Linear MCP Server

remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.


  • Allows to interact with Linear resources, including creating issues, searching issues, and reading resources like organizations, issues, and teams through an MCP server interface

Linear MCP Server

A Linear Model Context Protocol (MCP) server implementation that provides an MCP interface for accessing Linear resources.

Setup with Cursor

  1. Clone the repository and install dependencies:
git clone cd linear-mcp-server npm install
  1. Create a startup script:
# Create touch chmod +x # Add the following content export LINEAR_API_KEY="<YOUR LINEAR API KEY>" node /absolute/path/to/linear-mcp-server/index.js
  1. Configure in Cursor:
  • Open Cursor settings
  • Add a new server in the MCP Server section
  • Select Type: Command
  • Set Command: sh /absolute/path/to/

Now you can use the Linear MCP server from within Cursor.

You can obtain your Linear API key from the Linear settings page.

  1. Start the server:
npm start

Available Tools


Create a new Linear issue with specified parameters:

  • title (required): Issue title
  • teamId (required): Team ID
  • description (optional): Issue description
  • priority (optional): Issue priority (0: No priority, 1: Urgent, 2: High, 3: Medium, 4: Low)
  • stateId (optional): State ID
  • assigneeId (optional): Assignee ID
  • estimate (optional): Issue estimate
  • labelIds (optional): Array of Label IDs


Search Linear issues using a query string. Supports various filters:

  • assignee:@me: Show issues assigned to you
  • priority:[value]: Filter by priority
    • Numeric values (0-4)
    • Text values: "no", "urgent", "high", "medium", "low"
    • Note: priority:high includes both Urgent and High priority issues
  • state:[value] or status:[value]: Filter by state name
  • team:[value]: Filter by team name
  • label:[value]: Filter by label name
  • Free text search for title and description


Read Linear resources using URIs:

  • linear://organization - Organization details
  • linear://issues - List of issues
  • linear://issues/{id} - Specific issue details
  • linear://teams - List of teams
  • linear://teams/{id} - Specific team details

Rate Limiting

The server implements rate limiting with:

  • 1000 requests per hour limit
  • Automatic request tracking
  • Metrics included in each response

Error Handling

The server provides detailed error messages for:

  • Linear API errors
  • Rate limit exceeded
  • Invalid resource types
  • Authentication issues

You must be authenticated.

security – no known vulnerabilities
license - not found
quality - confirmed to work

Enables interaction with Linear resources through an MCP interface, offering functionality for issue management and resource retrieval with rate limiting and error handling support.

  1. Setup with Cursor
    1. Available Tools
      1. create-issue
      2. search-issues
      3. read-resource
    2. Rate Limiting
      1. Error Handling