WebDAV MCP Server

by LaubPlusCo
@echo off setlocal echo WebDAV MCP Server Setup echo ======================= echo. REM Check if Node.js is installed where node >nul 2>nul if %ERRORLEVEL% neq 0 ( echo Error: Node.js is not installed. Please install Node.js 18 or later. exit /b 1 ) REM Check Node.js version for /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims=v." %%a in ('node -v') do ( set NODE_MAJOR_VERSION=%%b ) if %NODE_MAJOR_VERSION% LSS 18 ( echo Error: Node.js version 18 or higher is required. You have version v%NODE_MAJOR_VERSION%. exit /b 1 ) REM Install dependencies echo Installing dependencies... call npm install REM Build the project echo Building the project... call npm run build REM Create .env file if it doesn't exist if not exist .env ( echo Creating default .env file... copy .env.example .env echo Please edit .env file with your WebDAV credentials. ) echo. echo Setup completed successfully! echo. echo To start the server, run: echo npm start # For stdio transport (Claude Desktop command mode) echo npm start -- --http # For HTTP transport (Claude Desktop HTTP mode) echo. echo For more information, see README.md and CLAUDE_INTEGRATION.md