MCP Replicate FLUX

by andylee20014
# Smithery configuration file: startCommand: type: stdio configSchema: # JSON Schema defining the configuration options for the MCP. type: object required: - replicateApiToken - storageEndpoint - storageAccessKey - storageSecretKey - storageBucket - storageDomain properties: replicateApiToken: type: string description: Token to authenticate with Replicate API storageEndpoint: type: string description: Endpoint URL for the S3 compatible storage (e.g., Cloudflare R2) storageAccessKey: type: string description: Access key for S3 storage storageSecretKey: type: string description: Secret key for S3 storage storageBucket: type: string description: Bucket name for storing the generated images storageDomain: type: string description: Domain for accessing images from the storage commandFunction: # A JS function that produces the CLI command based on the given config to start the MCP on stdio. |- (config) => ({ command: 'node', args: ['index.js'], env: { REPLICATE_API_TOKEN: config.replicateApiToken, STORAGE_ENDPOINT: config.storageEndpoint, STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY: config.storageAccessKey, STORAGE_SECRET_KEY: config.storageSecretKey, STORAGE_BUCKET: config.storageBucket, STORAGE_DOMAIN: config.storageDomain } }) exampleConfig: replicateApiToken: dummy-replicate-token storageEndpoint: https://dummy-storage.endpoint storageAccessKey: dummy-access-key storageSecretKey: dummy-secret-key storageBucket: dummy-bucket storageDomain: