WebDAV MCP Server
by LaubPlusCo
- mcp-webdav-server
- src
- config
import { z } from 'zod';
// Schema for WebDAV configuration
export const WebDAVConfigSchema = z.object({
rootUrl: z.string().url('Root URL must be a valid URL'),
rootPath: z.string().default('/'),
authEnabled: z.boolean().optional().default(false),
username: z.string().optional(),
password: z.string().optional()
// Add runtime validation logic
(data) => !data.authEnabled || (data.username && data.password),
message: "Username and password are required when authentication is enabled",
path: ["authEnabled"]
// Schema for HTTP server auth configuration
export const HttpAuthConfigSchema = z.object({
enabled: z.boolean().optional().default(false),
username: z.string().optional(),
password: z.string().optional(),
realm: z.string().optional().default('MCP WebDAV Server')
// Add runtime validation logic
(data) => !data.enabled || (data.username && data.password),
message: "Username and password are required when authentication is enabled",
path: ["enabled"]
// Schema for HTTP server configuration
export const HttpServerConfigSchema = z.object({
port: z.number().int().positive().default(3000),
auth: HttpAuthConfigSchema.optional().default({})
// Schema for main server options
export const ServerOptionsSchema = z.object({
webdavConfig: WebDAVConfigSchema,
useHttp: z.boolean().optional().default(false),
httpConfig: HttpServerConfigSchema.optional()
// Add runtime validation logic
(data) => !data.useHttp || data.httpConfig !== undefined,
message: "HTTP configuration is required when useHttp is true",
path: ["useHttp"]
// Export types based on the schemas
export type ValidatedWebDAVConfig = z.infer<typeof WebDAVConfigSchema>;
export type ValidatedHttpAuthConfig = z.infer<typeof HttpAuthConfigSchema>;
export type ValidatedHttpServerConfig = z.infer<typeof HttpServerConfigSchema>;
export type ValidatedServerOptions = z.infer<typeof ServerOptionsSchema>;
* Validate server configuration options
* @param options Server configuration options
* @returns Validated options or throws error
export function validateConfig(options: any): ValidatedServerOptions {
try {
return ServerOptionsSchema.parse(options);
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof z.ZodError) {
// Format error message for better readability
const formattedErrors = error.errors.map(err =>
`${err.path.join('.')}: ${err.message}`
throw new Error(`Configuration validation failed:\n${formattedErrors}`);
throw error;