MCP Firebird

by PuroDelphi
MIT License
  • Apple
  • Linux

hybrid server

The server is able to function both locally and remotely, depending on the configuration or use case.


  • Provides integration examples for Delphi applications to connect with the MCP Firebird server, allowing Delphi programs to execute SQL queries, list database tables, and generate SQL through the MCP protocol.

  • Offers Docker configuration for containerized deployment of the MCP Firebird server alongside a Firebird database, with detailed Dockerfile and docker-compose examples for production use.

  • Offers JavaScript client examples for integrating with the MCP Firebird server, allowing JavaScript applications to execute queries and manage Firebird database data.

MCP Firebird

Implementation of Anthropic's MCP protocol for Firebird databases.

What is MCP Firebird and what is it for?

MCP Firebird is a server that implements Anthropic's Model Context Protocol (MCP) for Firebird SQL databases. It allows Large Language Models (LLMs) like Claude to access, analyze, and manipulate data in Firebird databases securely and in a controlled manner.

You'll find use cases and examples below.


# Global installation npm install -g mcp-firebird # Project installation npm install mcp-firebird


Environment Variables

You can configure the server using environment variables:

# Basic configuration export FIREBIRD_HOST=localhost export FIREBIRD_PORT=3050 export FIREBIRD_DATABASE=/path/to/database.fdb export FIREBIRD_USER=SYSDBA export FIREBIRD_PASSWORD=masterkey export FIREBIRD_ROLE=undefined # Optional # Directory configuration (alternative) export FIREBIRD_DATABASE_DIR=/path/to/databases # Directory with databases

Using with npx

You can run the server directly with npx:

npx mcp-firebird --host localhost --port 3050 --database /path/to/database.fdb --user SYSDBA --password masterkey

Configuration with Claude Desktop

To use the Firebird MCP server with Claude Desktop:

Add the following configuration:

{ "mcpServers": { "mcp-firebird": { "command": "npx", "args": [ "mcp-firebird", "--host", "localhost", "--port", "3050", "--database", "C:\\Databases\\example.fdb", "--user", "SYSDBA", "--password", "masterkey" ] } } }

Resources and Features

The MCP Firebird server offers:

  • Databases: List of all available databases
  • Tables: List of all tables in the database
  • Views: List of all views in the database
  • Stored procedures: Access to procedures in the database
  • Table schemas: Detailed structure of each table
  • Data: Access to table data

Available Tools

  1. list-tables: Lists all tables in the database
    {} // No parameters required
  2. describe-table: Describes the structure of a table
    { "tableName": "EMPLOYEES" }
  3. execute-query: Executes an SQL query in the database
    { "sql": "SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEES WHERE DEPARTMENT_ID = 10", "params": [] // Optional parameters for prepared queries }
  4. get-field-descriptions: Gets field descriptions
    { "tableName": "EMPLOYEES" }

The get-field-descriptions tool is especially useful for AI models, as it retrieves comments from Firebird's RDB$DESCRIPTION metadata, providing additional semantic context about the purpose of each field.

Available Prompts

  1. query-data: Query data using natural language
    Find all employees in the sales department hired in 2023
  2. analyze-table: Analyze the structure of a table
    Analyze the EMPLOYEES table and explain its structure
  3. optimize-query: Optimize an SQL query
  4. generate-sql: Generate SQL from a description
    Generate a query to get the 10 best-selling products

Usage from Different Languages


// Example with TypeScript import { McpClient, ChildProcessTransport } from '@modelcontextprotocol/sdk'; import { spawn } from 'child_process'; async function main() { // Start the MCP server process const serverProcess = spawn('npx', [ 'mcp-firebird', '--database', '/path/to/database.fdb', '--user', 'SYSDBA', '--password', 'masterkey' ]); // Create a transport and an MCP client const transport = new ChildProcessTransport(serverProcess); const client = new McpClient(transport); try { // Get server information const serverInfo = await client.getServerInfo(); console.log('MCP Server:', serverInfo); // List available tables const tablesResult = await client.executeTool('list-tables', {}); console.log('Available tables:', tablesResult); // Execute an SQL query const queryResult = await client.executeTool('execute-query', { sql: 'SELECT FIRST 10 * FROM EMPLOYEES' }); console.log('Query results:', queryResult); // Use a prompt to generate SQL const sqlGeneration = await client.executePrompt('generate-sql', { description: 'Get all premium customers' }); console.log('Generated SQL:', sqlGeneration); } catch (error) { console.error('Error:', error); } finally { // Close the server process serverProcess.kill(); } } main().catch(console.error);


