Gatherings MCP Server

by abutbul

local-only server

The server can only run on the client’s local machine because it depends on local resources.

gatherings MCP Server

A Model Context Protocol server for managing gatherings and expense sharing.

This is a TypeScript-based MCP server that helps track expenses and payments for social events, making it easy to calculate reimbursements and settle balances between friends.

Architecture Note

Important: This project uses a non-standard architecture for a Node.js application. The TypeScript MCP server acts as a wrapper around a Python backend implementation. The Node.js server receives MCP requests, translates them to command-line calls to the Python script, and returns the results.

While this architecture works for our current needs, it's not the most efficient or maintainable approach for a production application.


  • Refactor the implementation to use a more standard architecture:
    • Either fully migrate the backend to TypeScript/JavaScript
    • Or implement proper inter-process communication between Node.js and Python components
    • Or replace with a REST API approach where the Python backend provides an API that the MCP server consumes
  • Improve error handling between the Node.js and Python components
  • Add automated tests for the integration between components



  • create_gathering - Create a new gathering
    • Takes gathering_id and members as required parameters
  • add_expense - Add an expense for a member
    • Takes gathering_id, member_name, and amount as required parameters
  • calculate_reimbursements - Calculate reimbursements for a gathering
    • Takes gathering_id as a required parameter
  • record_payment - Record a payment made by a member
    • Takes gathering_id, member_name, and amount as required parameters
  • rename_member - Rename an unnamed member
    • Takes gathering_id, old_name, and new_name as required parameters
  • show_gathering - Show details of a gathering
    • Takes gathering_id as a required parameter
  • list_gatherings - List all gatherings
  • close_gathering - Close a gathering
    • Takes gathering_id as a required parameter
  • delete_gathering - Delete a gathering
    • Takes gathering_id as a required parameter, optional force parameter
  • add_member - Add a new member to a gathering
    • Takes gathering_id and member_name as required parameters
  • remove_member - Remove a member from a gathering
    • Takes gathering_id and member_name as required parameters


Install dependencies:

npm install

Build the server:

npm run build

For development with auto-rebuild:

npm run watch



To use with Claude Desktop, add the server config:

{ "mcpServers": { "gatherings": { "command": "node", "args": ["/path/to/gatherings-server/build/index.js"], "env": { "GATHERINGS_DB_PATH": "gatherings.db", "GATHERINGS_SCRIPT": "/path/to/gatherings-server/" }, "disabled": false, "autoApprove": [], "alwaysAllow": [ "create_gathering", "add_expense", "calculate_reimbursements", "record_payment", "rename_member", "show_gathering", "list_gatherings", "close_gathering", "delete_gathering", "add_member", "remove_member" ], "timeout": 300 } } }

Configuration Options

  • command and args: Specifies how to run the server
  • env: Environment variables
    • GATHERINGS_DB_PATH: Path to the database file
    • GATHERINGS_SCRIPT: Path to the Python script for handling gathering operations
  • alwaysAllow: List of tools that will be automatically allowed without prompting
  • timeout: Maximum execution time in seconds


Since MCP servers communicate over stdio, debugging can be challenging. We recommend using the MCP Inspector, which is available as a package script:

npm run inspector

The Inspector will provide a URL to access debugging tools in your browser.

security - not tested
license - not found
quality - not tested

A Model Context Protocol server that helps track expenses and calculate reimbursements for social events, making it easy to settle balances between friends.

  1. Architecture Note
    1. TODO
  2. Features
    1. Tools
  3. Development
    1. Installation
      1. Configuration
      2. Debugging