by bonninr
import FreeCAD as App
import FreeCADGui as Gui
import os
import sys
# Create the command class
class FreeCADMCPShowCommand:
"""Command to show the FreeCAD MCP panel"""
def GetResources(self):
user_dir = App.getUserAppDataDir()
icon_path = os.path.join(user_dir, "Mod", "freecad_mcp", "assets", "icon.svg")
return {
'Pixmap': icon_path,
'MenuText': 'Show FreeCAD MCP Panel',
'ToolTip': 'Show the FreeCAD Model Control Protocol panel'
def IsActive(self):
return True
def Activated(self):
import freecad_mcp
# Register the command
if not hasattr(Gui, "freecad_mcp_command"):
Gui.freecad_mcp_command = FreeCADMCPShowCommand()
Gui.addCommand('FreeCAD_MCP_Show', Gui.freecad_mcp_command)
class FreeCADMCPWorkbench(Gui.Workbench):
MenuText = "FreeCAD MCP"
ToolTip = "FreeCAD Model Control Protocol"
def GetIcon(self):
"""Return the icon for this workbench"""
user_dir = App.getUserAppDataDir()
icon_path = os.path.join(user_dir, "Mod", "freecad_mcp", "assets", "icon.svg")
return icon_path
def Initialize(self):
"""This function is called at workbench creation."""
# Add current directory to Python path
mod_dir = os.path.join(App.getUserAppDataDir(), "Mod", "freecad_mcp")
if mod_dir not in sys.path:
# Import the module to register commands
import Init
# List of commands in the workbench
self.command_list = ["FreeCAD_MCP_Show"]
# Create the toolbar
self.appendToolbar("FreeCAD MCP Tools", self.command_list)
# Create the menu
self.appendMenu("&FreeCAD MCP", self.command_list)
def Activated(self):
"""This function is called when the workbench is activated."""
def Deactivated(self):
"""This function is called when the workbench is deactivated."""
def GetClassName(self):
"""Return the name of the associated C++ class."""
return "Gui::PythonWorkbench"
# Add the workbench if it hasn't been added already
if not hasattr(Gui, "freecad_mcp_workbench"):
Gui.freecad_mcp_workbench = FreeCADMCPWorkbench()