# Example with Python import json import subprocess from subprocess import PIPE class McpFirebirdClient: def __init__(self, database_path, user='SYSDBA', password='masterkey'): # Start the MCP server process self.process = subprocess.Popen( ['npx', 'mcp-firebird', '--database', database_path, '--user', user, '--password', password], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, text=True, bufsize=1 ) def send_request(self, method, params={}): request = { 'id': 1, 'method': method, 'params': params } # Send the request to the server self.process.stdin.write(json.dumps(request) + '\n') self.process.stdin.flush() # Read the response response_line = self.process.stdout.readline() while not response_line.strip() or response_line.startswith('['): response_line = self.process.stdout.readline() # Parse and return the JSON response return json.loads(response_line) def get_server_info(self): return self.send_request('getServerInfo') def list_tables(self): return self.send_request('executeTool', {'name': 'list-tables', 'args': {}}) def execute_query(self, sql, params=[]): return self.send_request('executeTool', { 'name': 'execute-query', 'args': {'sql': sql, 'params': params} }) def generate_sql(self, description): return self.send_request('executePrompt', { 'name': 'generate-sql', 'args': {'description': description} }) def close(self): self.process.terminate() # Client usage client = McpFirebirdClient('/path/to/database.fdb') try: # Get server information server_info = client.get_server_info() print(f"MCP Server: {server_info}") # List tables tables = client.list_tables() print(f"Available tables: {tables}") # Execute a query results = client.execute_query("SELECT FIRST 10 * FROM EMPLOYEES") print(f"Results: {results}") # Generate SQL sql = client.generate_sql("List the best-selling products") print(f"Generated SQL: {sql}") finally: client.close()

