C# Lang MCP Server

local-only server

The server can only run on the client’s local machine because it depends on local resources.


  • The MCP server provides integration with VS Code's development tools for working with GitHub repositories, facilitating code navigation, analysis, and manipulation capabilities when using AI coding assistants.

Bifrost - VSCode Dev Tools MCP Server

This VS Code extension provides a Model Context Protocol (MCP) server that exposes VSCode's powerful development tools and language features to AI tools. It enables advanced code navigation, analysis, and manipulation capabilities when using AI coding assistants that support the MCP protocol.


  • Language Server Integration: Access VSCode's language server capabilities for any supported language
  • Code Navigation: Find references, definitions, implementations, and more
  • Symbol Search: Search for symbols across your workspace
  • Code Analysis: Get semantic tokens, document symbols, and type information
  • Smart Selection: Use semantic selection ranges for intelligent code selection
  • Code Actions: Access refactoring suggestions and quick fixes
  • HTTP/SSE Server: Exposes language features over an MCP-compatible HTTP server
  • AI Assistant Integration: Ready to work with AI assistants that support the MCP protocol


Follow this video to install and use with cursor. I have also provided sample rules that can be used in .cursorrules files for better results.

Example Cursor Rules


Available Tools

The extension provides access to many VSCode language features including:

  • find_usages: Locate all symbol references.
  • go_to_definition: Jump to symbol definitions instantly.
  • find_implementations: Discover implementations of interfaces/abstract methods.
  • get_hover_info: Get rich symbol docs on hover.
  • get_document_symbols: Outline all symbols in a file.
  • get_completions: Context-aware auto-completions.
  • get_signature_help: Function parameter hints and overloads.
  • get_rename_locations: Safely rename symbols across the project.
  • get_code_actions: Quick fixes, refactors, and improvements.
  • get_semantic_tokens: Enhanced highlighting data.
  • get_call_hierarchy: See incoming/outgoing call relationships.
  • get_type_hierarchy: Visualize class and interface inheritance.
  • get_code_lens: Inline insights (references, tests, etc.).
  • get_selection_range: Smart selection expansion for code blocks.
  • get_type_definition: Jump to underlying type definitions.
  • get_declaration: Navigate to symbol declarations.
  • get_document_highlights: Highlight all occurrences of a symbol.
  • get_workspace_symbols: Search symbols across your entire workspace.


  • Visual Studio Code version 1.96.0 or higher
  • Appropriate language extensions for the languages you want to work with (e.g., C# extension for C# files)


  1. Install this extension from the VS Code marketplace
  2. Install any language-specific extensions you need for your development
  3. Open your project in VS Code


The extension will automatically start an MCP server when activated. To configure an AI assistant to use this server:

  1. The server runs on port 8008 by default
  2. Configure your MCP-compatible AI assistant to connect to:
    • SSE endpoint: http://localhost:8008/sse
    • Message endpoint: http://localhost:8008/message

Available Commands

  • Bifrost MCP: Start Server - Manually start the MCP server on port 8008
  • Bifrost MCP: Start Server on port - Manually start the MCP server on specified port
  • Bifrost MCP: Stop Server - Stop the running MCP server
  • Bifrost MCP: Open Debug Panel - Open the debug panel to test available tools

Example Tool Usage

Find References

{ "name": "find_usages", "arguments": { "textDocument": { "uri": "file:///path/to/your/file" }, "position": { "line": 10, "character": 15 }, "context": { "includeDeclaration": true } } }
{ "name": "get_workspace_symbols", "arguments": { "query": "MyClass" } }


Use the MCP: Open Debug Panel command


If you encounter issues:

  1. Ensure you have the appropriate language extensions installed for your project
  2. Check that your project has loaded correctly in VSCode
  3. Verify that port 8008 is available on your system
  4. Check the VSCode output panel for any error messages


Here are Vscodes commands if you want to add additional functionality go ahead. I think we still need rename and a few others. Please feel free to submit issues or pull requests to the GitHub repository.


This extension is licensed under the APGL-3.0 License.

security - not tested
license - permissive license
quality - not tested

A VS Code extension provides a MCP server that exposes Roslyn language features. It enables tools like find usages, go to definition, quick info, etc.

  1. Features
    1. Usage
      1. Available Tools
        1. Requirements
          1. Installation
            1. Usage
              1. Available Commands
            2. Example Tool Usage
              1. Find References
              2. Workspace Symbol Search
            3. Debugging
              1. Troubleshooting
                1. Contributing
                  1. License