Gatherings MCP Server

by abutbul
""" Services for the Gatherings application. This module provides high-level services for managing gatherings and their members. """ from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Optional, Any from models import DatabaseManager, Gathering, Member class GatheringService: """Service for managing gatherings and their members.""" def __init__(self, db_manager: DatabaseManager): """Initialize the GatheringService with a DatabaseManager.""" self.db_manager = db_manager def create_gathering(self, gathering_id: str, total_members: int) -> Gathering: """Creates a new gathering with the specified number of members.""" gathering = self.db_manager.create_gathering(gathering_id, total_members) return gathering def get_gathering(self, gathering_id: str) -> Optional[Gathering]: """ Get a gathering by ID. Args: gathering_id: The ID of the gathering Returns: The Gathering object, or None if not found """ return self.db_manager.get_gathering(gathering_id) def add_expense(self, gathering_id: str, member_name: str, amount: float) -> Tuple[Gathering, Member]: """ Add an expense for a member in a gathering. Args: gathering_id: The ID of the gathering member_name: The name of the member (can be auto-generated) amount: The expense amount (positive number) Returns: Tuple of (updated Gathering, Member who paid) Raises: ValueError: If the gathering is closed, the member doesn't exist, or the amount is invalid """ return self.db_manager.add_expense(gathering_id, member_name, amount) def calculate_reimbursements(self, gathering_id: str) -> Dict[str, float]: """ Calculate reimbursements for a gathering. Args: gathering_id: The ID of the gathering Returns: A dictionary mapping member names to reimbursement amounts (negative values mean the member gets reimbursed, positive values mean they owe money) Raises: ValueError: If the gathering doesn't exist """ gathering = self.get_gathering(gathering_id) if not gathering: raise ValueError(f"Gathering '{gathering_id}' not found") # Calculate how much each member has paid and should pay expense_per_member = gathering.expense_per_member # Calculate reimbursements reimbursements = {} for member in gathering.members: # Amount to pay = total share - expenses + payments # If negative, member gets reimbursed; if positive, member owes money to_pay = expense_per_member - member.total_expenses + member.total_payments reimbursements[] = to_pay return reimbursements def record_payment(self, gathering_id: str, member_name: str, amount: float) -> Tuple[Gathering, Member]: """ Record a payment made by a member. Args: gathering_id: The ID of the gathering member_name: The name of the member amount: The payment amount (positive for payments, negative for reimbursements) Returns: Tuple of (updated Gathering, Member who paid/received) Raises: ValueError: If the gathering is closed, the member doesn't exist, or the payment is invalid """ return self.db_manager.record_payment(gathering_id, member_name, amount) def rename_member(self, gathering_id: str, old_name: str, new_name: str) -> Member: """ Rename a member in a gathering. Args: gathering_id: The ID of the gathering old_name: The current name of the member new_name: The new name for the member Returns: The updated Member object Raises: ValueError: If the gathering is closed, the member doesn't exist, or the new name is already taken """ return self.db_manager.rename_member(gathering_id, old_name, new_name) def close_gathering(self, gathering_id: str) -> Gathering: """ Close a gathering. Args: gathering_id: The ID of the gathering Returns: The updated Gathering object Raises: ValueError: If the gathering doesn't exist or is already closed """ return self.db_manager.close_gathering(gathering_id) def delete_gathering(self, gathering_id: str, force: bool = False) -> None: """ Delete a gathering and all related data. Args: gathering_id: The ID of the gathering force: If True, delete even if the gathering is closed Raises: ValueError: If the gathering doesn't exist or is closed and force is False """ return self.db_manager.delete_gathering(gathering_id, force) def list_gatherings(self) -> List[Gathering]: """ List all gatherings. Returns: A list of all Gathering objects """ return self.db_manager.list_gatherings() def get_payment_summary(self, gathering_id: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Get a detailed payment summary for a gathering. Args: gathering_id: The ID of the gathering Returns: A dictionary with summary information: { 'total_expenses': float, 'expense_per_member': float, 'members': { 'member1': { 'expenses': float, 'paid': float, 'balance': float, 'status': str }, ... } } Raises: ValueError: If the gathering doesn't exist """ gathering = self.get_gathering(gathering_id) if not gathering: raise ValueError(f"Gathering '{gathering_id}' not found") summary = { 'total_expenses': gathering.total_expenses, 'expense_per_member': gathering.expense_per_member, 'members': {} } for member in gathering.members: summary['members'][] = { 'expenses': member.total_expenses, 'paid': member.total_payments, 'balance': member.balance, 'status': member.status } return summary def add_member(self, gathering_id: str, member_name: str) -> Tuple[Gathering, Member]: """ Add a new member to an existing gathering. Args: gathering_id: The ID of the gathering member_name: The name of the member to add Returns: Tuple of (updated Gathering, added Member) Raises: ValueError: If the gathering is closed, doesn't exist, or member already exists """ member = self.db_manager.add_member(gathering_id, member_name) gathering = self.get_gathering(gathering_id) return gathering, member def remove_member(self, gathering_id: str, member_name: str) -> Gathering: """ Remove a member from a gathering. Args: gathering_id: The ID of the gathering member_name: The name of the member to remove Returns: The updated Gathering object Raises: ValueError: If the gathering is closed, doesn't exist, the member doesn't exist, or the member has expenses/payments """ self.db_manager.remove_member(gathering_id, member_name) return self.get_gathering(gathering_id)