Delphi and Lazurus

// Example with Delphi program McpFirebirdClient; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses System.SysUtils, System.Classes, System.JSON, System.Net.HttpClient, System.Diagnostics, System.IOUtils; type TMcpFirebirdClient = class private FProcess: TProcess; //For Delphi change to TProcessDelphi and add FRequestId: Integer; function SendRequest(const Method: string; const Params: TJSONObject = nil): TJSONObject; function ReadResponse: string; public constructor Create(const DatabasePath, User, Password: string); destructor Destroy; override; function GetServerInfo: TJSONObject; function ListTables: TJSONObject; function ExecuteQuery(const SQL: string; Params: TArray<Variant> = nil): TJSONObject; function GenerateSQL(const Description: string): TJSONObject; end; constructor TMcpFirebirdClient.Create(const DatabasePath, User, Password: string); begin inherited Create; FRequestId := 1; // Create and configure the process FProcess := TProcess.Create(nil); FProcess.Executable := 'npx'; FProcess.Parameters.Add('mcp-firebird'); FProcess.Parameters.Add('--database'); FProcess.Parameters.Add(DatabasePath); FProcess.Parameters.Add('--user'); FProcess.Parameters.Add(User); FProcess.Parameters.Add('--password'); FProcess.Parameters.Add(Password); FProcess.Options := [poUsePipes, poStderrToOutPut]; FProcess.Execute; // Wait for the server to start Sleep(2000); end; destructor TMcpFirebirdClient.Destroy; begin FProcess.Free; inherited; end; function TMcpFirebirdClient.SendRequest(const Method: string; const Params: TJSONObject = nil): TJSONObject; var Request: TJSONObject; RequestStr, ResponseStr: string; begin // Create the JSON request Request := TJSONObject.Create; try Request.AddPair('id', TJSONNumber.Create(FRequestId)); Inc(FRequestId); Request.AddPair('method', Method); if Assigned(Params) then Request.AddPair('params', Params) else Request.AddPair('params', TJSONObject.Create); RequestStr := Request.ToString + #10; // Send the request to the process FProcess.Input.Write(RequestStr[1], Length(RequestStr) * 2); // Read the response ResponseStr := ReadResponse; Result := TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue(ResponseStr) as TJSONObject; finally Request.Free; end; end; function TMcpFirebirdClient.ReadResponse: string; var Buffer: TBytes; BytesRead: Integer; ResponseStr: string; begin SetLength(Buffer, 4096); ResponseStr := ''; repeat BytesRead := FProcess.Output.Read(Buffer[0], Length(Buffer)); if BytesRead > 0 then begin SetLength(Buffer, BytesRead); ResponseStr := ResponseStr + TEncoding.UTF8.GetString(Buffer); end; until BytesRead = 0; Result := ResponseStr; end; function TMcpFirebirdClient.GetServerInfo: TJSONObject; begin Result := SendRequest('getServerInfo'); end; function TMcpFirebirdClient.ListTables: TJSONObject; var Params: TJSONObject; begin Params := TJSONObject.Create; try Params.AddPair('name', 'list-tables'); Params.AddPair('args', TJSONObject.Create); Result := SendRequest('executeTool', Params); finally Params.Free; end; end; function TMcpFirebirdClient.ExecuteQuery(const SQL: string; Params: TArray<Variant> = nil): TJSONObject; var RequestParams, Args: TJSONObject; ParamsArray: TJSONArray; I: Integer; begin RequestParams := TJSONObject.Create; Args := TJSONObject.Create; ParamsArray := TJSONArray.Create; try // Configure the arguments Args.AddPair('sql', SQL); if Length(Params) > 0 then begin for I := 0 to Length(Params) - 1 do begin case VarType(Params[I]) of varInteger: ParamsArray.Add(TJSONNumber.Create(Integer(Params[I]))); varDouble: ParamsArray.Add(TJSONNumber.Create(Double(Params[I]))); varBoolean: ParamsArray.Add(TJSONBool.Create(Boolean(Params[I]))); else ParamsArray.Add(String(Params[I])); end; end; end; Args.AddPair('params', ParamsArray); RequestParams.AddPair('name', 'execute-query'); RequestParams.AddPair('args', Args); Result := SendRequest('executeTool', RequestParams); finally RequestParams.Free; end; end; function TMcpFirebirdClient.GenerateSQL(const Description: string): TJSONObject; var RequestParams, Args: TJSONObject; begin RequestParams := TJSONObject.Create; Args := TJSONObject.Create; try Args.AddPair('description', Description); RequestParams.AddPair('name', 'generate-sql'); RequestParams.AddPair('args', Args); Result := SendRequest('executePrompt', RequestParams); finally RequestParams.Free; end; end; var Client: TMcpFirebirdClient; ServerInfo, Tables, QueryResults, GeneratedSQL: TJSONObject; begin try WriteLn('Starting MCP Firebird client...'); // Create the client Client := TMcpFirebirdClient.Create('C:\Databases\example.fdb', 'SYSDBA', 'masterkey'); try // Get server information ServerInfo := Client.GetServerInfo; WriteLn('Server information: ', ServerInfo.ToString); // List tables Tables := Client.ListTables; WriteLn('Available tables: ', Tables.ToString); // Execute a query QueryResults := Client.ExecuteQuery('SELECT FIRST 10 * FROM EMPLOYEES'); WriteLn('Query results: ', QueryResults.ToString); // Generate SQL GeneratedSQL := Client.GenerateSQL('Get all premium customers'); WriteLn('Generated SQL: ', GeneratedSQL.ToString); finally Client.Free; end; except on E: Exception do WriteLn('Error: ', E.Message); end; WriteLn('Press ENTER to exit...'); ReadLn; end.

