Ghost MCP Server

by MFYDev


Update a blog post with new data.

Args: post_id: The ID of the post to update update_data: Dictionary containing the updated data and updated_at timestamp. Note: 'updated_at' is required. If 'lexical' is provided, it must be a valid JSON string. The lexical content must be a properly escaped JSON string in this format: { "root": { "children": [ { "children": [ { "detail": 0, "format": 0, "mode": "normal", "style": "", "text": "Your content here", "type": "text", "version": 1 } ], "direction": "ltr", "format": "", "indent": 0, "type": "paragraph", "version": 1 } ], "direction": "ltr", "format": "", "indent": 0, "type": "root", "version": 1 } } Example usage: update_data = { "post_id": "67abcffb7f82ac000179d76f", "update_data": { "updated_at": "2025-02-11T22:54:40.000Z", "lexical": "{"root":{"children":[{"children":[{"detail":0,"format":0,"mode":"normal","style":"","text":"Hello World","type":"text","version":1}],"direction":"ltr","format":"","indent":0,"type":"paragraph","version":1}],"direction":"ltr","format":"","indent":0,"type":"root","version":1}}" } } Updatable fields for a blog post: - slug: Unique URL slug for the post. - id: Identifier of the post. - uuid: Universally unique identifier for the post. - title: The title of the post. - lexical: JSON string representing the post content in lexical format. - html: HTML version of the post content. - comment_id: Identifier for the comment thread. - feature_image: URL to the post's feature image. - feature_image_alt: Alternate text for the feature image. - feature_image_caption: Caption for the feature image. - featured: Boolean flag indicating if the post is featured. - status: The publication status (e.g., published, draft). - visibility: Visibility setting (e.g., public, private). - created_at: Timestamp when the post was created. - updated_at: Timestamp when the post was last updated. - published_at: Timestamp when the post was published. - custom_excerpt: Custom excerpt text for the post. - codeinjection_head: Code to be injected into the head section. - codeinjection_foot: Code to be injected into the footer section. - custom_template: Custom template assigned to the post. - canonical_url: The canonical URL for SEO purposes. - tags: List of tag objects associated with the post. - authors: List of author objects for the post. - primary_author: The primary author object. - primary_tag: The primary tag object. - url: Direct URL link to the post. - excerpt: Short excerpt or summary of the post. - og_image: Open Graph image URL for social sharing. - og_title: Open Graph title for social sharing. - og_description: Open Graph description for social sharing. - twitter_image: Twitter-specific image URL. - twitter_title: Twitter-specific title. - twitter_description: Twitter-specific description. - meta_title: Meta title for SEO. - meta_description: Meta description for SEO. - email_only: Boolean flag indicating if the post is for email distribution only. - newsletter: Dictionary containing newsletter configuration details. - email: Dictionary containing email details related to the post. ctx: Optional context for logging Returns: Formatted string containing the updated post details Raises: GhostError: If there is an error accessing the Ghost API or missing required fields

Input Schema


Input Schema (JSON Schema)

{ "properties": { "post_id": { "title": "Post Id", "type": "string" }, "update_data": { "title": "Update Data", "type": "object" } }, "required": [ "post_id", "update_data" ], "title": "update_postArguments", "type": "object" }