Github Project Manager

remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.


  • Supports loading environment configuration from .env files, used to store GitHub tokens and other configuration settings.

  • Allows management of GitHub issues, pull requests, and projects. Features include creating, updating, and listing issues; adding comments; creating, updating, and merging pull requests; managing pull request reviews; and creating and managing GitHub projects.

GitHub Project Manager

A Model Context Protocol (MCP) implementation for managing GitHub projects and issues. This package provides a seamless interface for AI assistants and applications to interact with GitHub repositories, issues, pull requests, and projects.


GitHub Issue Management

  • Create issues
  • Update issues
  • List issues with filtering options
  • Get issue details
  • Add comments to issues
  • Close issues

GitHub Pull Request Management

  • Create pull requests
  • Update pull requests
  • List pull requests with filtering options
  • Get pull request details
  • Merge pull requests
  • Check if a pull request has been merged
  • Create and manage pull request reviews
  • Add and list review comments
  • Request and remove reviewers
  • Update pull request branches

GitHub Project Management

  • Create projects
  • Add issues to projects
  • Update project items (move between columns)
  • List project items


npm install @monsoft/mcp-github-project-manager


Quick Start with npx

The quickest way to use the GitHub Project Manager is directly with npx:

npx -y @monsoft/mcp-github-project-manager --GITHUB_PERSONAL_TOKEN=your_github_token_here

This starts the MCP server which can then be connected to by MCP clients.

Transport Options

The GitHub Project Manager supports two transport methods:

Stdio Transport (Default)

This is the default transport, ideal for direct CLI integrations and local usage:

# Start with default Stdio transport npx -y @monsoft/mcp-github-project-manager --GITHUB_PERSONAL_TOKEN=your_github_token_here

Server-Sent Events (SSE) Transport

For remote setups and web integrations, you can use the SSE transport which starts an HTTP server:

# Start with SSE transport on default port (3010) npx -y @monsoft/mcp-github-project-manager --GITHUB_PERSONAL_TOKEN=your_github_token_here --RUN_SSE=1 # Start with SSE transport on a custom port npx -y @monsoft/mcp-github-project-manager --GITHUB_PERSONAL_TOKEN=your_github_token_here --RUN_SSE=1 --PORT=8080

When using SSE transport, the server will be accessible at:

  • SSE endpoint: http://localhost:<PORT>/sse
  • Messages endpoint: http://localhost:<PORT>/messages

Setting Up with MCP Clients

To use this with AI assistants like Claude in Anthropic or Cursor:

# Start the MCP server in your terminal npx -y @monsoft/mcp-github-project-manager --GITHUB_PERSONAL_TOKEN=your_github_token_here

Then configure your AI assistant to use this MCP server. The exact configuration depends on the client you're using.

Programmatic Usage

To use the GitHub Project Manager in your own code:

import { GitHubProjectManager } from '@monsoft/mcp-github-project-manager'; // The token will be automatically loaded from command line arguments const manager = new GitHubProjectManager(); // Now you can use the manager to interact with GitHub projects

When running your application, provide the GitHub token as a command-line argument:

node your-app.js --GITHUB_PERSONAL_TOKEN=your_github_token_here

You can also specify the transport type and other options:

# Use SSE transport node your-app.js --GITHUB_PERSONAL_TOKEN=your_github_token_here --RUN_SSE=1 --PORT=3010 # Use default Stdio transport node your-app.js --GITHUB_PERSONAL_TOKEN=your_github_token_here

If you need to programmatically start the server with specific transport options:

import { startGitHubProjectManagerServer, startGitHubProjectManagerServerSSE, } from '@monsoft/mcp-github-project-manager'; // Start with Stdio transport await startGitHubProjectManagerServer('your_github_token_here'); // Or start with SSE transport await startGitHubProjectManagerServerSSE('your_github_token_here', 3010);

API Reference

Issue Management

Create an Issue

const newIssue = await manager.createIssue({ owner: 'organization-name', repo: 'repository-name', title: 'Issue title', body: 'Detailed description of the issue', labels: ['bug', 'priority-high'], assignees: ['username1', 'username2'], });

Get Issue Details

const issue = await manager.getIssue({ owner: 'organization-name', repo: 'repository-name', issue_number: 123, });

Update an Issue

await manager.updateIssue({ owner: 'organization-name', repo: 'repository-name', issue_number: 123, title: 'Updated title', body: 'Updated description', state: 'closed', });

List Issues

const issues = await manager.listIssues({ owner: 'organization-name', repo: 'repository-name', state: 'open', labels: ['bug'], sort: 'created', direction: 'desc', });

Add Issue Comment

await manager.addIssueComment({ owner: 'organization-name', repo: 'repository-name', issue_number: 123, body: 'This is a comment', });

Pull Request Management

Create a Pull Request

const pr = await manager.createPullRequest({ owner: 'organization-name', repo: 'repository-name', title: 'Pull request title', body: 'Description of changes', head: 'feature-branch', base: 'main', });

Get Pull Request Details

const pullRequest = await manager.getPullRequest({ owner: 'organization-name', repo: 'repository-name', pull_number: 456, });

Merge a Pull Request

await manager.mergePullRequest({ owner: 'organization-name', repo: 'repository-name', pull_number: 456, merge_method: 'squash', });

Create a Review

await manager.createPullRequestReview({ owner: 'organization-name', repo: 'repository-name', pull_number: 456, event: 'APPROVE', body: 'LGTM! Great work.', });

Project Management

Create a Project

const project = await manager.createProject({ owner: 'organization-name', name: 'Project Name', body: 'Project description', });

Add Item to Project

await manager.addProjectItem({ project_id: 12345, content_id:, content_type: 'Issue', });

List Project Items

const items = await manager.listProjectItems({ project_id: 12345, });

Error Handling

The package provides custom error classes for handling common error scenarios:

try { // GitHub operations } catch (error) { if (error instanceof MissingGitHubTokenError) { console.error('GitHub token is missing. Please provide one via command line.'); } else if (error instanceof AuthenticationError) { console.error('Failed to authenticate with GitHub. Check your token.'); } else if (error instanceof RateLimitError) { console.error('GitHub API rate limit exceeded.'); } else { console.error('An unexpected error occurred:', error.message); } }

Available error classes:

  • MissingGitHubTokenError: Thrown when a GitHub token is not provided
  • AuthenticationError: Thrown when authentication fails
  • ResourceNotFoundError: Thrown when a requested resource doesn't exist
  • ValidationError: Thrown when input validation fails
  • RateLimitError: Thrown when GitHub API rate limits are exceeded
  • NetworkError: Thrown when network communication issues occur
  • GitHubApiError: General error for GitHub API issues

GitHub Token Permissions

Your GitHub personal access token needs the following permissions:

  • repo - Full access to repositories
  • project - Access to projects
  • issues - Access to issues



npm run build


npm run validate


npm test


npm run lint