Docker Configuration

You can run the MCP Firebird server in a Docker container:


FROM node:18-alpine # Install necessary dependencies for Firebird RUN apk add --no-cache firebird-client # Create application directory WORKDIR /app # Copy project files COPY package*.json ./ RUN npm install # Copy source code COPY . . # Compile the TypeScript project RUN npm run build # Expose port if HTTP is used (optional) # EXPOSE 3000 # Set default environment variables ENV FIREBIRD_HOST=firebird-db ENV FIREBIRD_PORT=3050 ENV FIREBIRD_USER=SYSDBA ENV FIREBIRD_PASSWORD=masterkey ENV FIREBIRD_DATABASE=/firebird/data/database.fdb # Start command CMD ["node", "dist/index.js"]

Docker Compose

version: '3.8' services: # Firebird database server firebird-db: image: jacobalberty/firebird:3.0 environment: ISC_PASSWORD: masterkey FIREBIRD_DATABASE: database.fdb FIREBIRD_USER: SYSDBA volumes: - firebird-data:/firebird/data ports: - "3050:3050" networks: - mcp-network # MCP Firebird server mcp-firebird: build: context: . dockerfile: Dockerfile environment: FIREBIRD_HOST: firebird-db FIREBIRD_PORT: 3050 FIREBIRD_USER: SYSDBA FIREBIRD_PASSWORD: masterkey FIREBIRD_DATABASE: /firebird/data/database.fdb depends_on: - firebird-db networks: - mcp-network # For use with Claude Desktop, expose STDIO stdin_open: true tty: true networks: mcp-network: driver: bridge volumes: firebird-data:

Running with Docker

# Build and run with Docker Compose docker compose up -d # Check logs docker compose logs -f mcp-firebird # Stop services docker compose down

Use Cases

  1. Data Analysis with AI:
    • Analyze historical sales trends
    • Identify patterns in financial data
    • Detect anomalies in transaction records
  2. SQL Query Generation:
    • Create complex queries from natural language descriptions
    • Optimize existing queries to improve performance
    • Translate queries between different SQL dialects
  3. Automated Documentation:
    • Generate documentation about database structure
    • Explain relationships between tables and schemas
    • Create detailed data dictionaries
  4. Development Assistance:
    • Suggest indexes to improve performance
    • Propose schema normalizations
    • Help with data migration between systems

Example of Sales Analysis Usage

Interaction with Claude:

User: Connect to my Firebird database and analyze sales trends by region in the last quarter. Claude: I'll connect to your Firebird database to analyze regional sales trends. [Claude uses MCP Firebird to execute several SQL queries] Based on data from the last quarter, I've identified the following trends: 1. The North region has experienced 12.5% growth compared to the previous quarter 2. The South region shows a 3.2% decrease in electronics products 3. The "Laptop Pro X" product is the best-selling across all regions 4. Sales in the East region show a cyclical pattern with peaks on weekends Graphically, the distribution of sales by region is: [Graph generated by Claude based on the data] Would you like to delve deeper into any specific region or product category?

Example of Query Optimization

User: I have this query that's running slowly, can you optimize it? SELECT c.CUSTOMER_NAME, SUM(o.ORDER_TOTAL) FROM CUSTOMERS c JOIN ORDERS o ON c.CUSTOMER_ID = o.CUSTOMER_ID WHERE o.ORDER_DATE > '2024-01-01' GROUP BY c.CUSTOMER_NAME ORDER BY SUM(o.ORDER_TOTAL) DESC Claude: I'll analyze this query to optimize it. [Claude uses MCP Firebird to analyze the schema and query] I've identified several optimization opportunities: 1. The current query doesn't efficiently use indexes 2. The calculation of SUM(o.ORDER_TOTAL) is performed twice Here's the optimized version: ```sql SELECT c.CUSTOMER_NAME, total_sales FROM CUSTOMERS c JOIN ( SELECT CUSTOMER_ID, SUM(ORDER_TOTAL) as total_sales FROM ORDERS WHERE ORDER_DATE > '2024-01-01' GROUP BY CUSTOMER_ID ) o ON c.CUSTOMER_ID = o.CUSTOMER_ID ORDER BY total_sales DESC

This version:

  • Reduces the dataset before joining
  • Calculates the sum only once
  • Could benefit from an index on ORDERS(ORDER_DATE, CUSTOMER_ID, ORDER_TOTAL)

When running both queries on your database, the optimized version is approximately 45% faster.

