Codebase MCP

import { ChildProcess, IOType, spawn } from "node:child_process"; import process from "node:process"; import { Stream } from "node:stream"; import { ReadBuffer, serializeMessage } from "../shared/stdio.js"; import { Transport } from "../shared/transport.js"; import { JSONRPCMessage } from "../types.js"; export type StdioServerParameters = { /** * The executable to run to start the server. */ command: string; /** * Command line arguments to pass to the executable. */ args?: string[]; /** * The environment to use when spawning the process. * * If not specified, the result of getDefaultEnvironment() will be used. */ env?: Record<string, string>; /** * How to handle stderr of the child process. This matches the semantics of Node's `child_process.spawn`. * * The default is "inherit", meaning messages to stderr will be printed to the parent process's stderr. */ stderr?: IOType | Stream | number; /** * The working directory to use when spawning the process. * * If not specified, the current working directory will be inherited. */ cwd?: string; }; /** * Environment variables to inherit by default, if an environment is not explicitly given. */ export const DEFAULT_INHERITED_ENV_VARS = process.platform === "win32" ? [ "APPDATA", "HOMEDRIVE", "HOMEPATH", "LOCALAPPDATA", "PATH", "PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE", "SYSTEMDRIVE", "SYSTEMROOT", "TEMP", "USERNAME", "USERPROFILE", ] : /* list inspired by the default env inheritance of sudo */ ["HOME", "LOGNAME", "PATH", "SHELL", "TERM", "USER"]; /** * Returns a default environment object including only environment variables deemed safe to inherit. */ export function getDefaultEnvironment(): Record<string, string> { const env: Record<string, string> = {}; for (const key of DEFAULT_INHERITED_ENV_VARS) { const value = process.env[key]; if (value === undefined) { continue; } if (value.startsWith("()")) { // Skip functions, which are a security risk. continue; } env[key] = value; } return env; } /** * Client transport for stdio: this will connect to a server by spawning a process and communicating with it over stdin/stdout. * * This transport is only available in Node.js environments. */ export class StdioClientTransport implements Transport { private _process?: ChildProcess; private _abortController: AbortController = new AbortController(); private _readBuffer: ReadBuffer = new ReadBuffer(); private _serverParams: StdioServerParameters; onclose?: () => void; onerror?: (error: Error) => void; onmessage?: (message: JSONRPCMessage) => void; constructor(server: StdioServerParameters) { this._serverParams = server; } /** * Starts the server process and prepares to communicate with it. */ async start(): Promise<void> { if (this._process) { throw new Error( "StdioClientTransport already started! If using Client class, note that connect() calls start() automatically." ); } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this._process = spawn( this._serverParams.command, this._serverParams.args ?? [], { env: this._serverParams.env ?? getDefaultEnvironment(), stdio: ["pipe", "pipe", this._serverParams.stderr ?? "inherit"], shell: false, signal: this._abortController.signal, windowsHide: process.platform === "win32" && isElectron(), cwd: this._serverParams.cwd, } ); this._process.on("error", (error) => { if ( === "AbortError") { // Expected when close() is called. this.onclose?.(); return; } reject(error); this.onerror?.(error); }); this._process.on("spawn", () => { resolve(); }); this._process.on("close", (_code) => { this._process = undefined; this.onclose?.(); }); this._process.stdin?.on("error", (error) => { this.onerror?.(error); }); this._process.stdout?.on("data", (chunk) => { this._readBuffer.append(chunk); this.processReadBuffer(); }); this._process.stdout?.on("error", (error) => { this.onerror?.(error); }); }); } /** * The stderr stream of the child process, if `StdioServerParameters.stderr` was set to "pipe" or "overlapped". * * This is only available after the process has been started. */ get stderr(): Stream | null { return this._process?.stderr ?? null; } private processReadBuffer() { while (true) { try { const message = this._readBuffer.readMessage(); if (message === null) { break; } this.onmessage?.(message); } catch (error) { this.onerror?.(error as Error); } } } async close(): Promise<void> { this._abortController.abort(); this._process = undefined; this._readBuffer.clear(); } send(message: JSONRPCMessage): Promise<void> { return new Promise((resolve) => { if (!this._process?.stdin) { throw new Error("Not connected"); } const json = serializeMessage(message); if (this._process.stdin.write(json)) { resolve(); } else { this._process.stdin.once("drain", resolve); } }); } } function isElectron() { return "type" in process; }