by ThetaBird
- Query Axiom datasets using Axiom Processing Language (APL). The query must be a valid APL query string.
- ALWAYS get the schema of the dataset before running queries rather than guessing. You can do this by getting a single event and projecting all fields.
- Keep in mind that there's a maximum row limit of 65000 rows per query.
- Prefer aggregations over non aggregating queries when possible to reduce the amount of data returned.
- Be selective in what you project in each query (unless otherwise needed, like for discovering the schema). It's expensive to project all fields.
- ALWAYS restrict the time range of the query to the smallest possible range that meets your needs. This will reduce the amount of data scanned and improve query performance.
- NEVER guess the schema of the dataset. If you don't where something is, use search first to find in which fields it appears.
- Filter: ['logs'] | where ['severity'] == "error" or ['duration'] > 500ms
- Time range: ['logs'] | where ['_time'] > ago(2h) and ['_time'] < now()
- Project rename: ['logs'] | project-rename responseTime=['duration'], path=['url']
- Count by: ['logs'] | summarize count() by bin(['_time'], 5m), ['status']
- Multiple aggs: ['logs'] | summarize count(), avg(['duration']), max(['duration']), p95=percentile(['duration'], 95) by ['endpoint']
- Dimensional: ['logs'] | summarize dimensional_analysis(['isError'], pack_array(['endpoint'], ['status']))
- Histograms: ['logs'] | summarize histogram(['responseTime'], 100) by ['endpoint']
- Distinct: ['logs'] | summarize dcount(['userId']) by bin_auto(['_time'])
Search & Parse:
- Search all: search "error" or "exception"
- Parse logs: ['logs'] | parse-kv ['message'] as (duration:long, error:string) with (pair_delimiter=",")
- Regex extract: ['logs'] | extend errorCode = extract("error code ([0-9]+)", 1, ['message'])
- Contains ops: ['logs'] | where ['message'] contains_cs "ERROR" or ['message'] startswith "FATAL"
Data Shaping:
- Extend & Calculate: ['logs'] | extend duration_s = ['duration']/1000, success = ['status'] < 400
- Dynamic: ['logs'] | extend props = parse_json(['properties']) | where ['props.level'] == "error"
- Pack/Unpack: ['logs'] | extend fields = pack("status", ['status'], "duration", ['duration'])
- Arrays: ['logs'] | where ['url'] in ("login", "logout", "home") | where array_length(['tags']) > 0
- Make series: ['metrics'] | make-series avg(['cpu']) default=0 on ['_time'] step 1m by ['host']
- Join: ['errors'] | join kind=inner (['users'] | project ['userId'], ['email']) on ['userId']
- Union: union ['logs-app*'] | where ['severity'] == "error"
- Fork: ['logs'] | fork (where ['status'] >= 500 | as errors) (where ['status'] < 300 | as success)
- Case: ['logs'] | extend level = case(['status'] >= 500, "error", ['status'] >= 400, "warn", "info")
Time Operations:
- Bin & Range: ['logs'] | where ['_time'] between(datetime(2024-01-01)
- Multiple time bins: ['logs'] | summarize count() by bin(['_time'], 1h), bin(['_time'], 1d)
- Time shifts: ['logs'] | extend prev_hour = ['_time'] - 1h
String Operations:
- String funcs: ['logs'] | extend domain = tolower(extract("://([^/]+)", 1, ['url']))
- Concat: ['logs'] | extend full_msg = strcat(['level'], ": ", ['message'])
- Replace: ['logs'] | extend clean_msg = replace_regex("(password=)[^&]", "\1**", ['message'])
Common Patterns:
- Error analysis: ['logs'] | where ['severity'] == "error" | summarize error_count=count() by ['error_code'], ['service']
- Status codes: ['logs'] | summarize requests=count() by ['status'], bin_auto(['_time']) | where ['status'] >= 500
- Latency tracking: ['logs'] | summarize p50=percentile(['duration'], 50), p90=percentile(['duration'], 90) by ['endpoint']
- User activity: ['logs'] | summarize user_actions=count() by ['userId'], ['action'], bin(['_time'], 1h)
Input Schema
Name | Required | Description | Default |
query | Yes | The APL query to run |