## Security Configuration Security is a priority in MCP Firebird. Below are advanced options to control access and permitted operations. ### Limiting Access to Tables and Views You can restrict which tables and views are available to the MCP server using inclusion and exclusion filters: ```javascript // In your custom configuration (config.js) module.exports = { // Basic configuration... security: { // Only allow access to these tables allowedTables: [ 'CUSTOMERS', 'PRODUCTS', 'ORDERS', 'ORDER_ITEMS' ], // Explicitly exclude these tables (takes precedence over allowedTables) forbiddenTables: [ 'USERS', 'USER_CREDENTIALS', 'AUDIT_LOG' ], // Table name pattern filter (regular expression) tableNamePattern: '^(?!TMP_|TEMP_|BAK_).*$' // Exclude temporary/backup tables } };

To use this configuration:

npx mcp-firebird --config ./config.js

Limiting SQL Operations

You can restrict which SQL operations are allowed:

// In your custom configuration module.exports = { // Basic configuration... security: { // Allowed SQL operations allowedOperations: ['SELECT', 'EXECUTE'], // Only queries and stored procedures // Specifically block these operations forbiddenOperations: ['DROP', 'TRUNCATE', 'ALTER', 'GRANT', 'REVOKE'], // Maximum number of rows that can be returned in a query maxRows: 1000, // Maximum query execution time (in ms) queryTimeout: 5000 } };

Restricting Sensitive Data

You can configure rules to mask or filter sensitive data:

module.exports = { // Basic configuration... security: { dataMasking: [ { // Mask specific columns columns: ['CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER', 'SSN', 'PASSWORD'], pattern: /^.*/, replacement: '************' }, { // Partially mask emails columns: ['EMAIL'], pattern: /^(.{3})(.*)(@.*)$/, replacement: '$1***$3' } ], // Row filters to exclude sensitive data rowFilters: { 'CUSTOMERS': 'GDPR_CONSENT = 1', // Only show customers with GDPR consent 'EMPLOYEES': 'IS_PUBLIC_PROFILE = 1' // Only public employee profiles } } };

Audit Logging

Configure detailed logging of all operations performed through MCP:

module.exports = { // Basic configuration... security: { audit: { // Enable auditing enabled: true, // Audit log destination destination: 'database', // options: 'file', 'database', 'both' // If destination includes 'file' auditFile: '/path/to/audit.log', // If destination includes 'database' auditTable: 'MCP_AUDIT_LOG', // Detail level detailLevel: 'full', // 'basic', 'medium', 'full' // What to log logQueries: true, logResponses: true, logParameters: true } } };

Audit Logging Example


Data Volume Limitations

Configure limits to prevent queries that consume too many resources:

module.exports = { // Basic configuration... security: { resourceLimits: { // Row limit per query maxRowsPerQuery: 5000, // Result size limit (in bytes) maxResponseSize: 1024 * 1024 * 5, // 5 MB // CPU time limit per query (ms) maxQueryCpuTime: 10000, // Query limit per session maxQueriesPerSession: 100, // Rate limiting (queries per minute) rateLimit: { queriesPerMinute: 60, burstLimit: 20 } } } };

Integration with External Authorization Systems

MCP Firebird can integrate with external authorization systems for more precise access control:

module.exports = { // Basic configuration... security: { authorization: { // Use an external authorization service type: 'oauth2', // Configuration for OAuth2 oauth2: { tokenVerifyUrl: '', clientId: 'mcp-firebird-client', clientSecret: process.env.OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET, scope: 'database:read' }, // Role to permission mapping rolePermissions: { 'analyst': { tables: ['SALES', 'PRODUCTS', 'CUSTOMERS'], operations: ['SELECT'] }, 'manager': { tables: ['SALES', 'PRODUCTS', 'CUSTOMERS', 'EMPLOYEES'], operations: ['SELECT', 'INSERT', 'UPDATE'] }, 'admin': { allTablesAllowed: true, operations: ['SELECT', 'INSERT', 'UPDATE', 'DELETE'] } } } } };

