "material":, "maps": texture_maps, "material_info": material_info } except Exception as e: print(f"Error in set_texture: {str(e)}") traceback.print_exc() return {"error": f"Failed to apply texture: {str(e)}"} def get_polyhaven_status(self): """Get the current status of PolyHaven integration""" enabled = bpy.context.scene.blendermcp_use_polyhaven if enabled: return {"enabled": True, "message": "PolyHaven integration is enabled and ready to use."} else: return { "enabled": False, "message": """PolyHaven integration is currently disabled. To enable it: 1. In the 3D Viewport, find the BlenderMCP panel in the sidebar (press N if hidden) 2. Check the 'Use assets from Poly Haven' checkbox 3. Restart the connection to Claude""" } # Blender UI Panel class BLENDERMCP_PT_Panel(bpy.types.Panel): bl_label = "Blender MCP" bl_idname = "BLENDERMCP_PT_Panel" bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D' bl_region_type = 'UI' bl_category = 'BlenderMCP' def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout scene = context.scene layout.prop(scene, "blendermcp_port") layout.prop(scene, "blendermcp_use_polyhaven", text="Use assets from Poly Haven") if not scene.blendermcp_server_running: layout.operator("blendermcp.start_server", text="Start MCP Server") else: layout.operator("blendermcp.stop_server", text="Stop MCP Server") layout.label(text=f"Running on port {scene.blendermcp_port}") # Operator to start the server class BLENDERMCP_OT_StartServer(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "blendermcp.start_server" bl_label = "Connect to Claude" bl_description = "Start the BlenderMCP server to connect with Claude" def execute(self, context): scene = context.scene # Create a new server instance if not hasattr(bpy.types, "blendermcp_server") or not bpy.types.blendermcp_server: bpy.types.blendermcp_server = BlenderMCPServer(port=scene.blendermcp_port) # Start the server bpy.types.blendermcp_server.start() scene.blendermcp_server_running = True return {'FINISHED'} # Operator to stop the server class BLENDERMCP_OT_StopServer(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "blendermcp.stop_server" bl_label = "Stop the connection to Claude" bl_description = "Stop the connection to Claude" def execute(self, context): scene = context.scene # Stop the server if it exists if hasattr(bpy.types, "blendermcp_server") and bpy.types.blendermcp_server: bpy.types.blendermcp_server.stop() del bpy.types.blendermcp_server scene.blendermcp_server_running = False return {'FINISHED'} # Registration functions def register(): bpy.types.Scene.blendermcp_port = IntProperty( name="Port", description="Port for the BlenderMCP server", default=9876, min=1024, max=65535 ) bpy.types.Scene.blendermcp_server_running = bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Server Running", default=False ) bpy.types.Scene.blendermcp_use_polyhaven = bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Use Poly Haven", description="Enable Poly Haven asset integration", default=False ) bpy.utils.register_class(BLENDERMCP_PT_Panel) bpy.utils.register_class(BLENDERMCP_OT_StartServer) bpy.utils.register_class(BLENDERMCP_OT_StopServer) print("BlenderMCP addon registered") def unregister(): # Stop the server if it's running if hasattr(bpy.types, "blendermcp_server") and bpy.types.blendermcp_server: bpy.types.blendermcp_server.stop() del bpy.types.blendermcp_server bpy.utils.unregister_class(BLENDERMCP_PT_Panel) bpy.utils.unregister_class(BLENDERMCP_OT_StartServer) bpy.utils.unregister_class(BLENDERMCP_OT_StopServer) del bpy.types.Scene.blendermcp_port del bpy.types.Scene.blendermcp_server_running del bpy.types.Scene.blendermcp_use_polyhaven print("BlenderMCP addon unregistered") if __name__ == "__main__": register()