MCP Replicate FLUX

by andylee20014
# MCP Replicate FLUX [![smithery badge](]( A Model Context Protocol (MCP) server that generates images using Replicate's FLUX model and stores them in Cloudflare R2. 使用 Replicate 的 FLUX 模型生成图片并存储到 Cloudflare R2 的模型上下文协议(MCP)服务器。 ## Features 功能特点 - Generate images using Replicate's black-forest-labs/flux-schnell model - Store generated images in Cloudflare R2 - Return accessible image URLs - Support for custom prompts and filenames - 使用 Replicate 的 black-forest-labs/flux-schnell 模型生成图片 - 将生成的图片存储到 Cloudflare R2 - 返回可访问的图片链接 - 支持自定义提示词和文件名 ## Prerequisites 前置要求 - Node.js (v16 or higher) - Replicate API token - Cloudflare R2 bucket and credentials - npm or yarn - Node.js(v16 或更高版本) - Replicate API 令牌 - Cloudflare R2 存储桶和凭证 - npm 或 yarn ## Environment Variables 环境变量 Required environment variables in `.env` file: `.env` 文件中需要的环境变量: ```env REPLICATE_API_TOKEN=your_replicate_token STORAGE_ENDPOINT=your_r2_endpoint STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY=your_r2_access_key STORAGE_SECRET_KEY=your_r2_secret_key STORAGE_BUCKET=your_bucket_name STORAGE_DOMAIN=your_domain ``` ## Local Installation 本地安装 ### Installing via Smithery To install MCP Replicate FLUX for Claude Desktop automatically via [Smithery]( ```bash npx -y @smithery/cli install @andylee20014/mcp-replicate-flux --client claude ``` ### Installing manually Follow these steps to set up the project locally: 按照以下步骤在本地设置项目: ```bash # Clone the repository git clone cd mcp-replicate-flux # Install dependencies npm install # Create .env file and add your credentials cp .env.example .env # Edit .env with your actual credentials ``` Make sure your Cloudflare R2 bucket has appropriate CORS settings for public access to the uploaded images. 确保您的 Cloudflare R2 存储桶具有适当的 CORS 设置,以允许公共访问上传的图片。 ## Running Locally 本地运行 To start the MCP server locally: 在本地启动 MCP 服务器: ```bash node index.js ``` The server will start and listen for MCP protocol messages on standard input/output. 服务器将启动并通过标准输入/输出监听 MCP 协议消息。 ## Usage 使用方法 The server provides a `generate-image` tool that accepts two parameters: - `prompt`: The text prompt for image generation - `filename`: The desired filename for the generated image 服务器提供了一个 `generate-image` 工具,接受两个参数: - `prompt`:用于生成图片的文本提示词 - `filename`:生成的图片所需的文件名 ### Integration Example 集成示例 Here's an example of how to integrate with this MCP server using the MCP client library: 以下是使用 MCP 客户端库与此 MCP 服务器集成的示例: ```javascript const { McpClient } = require('@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/client/mcp.js') async function generateImage(prompt, filename) { const client = new McpClient() // Connect to your running MCP server await client.connect(yourTransport) const result = await'generate-image', { prompt, filename }) return result } ``` Example response 示例响应: ```json { "content": [ { "type": "text", "text": "Image successfully generated and uploaded to Cloudflare R2" }, { "type": "image", "url": "" } ] } ``` ## Testing 测试 A test script is provided to verify the image generation and upload functionality. 提供了一个测试脚本,用于验证图片生成和上传功能。 ### Running the test 运行测试 ```bash node test.js ``` The test script will: 1. Generate an image with a sample prompt 2. Upload the image to Cloudflare R2 3. Return the accessible URL 测试脚本将: 1. 使用示例提示词生成图片 2. 将图片上传到 Cloudflare R2 3. 返回可访问的 URL Example test output 测试输出示例: ``` Generating image with prompt: "a beautiful girl" Filename: test-1234567890.jpg Image generated and uploaded successfully! Image URL: ``` You can modify the prompt in `test.js` to test different image generation scenarios. 您可以在 `test.js` 中修改提示词来测试不同的图片生成场景。 ## Cursor MCP Configuration Cursor MCP配置 There are two ways to configure the MCP server in Cursor: 在Cursor中配置MCP服务器有两种方式: ### Method 1: Complete Configuration 完整配置方式 Create a file at `~/.cursor/mcp.json` with all environment variables: 在 `~/.cursor/mcp.json` 创建完整配置文件,包含所有环境变量: ```json { "mcpServers": { "replicate-flux": { "command": "node", "args": ["C:\\Users\\YourUsername\\path\\to\\mcp-replicate-flux\\index.js"], "description": "使用Replicate的FLUX模型生成图片并存储到Cloudflare R2的MCP服务器", "env": { "REPLICATE_API_TOKEN": "your_replicate_token", "STORAGE_ENDPOINT": "your_r2_endpoint", "STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY": "your_r2_access_key", "STORAGE_SECRET_KEY": "your_r2_secret_key", "STORAGE_BUCKET": "your_bucket_name", "STORAGE_DOMAIN": "your_domain" } } } } ``` ### Method 2: Minimal Configuration 最小配置方式 If you prefer to manage environment variables separately (using system environment variables or .env file), you can use a minimal configuration: 如果你想单独管理环境变量(使用系统环境变量或.env文件),可以使用最小配置: ```json { "mcpServers": { "replicate-flux": { "command": "node", "args": ["C:\\Users\\YourUsername\\path\\to\\mcp-replicate-flux\\index.js"] } } } ``` When using the minimal configuration, make sure your environment variables are properly set up either in: - System environment variables - `.env` file in the project directory - Cloud platform's environment variables (for deployed servers) 使用最小配置时,请确保你的环境变量正确设置在以下位置之一: - 系统环境变量 - 项目目录中的 `.env` 文件 - 云平台的环境变量(对于已部署的服务器) ### Notes 注意事项 - The `description` field is optional in both methods - Environment variables in the configuration file take precedence over system environment variables - After changing the configuration, restart Cursor to apply the changes - `description` 描述字段在两种方式中都是可选的 - 配置文件中的环境变量优先级高于系统环境变量 - 更改配置后,需要重启Cursor以应用更改 ## Project Structure 项目结构 ``` mcp-replicate-flux/ ├── .env # Environment variables ├── index.js # MCP server entry point ├── generateImage.js # Image generation and R2 upload logic ├── test.js # Test script └── # Project documentation ``` ## Troubleshooting 故障排除 ### Common Issues 常见问题 1. **Image generation fails**: Check your Replicate API token and quota 2. **R2 upload fails**: Verify your R2 credentials and bucket permissions 3. **Cannot access generated images**: Ensure your R2 bucket has proper CORS configuration 1. **图片生成失败**:检查您的 Replicate API 令牌和配额 2. **R2 上传失败**:验证您的 R2 凭证和存储桶权限 3. **无法访问生成的图片**:确保您的 R2 存储桶具有正确的 CORS 配置 ## MCP Protocol 协议说明 The Model Context Protocol (MCP) is a standard for AI model interaction that enables interoperability between different AI systems. This server implements an MCP tool that can be used with any MCP-compatible client. 模型上下文协议(MCP)是一种 AI 模型交互标准,可实现不同 AI 系统之间的互操作性。此服务器实现了一个 MCP 工具,可与任何兼容 MCP 的客户端一起使用。 For more information about MCP, visit: []( ## References 参考链接 - [Model Context Protocol Documentation]( - [Replicate API Documentation]( - [Cloudflare R2 Documentation]( - [Flux AI Model]( ## License 许可证 MIT