Practical Security Examples

Example 1: MCP Server for Sales Analysis

// config-sales-analysis.js module.exports = { database: process.env.FIREBIRD_DATABASE, user: process.env.FIREBIRD_USER, password: process.env.FIREBIRD_PASSWORD, security: { // Limited access to sales tables allowedTables: [ 'SALES', 'PRODUCTS', 'CUSTOMERS', 'REGIONS', 'SALES_TARGETS', 'PRODUCT_CATEGORIES' ], // Only allow SELECT queries allowedOperations: ['SELECT'], // Mask sensitive customer data dataMasking: [ { columns: ['CUSTOMER_EMAIL', 'CUSTOMER_PHONE'], pattern: /^.*/, replacement: '[REDACTED]' } ], // Resource limits resourceLimits: { maxRowsPerQuery: 10000, maxQueryCpuTime: 5000 } } };

Claude Desktop config:

{ "mcpServers": { "mcp-firebird-sales": { "command": "npx", "args": [ "mcp-firebird", "--config", "C:\\config\\config-sales-analysis.js" ] } } }

Example 2: MCP Server for Inventory Management

// config-inventory.js module.exports = { database: process.env.FIREBIRD_DATABASE, user: process.env.FIREBIRD_USER, password: process.env.FIREBIRD_PASSWORD, security: { // Access to inventory tables allowedTables: [ 'INVENTORY', 'PRODUCTS', 'WAREHOUSES', 'STOCK_MOVEMENTS', 'SUPPLIERS' ], // Allow limited read and write operations allowedOperations: ['SELECT', 'INSERT', 'UPDATE'], // Prevent modification of historical records rowFilters: { 'STOCK_MOVEMENTS': 'MOVEMENT_DATE > DATEADD(-30 DAY TO CURRENT_DATE)' }, // Full auditing audit: { enabled: true, destination: 'both', auditFile: 'C:\\logs\\inventory-audit.log', auditTable: 'MCP_INVENTORY_AUDIT', detailLevel: 'full' } } };

Example 3: Configuration for Development and Testing

// config-development.js module.exports = { database: process.env.FIREBIRD_DATABASE_DEV, user: process.env.FIREBIRD_USER_DEV, password: process.env.FIREBIRD_PASSWORD_DEV, security: { // In development, allow more operations allowedOperations: ['SELECT', 'INSERT', 'UPDATE', 'DELETE', 'CREATE'], // Exclude only critical tables forbiddenTables: ['SYSTEM_CONFIG', 'APP_SECRETS'], // Limit impact of heavy queries resourceLimits: { maxRowsPerQuery: 1000, maxQueryCpuTime: 3000, queriesPerMinute: 120 }, // Basic auditing audit: { enabled: true, destination: 'file', auditFile: './logs/dev-audit.log', detailLevel: 'basic' } } };

These examples illustrate how MCP Firebird can be configured for different use cases, each with its own security and data access considerations.

Integration with AI Agents

Claude in the Terminal

You can use the MCP Firebird server with Claude in the terminal:

# Start the MCP server in one terminal npx mcp-firebird --database /path/to/database.fdb --user SYSDBA --password masterkey # In another terminal, use anthropic CLI with MCP anthropic messages create \ --model claude-3-opus-20240229 \ --max-tokens 4096 \ --mcp "npx mcp-firebird --database /path/to/database.fdb --user SYSDBA --password masterkey" \ --message "Analyze the structure of my Firebird database"

Other AI Agents

The MCP Firebird server is compatible with any agent that implements the MCP protocol, simply by providing the command to start the server:

npx mcp-firebird --database /path/to/database.fdb --user SYSDBA --password masterkey


The server implements the following security measures:

  • Input validation with Zod
  • SQL query sanitization
  • Secure credential handling
  • SQL injection prevention
  • Restriction of destructive operations

Debugging and Troubleshooting

To enable debug mode:

export LOG_LEVEL=debug

Common Issues

  1. Database connection error:
    • Verify credentials and database path
    • Make sure the Firebird server is running
    • Check that the user has sufficient permissions
  2. Server doesn't appear in Claude Desktop:
    • Restart Claude Desktop
    • Verify the configuration in claude_desktop_config.json
    • Make sure the database path is absolute
  3. STDIO issues:
    • Ensure standard output is not being redirected
    • Don't use console.log for debugging (use console.error instead)
